It seems that, if reports are correct, Nanny is considering imposing a curfew on 16 year olds being on the streets after 9PM.
Police would take the children home or to a safe place, such as a community centre, where parents could collect them.
On the face of it I would guess that many people would raise a cheer to sweeping the streets clean of the feral yoofs that are rumoured to infest every corner of every town in the UK, striking fear into the hearts of anyone over the age of 20.
However, let us look beneath the surface here and see what Nanny really is proposing and really can do.
For starters the proposal is only going to be used in "hot spots"; ie where crime is considered to be above that which doesn't cause the police too much bother with local residents or the media.
Fine, except that this will simply disperse the "feral yoofs" elsewhere.
One might ask why is that a curfew in hotpsots is required, given that if the police wre really doing their job the criminal elements of these wild packs would have been dealt with and sat on by now.
Secondly, not every 16 year old on the street after 9PM is a criminal or indeed should be treated like one. For that matter not every person over 16 is entirely innocent, eg it has been rumoured that 17 and 18 year olds also commit crimes. What about them then?
Why 9PM, why not 8PM or 10 PM? What about the gangs that strut and loiter before curfew hour?
This is merely a gimmick to make it look as though Nanny is doing something.
I also read that the Sunday Times found that nine out of 10 parents wanted legal restrictions on their children going out after dark.
Here is where I instinctively reach for my sick bag.
Read the above bit again..."parents want legal restrictions on
THEIR children going out after dark"!!!
What the fark is the matter with these people?
Their children are
their responsibility,
not the state's. Parents should not hide behing Nanny's bloomers to try to discipline their own children.
Are parents now so weak, stupid, lazy and fearful of their own offspring that they need the state to hold their hands when dealing with them?
It is hardly surprising some kids who are out of control, if parents are so weak and pathetic.
It is not the role of the state to clean the streets of kids, it is up to parents to maintain discipline and to ensure that they know where their kids are, and who they are with. I was never allowed to loiter and to hang around til the wee small hours, neither should these kids.
That being said, I am not so blind as to not see that there is a hard core element of useless, lazy, selfish parents who couldn't give a rat's arse where their kids are.
Given this, it is hardly surprising that there are wild packs of feral youths running wild in certain parts of Britain.
The solution to this is not a new wave of laws cufewing all kids, but using current laws (goodness knows we have enough of those) to target the criminal youths and their families.
Once you have found the hardcore of useless parents, you make them take responsibility by tagrtetting the things that they like; their housing benefits, and removing their favourite possessions eg pcs, TVs, DVD players, mobiles etc.
Having denuded the family of their toys, you impose a family curfew; forcing the entire brood to sit together night after night in their cave, and confront each others' failings head on (alone - no social workers - and undistracted by TVs etc).
Trust me, once you force them to sit with each other, nature will find the solution to their errant ways!
One way or another.
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