Yesterday the Frost residence, along with households across the country, received Nanny's Swine Flu leaflet.
Cue a roll on the drums!

Dear oh dear what a waste of time, effort and our money!
I have scan read it, and am far from impressed. Here are a few thoughts as to why it is bollocks:
1 It has clearly been written by a committee of "fearful" risk averse people, determined not to let any potential issue go unmentioned.
2 At ten pages it is too long, and won't be read by those who may well actually need to be told to wash their hands and catch their sneezes in their handkerchiefs.
3 The salient points, about symptoms and washing hands etc, don't appear until page six and onwards. Most people will have given up by page two. The salient points must appear on
page one!4 It directs the reader to a number of websites depending on geographical location (England, wales and Northern Ireland each have two). Not only is this confusing, it is quite unnecessary and a duplication of resources. Why not have a one simple one page website that lists symptoms, preventions and what to do?
5 Page four is a self congratulatory advert for Nanny, telling us that she has enough stocks of Tamiflu and Relenza for 50% of the UK. All very well, but the reality is that 50% is the combined holding of Tamiflu and Relenza; Tamiflu will be the first line of defence, if that doesn't work then Relenza is used.
6 Page two says that no one has immunity.
Complete bollocks! Genetically speaking there will always be individuals who are resistant to new diseases, whatever they may be. Scaremongering of the worst sort!
7 Page ten offers the leaflet in Welsh. Given that this is a supposed "public health emergency", wasting time and money on producing leaflets, as a pc sop, for people who speak English perfectly well is absolutely scandalous.
In a real crisis all such pc pretensions would be thrown out of the window, and those who came up with such nonsense taken out and shot.
8 In the event that Swine Flu is here to stay, then the likely peak will be in winter. Nanny, by going into overdrive now, has lessened the effectiveness of any campaign that she may have to mount in winter if, and it is a big
IF, Swine Flu takes a foothold in winter.
9 This is simply a self serving exercise by Nanny to show that she is busy, and to take our minds off other issues.
A pox upon the leaflet, and upon Nanny!
The Orifice of Government Commerce and buy a collector's item.
The Joy of Lard and indulge your lard fantasies.
Show your contempt for Nanny by buying a T shirt or thong from
Nanny's Store.
www.nannyknowsbest.com is brought to you by
www.kenfrost.com "The Living Brand"
Celebrate the joy of living with champagne. Click and drink!Why not really indulge yourself, by doing all the things that Nanny really hates? Click on the relevant link to indulge yourselves;
Gifts and Flowers,