Nanny Knows Best

Nanny Knows Best
Dedicated to exposing, and resisting, the all pervasive nanny state that is corroding the way of life and the freedom of the people of Britain.

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Welsh Nanny To Ban Tea and Coffee for Under 16s


Under 16s in Wales could be banned from buying tea and coffee as part of options being considered by Welsh Nanny in an effort to make young people healthier and stop rising obesity rates.

There are concerns that the rising consumption of high-caffeine energy drinks is affecting students' educations.Now, the Welsh Government has confirmed that the consultation on the proposal to end sales of energy drinks to children also asks whether the plan "should be widened to consider other drinks typically high in caffeine such as tea and coffee". 

I think Welsh Nanny needs to lie down in a dark room with a wet towel over her head! is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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  1. Just wait. The Cymru-Commies are itching for that "cashless society" where they can monitor or switch off all and any transaction. Waiting for the "ration cards" but 0nly for the "fully vaccinated"

  2. The old saying, "The Devil makes work for idle hands", applies to these bossy twats. Set them to work in the fields, without teas or coffees, then see how many stupid ideas they expect people to accept.

  3. The Ploddlu Cymru itching to start issuing fines and putting under 16s on their intrusive, follows-you-for-life database while the Council prodnosrs criminalise famies and like their unwanted noses in.
