Nanny bans Carols and Susans and Alices etc..Ha! Ha!
Only Nanny's twisted little mind could have come up with something as daft as this.
It seems that carol singers have found themselves tied up by Nanny's new licensing laws.
Under the Licensing Act, which came into force last month and allows pubs to extend their opening hours, carollers do not need a licence if they just sing.
However, as with all of Nanny's rules there is a catch, if the carol singers make arrangements beforehand to sing in a particular place, they then have to apply in writing for a "temporary event notice" from their local council.
Can you believe this load of old bollocks?
Even I, who have run this site for over a year, have some difficulty in believing how stupid Nanny is being in this particular case.
Needless to say, Nanny's ever "popular" local councils have added to the confusion by interpretating the act in different ways.
In North Wales a carol service was originally cancelled when the supermarket, where it was to be staged, said that it needed a licence. However, it was then put back on again when the local council said the requirement under the new law was "nonsense".
However, a large event in Norfolk last weekend had to be called off at the last minute; after Nanny's unhelpful "jobsworth" trolls in the local authority ruled that it could not go ahead without a temporary event notice.
Churches Together, a group that organises inter-denominational carol singing and Christmas services, said:
It has been suggested that the legislation needs 'testing' through prosecution of so-called test cases".
70 singers from local churches were to sing last Saturday outside Budgens in Poringland. However, it had to be cancelled because of confusion over the licensing requirements.
Nanny's trolls in South Norfolk district council said that a licence was needed, but that it was too late to apply.
Look you prats, all you do is turn a blind eye to the singing and don't prosecute.
Or are you too stupid and thick headed to do that?
I assume the latter.
The sad fact is that Nanny continues to hold power because she is supported by "jobsworth" cretins in local authorities, and other state organs, who are getting a power kick out of enforcing daft laws.
Seven million people now work for Nanny, no wonder she has so much power!
Suffice to say Nanny is an ass!
However, there are some people who are prepared to stand up to Nanny. I am pleased to note that today a group of people will test this stupid law, and indeed test another one of Nanny's nasty and iniquitous laws.
Carol singers are to defy a ban on unauthorised protests around Parliament.
The group will test Nanny's new Serious Organised Crime and Police Act, by singing in Parliament Square from 1800 GMT today.
Nanny has stated that demonstrating without police permission an arrestable offence near Parliament.
Singers will include long-term anti-war protester Brian Haw and Maya Evans, the first protester to be convicted.
Mr Haw is the one protester exempt from the ban, due to a Home Office drafting error. He successfully argued in the High Court that as his 4 year vigil pre-dated the law, therefore he did not have to apply for authorisation to continue.
However, he will of course be breaching the Licensing Act..OOOHH!
Since the Serious Crime Act came into force in August, several people have been arrested and other protesters have been warned off.
Peace campaigner Ms Evans was the first to be convicted under the Act, after reading out the names of soldiers killed in Iraq at the Cenotaph.
Mr Haw will lead the Lord's Prayer at the service on Wednesday, joined by others including former British ambassador to Uzbekistan, Craig Murray, and a 7 July bombings survivor.
A spokesman for the carol singers, Tim Ireland, said:
We believe that the public has the right to gather in a public place and sing Christmas carols. The police may see things differently, we shall see."
I bet Nanny tries to use the Licensing Act to get them.
I wish all who attend this event, it is planned to continue for as long as Nanny doesn't intervene, the very best of luck.