Nanny Knows Best

Nanny Knows Best
Dedicated to exposing, and resisting, the all pervasive nanny state that is corroding the way of life and the freedom of the people of Britain.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Barfing News

Victory is Ours
Hot off the presses....

I am pleased to announce that the good people of Croydon have scored a monumental victory over our arrogant and unloved local council's plans to impose an unwanted and truly awful arena development on us.

Hazel Blears has rejected the plans.

Victory is ours!

In honour of the occasion I will be getting well oiled such there may not be much activity on the empire tomorrow:)


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Big Brother - The Secret Use of The DNA Database

Big Brother
My thanks to Dixon of Dock Green who alerted me to this article on the Liberal Democrat site.

I publish below unedited.

Now is this doesn't tell you that Nanny has been lying through her teeth to us, over her plans for the DNA database, what will?

We still have two more years of this bunch of fascists in office (whoever ends up being PM), it never ceases to amaze me how the Labour Party (which claims to be "for the people") always ends up acting like fascists.

Things are going to get worse!

Article from Lib Dems (who are in many cases almost as bad as Nu Labour)

The Home office has been allowing private companies access to the DNA database for commercial reasons, according to research by the Liberal Democrats.

The information, revealed in response to Freedom of Information requests, shows how:
  • Up to May of this year, the Home Office approved 25 applications for research projects using DNA profiles from the DNA database

  • 5 are from private companies - Three from LGC and two from Orchid Cellmark

  • In some of the research projects, full details are not disclosed because of FOI s43. This allows companies to not give details because it would harm their commercial interests.

  • No one whose DNA is being used in these projects has given their consent.

  • Innocent people are on the database, and their DNA will have been included in the research.

  • The police, many of whose officers have added themselves to the DNA database voluntarily, rejected a request for their DNA samples to be used in a research project.
Liberal Democrat MP, Jenny Willott said:

"For nearly a decade, the Home Office has been secretly approving controversial research projects using profiles from the DNA database.

No consent was ever sought from the people involved, many of whom have never been charged or convicted of any offence.

It is outrageous that people's DNA has on five occasions been passed to private companies to pursue their own commercial interests.

The 25 projects that have been approved by ministers include some sinister explorations into ethnic profiling.

It is appalling that these Big Brother practices have been allowed to go on unchecked for so long and with extremely limited ethical standards.

Unless the Government comes clean about exactly what they are using profiles for, this highly dubious ethical practice of dishing DNA out for research must be suspended immediately

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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Dangers of Too Little Salt

The Joy of Salt
This site's humble origins, all those years ago, were with this article about Nanny's anti salt campaign published in September 2004.

Since then Nanny has bombarded us with regular warnings about how salt will kill us, and that we must not add it to our food etc etc.

It surely is a miracle that for the 100,000 years or so that mankind has existed, it has managed to survive without Nanny's timely warnings about salt. A bit rough also on those from Eastern Europe who, as a matter of custom and practice, offer guests bread and salt (bread, as we know is also loaded with salt). How is that there is still a population living in Eastern Europe, gievn their love of salt?

Anyhoo, it transpires that...cue the dramatic music...too little salt can be dangerous as well!

As Dawn Page, 52, found to her cost when she began a "detox diet". Mrs Page began vomiting uncontrollably after starting The Amazing Hydration Diet. She then later had an epileptic fit which damaged her memory, speech and concentration.

Her nutritionist Barbara Nash told Mrs Page her to drink large amounts of water, and reduce her salt intake when she started the diet in October 2001.

According to Mrs Nash the vomiting was a normal part of the detoxification process.


Less than a week into the regime Mrs Page had to be taken to Princess Margaret Hospital in Swindon, after suffering a severe epileptic fit. Doctors diagnosed low salt levels in her body.

Mrs Nash's insurance company agreed to pay out £810,000, but in a statement her lawyers denied any liability.

Dr Andrew Wadge, of the Food Standards Agency, has branded detox regimes "nonsense" and said the body has its own system of getting rid of toxins - the liver.


Now would Nanny kindly stop mithering us about salt!

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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Dangers of Hotel Condoms

The Dangers of Hotel CondomsLadies and Gentlemen for once, and once only, I feel I must do a "Nanny" and give you all a wee warning (Nanny has been very remiss in not warning you herself) about the risk of using hotel provided condoms.

The subject came up in discussion yesterday with one of my colleagues who is currently travelling around Asia Pacific, and was amused to see that on top of his hotel mini bar were a couple of condoms.

Old hat!

Hotels have been offering these for years. During my regular visits to the Baltics, in the late 90's, I well remember the mini bars being stuffed to the gunnels with all manner of condoms (ribbed, flavoured, heavy duty etc) and oils etc.

Indeed I recall one hotel had a particularly excellent service whereby the ladies from the in house lingerie shop would come to your room and model the lingerie for you privately, so you could buy some for your wife/girlfriend...quite!

In fact the very Janet Reger bra and peek a boo thong that I am wearing, as I type this article, is a souvenir from those days....halcyon days!....but I digress!

The danger of hotel condoms relates to the fact that there is always some c**t who takes some perverse delight in sticking a pin through them, thus rendering them useless and dangerous.

In the cold light of day, the pin prick would of course be clearly visible. However, in the heat of passion (and having consumed the statutory British mating ritual quantity of 24 pints of lager) the pricks are not so visible to the knackered eye.

Therefore I tell you and warn you all, for goodness sake use your own condoms should you find yourself gripped by the ardour in a hotel!

That is all!

Nanny should have told you this already.

Visit The Orifice of Government Commerce and buy a collector's item.

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Monday, July 28, 2008

Nanny Bans Sacks

Nanny Bans Sacks
Oh dear, Nanny's drive to eliminate competition (winning and losing) from our lives took a sinister new twist recently.

On the pretext of our old "friend" health and safety, Nanny's chums at John F Kennedy Primary School (I didn't know he was British?) banned children from taking part in sack and three-legged races at their school sports day.

Seemingly Nanny is worried that they may hurt themselves.


Simon Woolley, head of education at Beamish in County Durham, said:

"We looked at a three-legged race and a sack race but what we want to do is minimise the risk to the children.

We had to assess which of the activities were liable to cause a risk. We thought we would be better to do hopping and running instead because there was less chance of them falling over

Earth to Woolley...children fall over; it's called growing up you prat!

I fell over lots of times, scabbed my knees then took great joy in picking the scabs off...I am now approaching 46 and still have the use of all of my organs (yes indeed!).

Nothing got infected, fell off or got permanently damaged despite numerous falling overs and scab pickings...why only the other day at Embankment I slipped on the wet floor arse over tit, and bruised/grazed my legs and other parts...yet, I recovered fine (I didn't sue either).

What is the matter with these knobheads?

Why do they deny children the pleasures and activities that they so freely participated in decades ago?

This is not the way to prepare children for adulthood.

Visit The Orifice of Government Commerce and buy a collector's item.

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Show your contempt for Nanny by buying a T shirt or thong from Nanny's Store. is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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Saturday, July 26, 2008

Prats of The Week - Southampton City Council

Prats of The WeekWell done Southampton City Council, or at least one of its employees, for winning "Prats of The Week".

For why?

One of their employees banned an 82 year old woman amateur photographer from taking a photo of an empty swimming pool.


She might be a paedophile!

Betty Robinson was ordered to put away her camera by a council worker, when she began taking pictures of the outdoor pool.

She was with a friend, Brenda Bennett, and was taking pictures of the city's common where the pool was located.

Southampton City Council apologised but said:

"It is appropriate that our staff are aware of who is taking photos."

No it's not!

The council have no business spying on people...PERIOD!

Well deserving Prats of The Week.

Local councils are the enemy of the people.

Visit The Orifice of Government Commerce and buy a collector's item.

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Friday, July 25, 2008

Prats of The Week - Ceredigion County Council

Prats of The Week Congratulations to Ceredigion County Council who are this week's well deserving winners of my prestigious and internationally famous "Prats of The Week" award.

For why?

Ask Gordon Williams, a painter and decorator, who was fined £30 for smoking in his own van.

A passenger in his van, who had also just lit up, was also fined £30.

Seemingly the council are of the view that the van constitutes a place of work!

A spokesman for the council excreted bullshit and said:

"It would be inappropriate for Ceredigion County Council to comment on individual cases.

The legislation allows for a right of appeal and the procedures in relation to this are set out in the notices

A nice little earner for the council!

Ceredigion County Council, well deserving Prats of The Week.

Drop them a note here

Visit The Orifice of Government Commerce and buy a collector's item.

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Show your contempt for Nanny by buying a T shirt or thong from Nanny's Store. is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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Thursday, July 24, 2008

Nanny's Special Childcatchers - The Kent Police

Nanny's Special ChildcatchersAs I often observe on this site, Nanny (aided and abetted by a very compliant and semi hysterical media) have managed to convince a vast swathe of the population that all children in Britain are under direct threat from paedophiles, attackers, and child traffickers etc.

Such is the level of hysteria that now prevails even members of the police force, who should know better, have become infected by it.

Julie Maynard, of Ware Hertfordshire, who was taking a day trip to Calais through the Channel Tunnel found this to her cost in February.

A detective constable accused Ms Maynard and her husband Leslie Coombs of trafficking her son Joshua, who is 12.

The family were stopped by the plain clothes officer from the Channel Tunnel Policing Unit on 20 February.

Ms Maynard, who happens to be a legal advocate (how unfortunate for Nanny!), said that the officer, who failed to identify who she was, asked for the family's passports then asked "who's the boy?".

Joshua is mixed race, and Nanny immediately (because of course Nanny only sees people by their skin colour) assumed that Joshua was being trafficked.

The officer said:

"I believe you are child trafficking."

Ms Maynard then asked the woman officer if she would be asked the same question if her son was white, the officer replied:

"Are you accusing me of being a racist?"

You can see where this is going can't you?

Yes, that's right, for reasons that only Nanny can come up with the family were then detained under the Terrorism Act and surrounded by "at least 10 police officers" who ordered them to get out of their car.

Now please tell me why, if Nanny really believed that this was child trafficking, was the Terrorism Act used?

Could it be that Nanny knew that she had no grounds for an accusation of trafficking, and therefore used the Terrorism Act as a catch all to impose her jackboot on an innocent citizen?

This is where we have got to. The promises made by our "leaders" that the act will only be used for terrorists have been exposed as lies.

The act is being used as a catch all device to allow Nanny and her followers to conduct personal vendettas.

Once people lose respect for the law, the law becomes unworkable and the criminal justice system will collapse.

Ms Maynard was separated from her husband and son, who is autistic and has cerebral palsy, and taken to a detention room for questioning, leaving Joshua distressed.

Ms Maynard said the woman officer told her:

"It's obvious he [Joshua] has nothing to do with you".

Again, why the Terrorism Act?

Officers told the family they had powers to hold them for up to nine hours under Section 7 of the Terrorism Act, but they were released after more than two hours.

Julie Maynard said:

"More and more people are being stopped under the Terrorism Act - there's absolutely nothing in the act to stop individual officers abusing their powers.

They have a difficult job to do in a difficult climate but their approach needs to be reasonable and not presumptive that every person is somehow guilty of a possible terrorism or criminal offence

Kent Police have paid a "substantial sum" of money to the welfare fund at Joshua's school, reimbursed the family's ferry fare and offered Joshua a visit to the Kent police marine launch.

Insp Helen Shaw, from Kent Police's Frontier Operations, apologised to the family in a letter.

In another letter she wrote:

"Your complaint and my subsequent enquiries allowed me to identify that her (the officer's) manner had been insensitive, lacking in tact and that her conduct overall lacked the professionalism I expect.

I wish to reassure you that your highly unsatisfactory experience was a very isolated incident

The officer has been transferred.

All well and good. However, how many other incidents like this are happening across the country where the Terrorism Act is used?

What would have happened if Ms Maynard had not had legal experience?

This sucks, big time!

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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Guilty Until Proven Innocent - The Dangers of Mothers

Guilty Until Proven Innocent
As we know, Nanny has managed to convince all and sundry that every child in Britain is under diabolical threat from predators, incompetents and psychos. The atmosphere of fear that this engenders enables Nanny to supply all manner of "safety" checks and "public" services. These generate her massive amounts of extra revenue, justify her existence and keep the unwashed population (that's you and me folks!) under control.

Here is a fine example of how Nanny has taken control of even the most normal of everyday activities, namely that of a mother taking her son to school.

Jayne Jones had been taking her 14 year old epileptic son Alex each day to school by taxi, she also took with her specialist equipment in case he had a fit.

All well and good until Nanny stuck her bony old nose into the matter. Mrs Jones has now been told that this activity must stop until her details had been run through a Criminal Record Bureau (CRB) check.

Mrs Jones, from Aberfan in south Wales, said:

"It's crazy that I have to be CRB checked before I can ride in a taxi with my own son.

I have to be checked to go in a taxi with him, but if I was able to drive him myself they wouldn't care and even offered to pay me expenses.

The taxi company is great and they carry Alex's medication but they won't use it and they wouldn't know how to put him in the recovery position if needs be

Alex takes a combination of 32 anti-convulsant tablets a day, and is currently travelling to his special needs school in Merthyr Tydfil with no one trained to cope if he has an attack.

He has been fitted with the Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS) therapy system under the skin, which works like a pacemaker to help control electrical signals which can malfunction and cause him to seize.

His parents are the only ones trained to use and understand the therapy. Yet the council still wants the CRB check.

A spokesman from Merthyr Tydfil Council said:

"The CRB checking is a requirement of our transport provisions in relation to adults travelling on home-to-school transport in the capacity of an escort.

This is a standard requirement and has been for several years.

Any adult acting as an escort will, in the public gaze, be viewed as acting with the full acquiescence of the council and hence with its implied authority.

For the protection of the council and all vulnerable persons in its care it's essential all those endowed with an authority, implicit or explicit, should meet the security requirements within the transport contract provisions

I read the above several times, and must confess I haven't a clue what he is talking about and how that really justifies a CRB check on the kid's mother.

The real reason behind the waffle, I suspect, is that the CRB check will generate revenue for Nanny.

Visit The Orifice of Government Commerce and buy a collector's item.

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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Prats of The Week - Croydon's Response To Crime

Prats of The Week - Croydon's Response To CrimeI see that there are reports that those "in charge" of Croydon are advising "Community Enforcement Officers" not to bother wasting time on young criminals, but to target older people.

For why?

The adults will more likely be able to pay the fine!

So there we have it ladies and gentlemen, the purpose of the local law is not to keep people safe but to raise tax revenues for local councils.

Dermot Lineham, the enforcement officers co-ordinator, has sent an email that stated he was "emphatic" that his officers should not have to approach teenagers.

Officers should "focus our activities on adults who are less likely to attack us and more likely to pay fixed penalty notices...

..take care and take it easy.

Croydon Council spokesperson claimed the email had not been cleared by the council.

"This email was wrong in its instructions, had not been cleared and does not constitute council policy. The officer has since been spoken to and the NEOs have been instructed to ignore the email.

The NEOs' job is to support the police in tackling antisocial behaviour and low level criminality and in ensuring that the law is upheld. Council policy is that they will continue to carry out that role without fear or favour, regardless of the age of the perpetrators.

Neither the council nor police will tolerate antisocial behaviour of any kind and will take the necessary action to counter the misguided and destructive actions of a small minority of our population.

Clearly, we have a duty of care to all our employees and we would never ask any of them to take unnecessary risks that would place themselves in danger. But rest assured, the Neighbourhood Enforcement Officers will continue in their current roles to the full extent of their authority.

The incident, last Wednesday, where two police officers were attacked has only strengthened our resolve. The message to all young people is that if you are coming into the town centre, behave in a civilised fashion with respect for other people, or face the consequences

Someone somewhere in Croydon is a right prat, and well deserves the "Prats of The Week award for this!

FYI, the Daily Mail asked me to comment on the story but then didn't bother using my comment..clearly I am not tabloid material!

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Monday, July 21, 2008

A Nation of Pussies

A Nation of PussiesIt would seem that we have become a nation of pussies.

Former Heritage Minister Rhodri Glyn Thomas, a member of the Welsh Assembly, resigned a few days ago.

For why?

He wandered into the Eli Jenkins bar in Cardiff on Wednesday night, with a lit cigar in his mouth. He apparently forgot that he was breaking the no-smoking law.

When a member of staff pointed out the faux pas, Mr Thomas apologised and went back outside.

The bar is near the National Assembly and several journalists, politicians and their staff were drinking in the pub's beer garden.

Other politicians cling to orifice having been found with rent boys, call girls and all manner of "indiscretions" inserted into their various orifices. Yet, for one lousy lit cigar, this guy resigns.

A nation of pussies!

Visit The Orifice of Government Commerce and buy a collector's item.

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Show your contempt for Nanny by buying a T shirt or thong from Nanny's Store. is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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Saturday, July 19, 2008

Chavs R Us

Re the Croydon "riot", mentioned in a comment on the article about banning the word "Chav", here is are 2 links:

Chav Riot

Chav Riot 2

I guess, because I live in Croydon that makes me a chav too?


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Friday, July 18, 2008

Nanny Gets Tough on Knives

Nanny Gets Tough on Knives
Nanny is getting tough on knives, our streets will once more be safe to walk down at any time of day or night.

That at least is the theory behind Nanny's much vaunted "knife initiative"

So, dear readers, let us see how she puts this into practice shall we?

Who did she swoop on recently for carrying knives?



Drug dealers? quite!

Nanny's finest, during the recent Wimbledon tournament, swooped on three tennis fans who were arrested for carrying "picnic" knives into Wimbledon.

They explained, to no avail, that they had simply brought the cutlery to use for their packed lunch.

However, Nanny has classed the kitchen utensils "dangerous weapons" and immediately seized them as part of a security crackdown at the All England Club.

One of the fans, who is 60, was later released without charge. However, a man of 61 and a 30 year old woman were cautioned.

Nanny's police told The Mirror:

"Officers have no wish to go over the top.

They use their discretion to take appropriate action.

It's all about eliminating risk

Ah yes, eliminating risk!

Totally impossible in the real world.

However, in Nanny's world zero risk is de rigueur.

Gosh I feel so much safer now.

Don't you?

Visit The Orifice of Government Commerce and buy a collector's item.

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Show your contempt for Nanny by buying a T shirt or thong from Nanny's Store. is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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Why not really indulge yourself, by doing all the things that Nanny really hates? Click on the relevant link to indulge yourselves; Food, Bonking, Toys, Gifts and Flowers, Groceries

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Prats of The Week

Prats of The WeekIt has been oodles of time since I last awarded my prestigious Prats of The Week Award, therefore without further ado I hereby award it to The Fabian Society.

For why?

For being instrumental in the creation of the Labour Party in the 19th century?

Indeed that would be justification in itself, but no.

The Fabian Society has called for the word "Chav" to be banned.


The term is widely used is slang for a young person of low social status, often wearing designer sportswear.

The Fabian Society doesn't like that, Tom Hampson (Fabian Society editorial director) believes that the term betrays a deep level of "class hatred" and is "deeply offensive to a largely voiceless group".

All very well, but was it not the Labour Party that used "class hatred" in a recent bye election whereby they categorised the Tory candidate as a "toff". Labour got their arses well and truly kicked for that.

Surely though, calling someone a "toff" is also an example of class hatred?

Why does the Fabian Society not call for that to be banned too?

Answer, because they love to wallow in class hatred themselves.

Simon Donald, the co-founder of Viz Magazine, comes up with a far more direct response to this bullshit; he said the word was meant to be an insult, and that was fine.

We are still allowed, almost, to insult each other.

Hampson said:

"Some uses of some words fall below the threshold of acceptability and some are definitely above it.

Chav is way above that threshold. It is deeply offensive to a largely voiceless group and - especially when used in normal middle-class conversation or on national TV - it betrays a deep and revealing level of class hatred.

It is distancing, turning the chav into the kind of feral beast that exists only in tabloid headlines

So there you have it, in Hampson's world there are no feral beasts on the streets of Britain, the "yoof" disorder that we have read about and the gangs on the streets are in fact totally made up.

Tony Thorne, a language consultant for Kings College London, noted that chavs often refer to themselves as Chavs.

You can no more ban the use of a word than you can dis-invent the wheel, unless of course you are a believer in the concept of "wordspeak" and a police state as described in "1984".

Evidently the Fabians are believers in such a state.

The Fabians, well deserving Prats of The Week!

Visit The Orifice of Government Commerce and buy a collector's item.

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Show your contempt for Nanny by buying a T shirt or thong from Nanny's Store. is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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Why not really indulge yourself, by doing all the things that Nanny really hates? Click on the relevant link to indulge yourselves; Food, Bonking, Toys, Gifts and Flowers, Groceries

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Yobs' Charter II

The Yobs' Charter II
Yesterday's article about the pointlessness of "having a go" at scumbags brought forth a stream of comments, including a link (fark me, a link on this site!!!) to an earlier story that appeared in the media about Julie Lake who tried to defend a war memorial from vandalism.

Nanny has seen fit to punish her for "having a go", but has allowed the scumbags off Scot free.

Will Nanny, our "leading" politicians (eg Cameron) and some senior police officers who keep advising us to "have a go" kindly take note that there is absolutely no point in "having a go" if we are to end up knifed, punched and then arrested for our trouble.

Surely we have a police force to deal with these scumbags, don't we?

Otherwise, what are the police and criminal justice system actually for?

Visit The Orifice of Government Commerce and buy a collector's item.

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Show your contempt for Nanny by buying a T shirt or thong from Nanny's Store. is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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Why not really indulge yourself, by doing all the things that Nanny really hates? Click on the relevant link to indulge yourselves; Food, Bonking, Toys, Gifts and Flowers, Groceries

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Yobs' Charter

The Yobs' Charter
I must confess I do not understand Nanny and those "leading" politicians (eg Cameron) who call for us to "have a go".

On the one hand Nanny says that she will get tough on "yoof" crime etc. However, on the other hand, when an honest citizen has a go (as encouraged by "leading" politicians) he/she finds the full weight of the law is not directed against the criminal but against himself/herself.

Take this particular example, that was recently in the media.

Steve Kink, a busy ness man in Dorset, apprehended a 25 year old thug after catching him breaking into a mobile phone shop late at night.

Mr Kink was punched in the face, yet still followed the "have a go" mantra espoused by some "leading" politicians and pinned the scumbag to the floor.

Passers-by called the Dorset police, while Mr Kink stood over him until officers arrived and arrested the scumbag.

Job done!

Not quite!

Here is where it all goes pear shaped.

Mr Kink, the next day, was less than pleased to discover that the suspect had been let off with a caution for criminal damage.

So far so bad!

It gets worse!

A few days later, Nanny's finest then turned up at his house to arrest him for assaulting the scumbag. He was then held in a police cell for six hours, before being interviewed.

Mr Kink, for his trouble, now finds himself charged with assault and battery, and is due to appear before magistrates shortly.

Well done Nanny!

Under no circumstances should anyone in their right mind "have a go". Let our well trained, ever visible, police deal with all of this shit; let's see how long it takes before the UK descends into total anarchy.

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Monday, July 14, 2008

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Curfews R Us

Curfews R Us
It seems that, if reports are correct, Nanny is considering imposing a curfew on 16 year olds being on the streets after 9PM.

Police would take the children home or to a safe place, such as a community centre, where parents could collect them.

On the face of it I would guess that many people would raise a cheer to sweeping the streets clean of the feral yoofs that are rumoured to infest every corner of every town in the UK, striking fear into the hearts of anyone over the age of 20.

However, let us look beneath the surface here and see what Nanny really is proposing and really can do.

For starters the proposal is only going to be used in "hot spots"; ie where crime is considered to be above that which doesn't cause the police too much bother with local residents or the media.

Fine, except that this will simply disperse the "feral yoofs" elsewhere.

One might ask why is that a curfew in hotpsots is required, given that if the police wre really doing their job the criminal elements of these wild packs would have been dealt with and sat on by now.

Secondly, not every 16 year old on the street after 9PM is a criminal or indeed should be treated like one. For that matter not every person over 16 is entirely innocent, eg it has been rumoured that 17 and 18 year olds also commit crimes. What about them then?

Why 9PM, why not 8PM or 10 PM? What about the gangs that strut and loiter before curfew hour?

This is merely a gimmick to make it look as though Nanny is doing something.

I also read that the Sunday Times found that nine out of 10 parents wanted legal restrictions on their children going out after dark.

Here is where I instinctively reach for my sick bag.

Read the above bit again..."parents want legal restrictions on THEIR children going out after dark"!!!

What the fark is the matter with these people?

Their children are their responsibility, not the state's. Parents should not hide behing Nanny's bloomers to try to discipline their own children.

Are parents now so weak, stupid, lazy and fearful of their own offspring that they need the state to hold their hands when dealing with them?

It is hardly surprising some kids who are out of control, if parents are so weak and pathetic.

It is not the role of the state to clean the streets of kids, it is up to parents to maintain discipline and to ensure that they know where their kids are, and who they are with. I was never allowed to loiter and to hang around til the wee small hours, neither should these kids.

That being said, I am not so blind as to not see that there is a hard core element of useless, lazy, selfish parents who couldn't give a rat's arse where their kids are.

Given this, it is hardly surprising that there are wild packs of feral youths running wild in certain parts of Britain.

The solution to this is not a new wave of laws cufewing all kids, but using current laws (goodness knows we have enough of those) to target the criminal youths and their families.

Once you have found the hardcore of useless parents, you make them take responsibility by tagrtetting the things that they like; their housing benefits, and removing their favourite possessions eg pcs, TVs, DVD players, mobiles etc.

Having denuded the family of their toys, you impose a family curfew; forcing the entire brood to sit together night after night in their cave, and confront each others' failings head on (alone - no social workers - and undistracted by TVs etc).

Trust me, once you force them to sit with each other, nature will find the solution to their errant ways! One way or another.

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Saturday, July 12, 2008

The Enemy of The People - Classroom Spies II

The Enemy of The People - Classroom Spies IIContinuing on from yesterday's article about Classroom Spies, the following comment was made by one visitor to this site:

"Its true and is happening!

Our son came home from school on Thursday and told us that their class had been asked to do an on-line survey. Many very personal questions were asked about their parents & homelife

Now here are the questions/points that I would ask/raise with this school, were I parent confronted with learning that my child had to answer an online survey of this nature:

1 What are the security arrangements wrt the data collected?

2 Does it comply with the data protection act?

3 Who will have access to this data?

4 As the child is a minor, parental permission should have been sought before personal data such as this was collected. Why was no permission sought?

5 What do you intend to do with this data?

6 I do not give you permission to collect, use or share this data. Delete it immediately.

Having raised those points with the school, make a formal complaint to the Data Commissioner.

Watch the school squirm!

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Friday, July 11, 2008

The Enemy of The People - Classroom Spies

The Enemy of The People - Classroom SpiesNanny, like all dictators, needs to know what we are doing and thinking. There are several methods that she employs in order to monitor our activities:

1 Direct surveillance, eg via CCTV

2 Database records, eg via official forms, DNA, finger printing etc

3 Council spies

4 Encouraging citizens to "grass" on their fellow citizens to the state

5 Using professionals to spy and gather records for the state

A recent example of the latter being the new requirements being levied by Nanny on schools to "improve children's well being".

How will schools improve children's well being?

Easy, teachers will be expected to monitor and record up to 31 detailed aspects of their pupils' lives at home and at school.

This brilliant idea comes from the febrile mind of the chum of Nanny, our old friend Ed Balls.

Nanny and Balls want to introduce "strong school level indicators" that measure how much the country's primaries and secondaries are contributing to pupils' well-being.

Schools and local authorities will be made to gather data about "on site health services" such as contraception clinics which hand out condoms and morning after pills.

They will also be expected to monitor healthy eating, look out for "signs of abuse or neglect" and record whether pupils walk or cycle to school. I the only one who thinks that this sounds awfully like spying on the private lives of the pupils and their families?

It would seem that all employees of the state, ie all public sector employees, are to become tools of the state and will be required to monitor what the rest of us do. In other words, Nanny is turning the public sector into the enemy of the people.

The Department for Children, Schools and Families has issued draft guidance which says:

"Whereas schools have access to a rich set of hard data on pupil attainment and progress to inform their evaluation . . . there is a dearth of data available about other aspects of pupil well being.

The proposal aims to fill that gap in order to improve the quality of schools' evaluation of their contribution to well-being

Balls said that schools will be "accountable for whether they are contributing to child well-being".

It's called spying!

The public sector, and those who work for it, will become the enemy of the people.

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Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Racism of Food

The Racism of Food
Now here's a thing that I had never realised before, until Nanny very kindly pointed it out. In my naive, happy go lucky 45 years on this planet I had assumed that people's likes and dislikes when it comes to food were down to what they had been brought up on, local availability and personal taste preferences.

How wrong was I!

Seemingly ones' choice of food, or rather what one chooses not to eat, is racist.

Gosh, I never knew that!

That at least is the conclusion of Nanny's National Children's Bureau (NCB), which has issued guidance to play leaders and nursery teachers advising them to be alert for racist incidents among youngsters in their care.

Seemingly racism is construed as a child of eg three who says "yuk", in response to being served unfamiliar foreign food.

The guidance also warns playgroup leaders that babies should not be ignored, as they can "recognise different people in their lives".

The NCB's dire warning come in an "easy to read" and doubtless "cheap" to produce 366 page guide for staff in charge of pre-school children, called Young Children and Racial Justice.

The guide warns that children might also "react negatively to a culinary tradition other than their own by saying 'yuk'".

Staff are told:

"No racist incident should be ignored. When there is a clear racist incident, it is necessary to be specific in condemning the action."

"Condemning action"?

Public flogging maybe?

Nurseries are told to report as many incidents as possible to their local council.

"Some people think that if a large number of racist incidents are reported, this will reflect badly on the institution. In fact, the opposite is the case."

Let us be clear, the NCB is encouraging the creation of a police state whereby people are proactively told to report every single "incident" to their local council.

Now you know what your local council is really for, thought crime reporting!

I have nothing but contempt for any organisation that encourages such behaviour. This bunch of fascists (NCB) takes £12M a year out of our pockets, in order to fund its perverted view of the world.

Let us be very clear, a child's attitudes to food are formed by what it is given to eat, and how the parent administers discipline at the dining table. The weaker the parent, the more fussy and spoilt the child.

Racism has nothing to do with it.

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Wednesday, July 09, 2008

The Dangers of Ladders - How To Earn Money

The Dangers of Ladders - How To Earn Money
I often write many a caustic word or two about the uselessness of our local councils, and how that are apt to come up with all manner of rules and regulations to stop us living our lives.

However, this story about a school caretaker suing his council rather neatly illustrates that some of us are the creators of our own prison and hell on earth.

Anthony Gower-Smith, school caretaker at Awbridge Primary School in Hampshire, fell off a 6ft stepladder in January 2004 whilst removing some display cards in the school hall. At over 70 he has been unable to work since, and had suffered skull fractures and an injury to his right kidney.

He merrily ran (or shuffled I assume) to his employer, Hampshire County Council, and claimed that they had not shown him how to use the ladder safely and that it was not suitable equipment for him to use.

Needless to say, this being the Nanny state, he ended up in court suing the council and recently won his case. The London High Court ruled that his employer, Hampshire County Council, was 75% to blame for the accident.

He had sued the authority for up to £50,000, but the amount of the award will be assessed at a later date.

The council said Mr Gower-Smith "knew perfectly well how to use a stepladder", and had been given a detailed manual on all aspects of his job.

Therefore, given people's stupidity and greed, it is not altogether surprising that councils have to try at times to protect themselves (and our council tax) from ambulance chasers etc.

We are building our own prison and shackles, brick by brick, link by link!

Self responsibility and taking the blame for our own actions have been eroded from our mindset by the Nanny state, it will take a long time to instill these virtues in our society again.

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Tuesday, July 08, 2008

The Dangers of Salt Shakers - Again

The Dangers of Salt Shakers - Again
Those of you who are regular readers may recall that I wrote in January about Rochadale Council trying to limit the amount of salt being shaken over fish and chips, by giving fish and chips shops five hole shakers (the normal number of holes is 17).

Well, they were but the vanguard in Nanny's salt shaker campaign. Seemingly at least six councils have ordered five-hole shakers, at our (council taxpayers') expense. These are being given away to chip shops and takeaways in their areas.

Drywite Ltd make the five hole shakers at £2 each. They have now received orders from at least five other councils, including Gateshead and Middlesbrough Council.

As one rather wise chippy owner said, it doesn't matter how many holes it has, people are going to put on as much salt as they want.

Additionally, why not save yourself the £2 and simply bung up some of the holes with sticky tape or glue?

Carol Ackerman, who runs Carol's Plaice in the suburb of Acklam, said:

"People will just put on more salt if they want more.

In fact, we have had some people unscrewing the lids to do so

Another brilliant use of council taxpayer's money!

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Monday, July 07, 2008

Nanny Bans Competition

Nanny Bans CompetitionIn the real world we have to face up to the fact that there are others competing for the same things (material, social, jobs, power, ego related etc) that we are; it's called life.

Sometimes we win, sometimes we lose.

We learnt to compete, and deal with failure, when we were young.

We were lucky!

In Nanny's world competition is bad, as that means there are losers. Therefore she has banned competition.

Children under the age of eight have been banned by the Football Association from playing in football leagues and cups, as there are fears that they are under too much pressure from competitive parents.

The new rules stipulate that matches can still be played, but that the results must be kept private and no league tables can be compiled.

Additionally children should not compete in knockout tournaments where there are trophies or medals.

This idea is complete bollocks!

How else will they learn how to deal with success and failure?

How do you play football non competitively?

Failure is character building.

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Saturday, July 05, 2008

Pray or Go To Detention

Pray or Go To DetentionHaving spent three miserable years at a Catholic school, I have a distinct aversion to religion and people who try to force it down your throat.

I strongly suspect that the methods used at Alsager High School (Stoke on Trent), to teach their pupils about religion, may well have the same result on their pupils.

An RE lesson was being given for 11/12 year olds where the teacher was explaining Islam. During this lesson the teacher reportedly told the pupils that they would then be kneeling down and praying to Allah.

What about the pupils who don't believe in God?

Why should they be forced to pray to any version of him/her, even if it "rolepaly"?

When two schoolboys refused, they were given detention.

Doubtless this will engender a very healthy feeling of tolerance and understanding towards religion.


I can only assume that the teacher had gone somewhat off his/her head.

Deputy headmaster Keith Plant seems to be as confused as everyone else:

"It's difficult to know at the moment whether this was part of the curriculum or not. I am not an RE teacher, I am an English teacher.

At the moment it is our enterprise week and many of our members of staff are away.

The particular member of staff you need to speak to isn't around. I think that it is a shame that so many parents have got in touch with the Press before coming to me.

I have spoken to the teacher and she has articulately given me her version of events, but that is all I can give you at the moment

Were God to exist, he/she would not need human superstitions and mumbo jumbo to justify his/her existence or to make him/her feel better about himself/herself.

Well done Alsager High School for succeeding in putting these pupils off religion for life!

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Friday, July 04, 2008

Building Our Own Prison

Building Our Own Prison
I recently wrote that by allowing Nanny to dictate to us, and by modifying our behaviour to avoid any form or risk or potential offence, we are in effect building our own prison, brick by brick.

This point was rammed home the other day by the story I read about Frank McCourt, a former soldier who lives in Crawley, who made a citizen's arrest in February on a yob terrorising his home yet was arrested himself – on suspicion of kidnap.

Mr McCourt then endured a three-month legal ordeal, while the yob and his gang went unpunished.

Mr McCourt was forced to act against the yob and his cohorts, when a pack of youths hurled stones, sticks, mud and eggs at his house whilst his wife Maria cowered inside.

Where were the police?

He called a police hotline, but was kept on hold for 45 minutes. He went out to look for a police officer on the beat, but couldn't find one.

Therefore he opted for the tactic recommended by our leading politicians, he took action himself and stood up to the scum. He grabbed one of the yobs and asked his name, telling him he was making a citizen's arrest.

Low and behold, as if by magic, the police then turned up.

Did they arrest the yob?


They arrested Mr McCourt, but took no action against the yobs.

Would the leading politicians who recommend "have a go" actions kindly take note that when people do "have a go", Nanny uses its powers against the victim, not the criminal.

He spent six weeks on bail until April 3, when police said they would caution him. Mr McCourt refused to accept it, saying to do so would be an admission of guilt.

Police then charged him with assault.

He appeared before magistrates and a trial date was set for Haywards Heath magistrates' court. However, two days before the trial, he was told the case had been dropped after his MP Laura Moffat took the matter up with police.

Mr McCourt said:

"Those children have got away scot-free. They are the criminals of the future, and they've been given the green light to carry on, while I've been put through three months of hell.

This country is going to the dogs and its justice system is a joke

Sussex Police would not discuss the case, but a spokesman said:

"An allegation was made to police and officers duly investigated."

Do the Sussex police not realise how ridiculous they look?

As said, we are building our own prison and shackles; brick by brick, link by link.

The one way to "motivate" tardy police to turn up to situations like this in the future, should you be very unfortunate to be involved in such a situation, is to tell them very firmly that you have called the media (tabloids, TV etc) and that there will be a pack of reporters outside your house showing it being attacked by yobs but without any form of police presence.

Let's see how speedy our local police are then at answering calls to such incidents!

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