I am not the least bit surprised at the latest bout of lunacy involving Nanny's "won't someone think of the children?" centred policies.
This was bound to happen!
Two working mothers (Leanne Shepherd and Lucy Jarrett), who happen to be in the police force, have ended up breaking Nanny's law.
What have they done?
They have looked after each other's children, on a private basis which enabled them to job share at Aylesbury Police Station.
Fair enough you might say?
Not in Nanny's world.
For you see my loyal readers they are not registered childminders.
So what?
The fact that they look after each other's kids for more than 2 hours at a time, and derive "reward" (ie they get to keep their jobs) means (in Nanny's eyes) they are breaking the law.
Ofsted require that they complete a myriad of checks (and of course a CRB check) before they can look after their kids again.
How did Nanny come to hear of this private arrangement?
Some interfering, nosey c*nt with nothing better to do with their lives reported them to the state.
Yes my loyal readers, Nanny has done well she has created a nation of spies and informers who enjoy dropping other people in it!
Labour's Childcare Act 2006 prevents anyone from gaining a "reward" for looking after someone's children for more than two hours away from the child's home, unless they register with Ofsted and follow the normal childminder rules.
It is rather sad that it has taken people 3 years to wake up to the real consequence of this appalling piece of legislation (one of many) drafted by Nanny.
Quite why the Tories or Liberals did not kick up a fuss over this law when it was being passed I don't know.
It is also rather ironic the police officers didn't know that they were breaking the law.
That sums up the state of legislation in this country:
- Too much
- Over complicated
- Massively intrusive
A lasting monument to ZaNuLabour!I truly hope that Labour gets a sound kicking in the coming months, and that they are well and truly kicked out of orifice for several generations.
Needless to say, Nanny is now sh*tting herself over the public outcry (there is even a petition on the Downing Street website) and is rapidly trying to backpedal. There is to be review etc etc.
Children's Minister, Vernon Coaker, slimed:
The legislation is in place to ensure the safety and well-being of all children. But we need to be sure it does not penalise hard-working families.
My department is discussing with Ofsted the interpretation of the word 'reward'."
All very well, but these are the c*nts that drafted the legislation in the first place. Shouldn't they have thought of this before?
Answer: Nanny didn't give a toss then, because she assumed that people would roll over and take it.
Now that she is on the verge of being wiped out at the polls, she is running scared.
Let us do the country a real favour and kill her off once and for all.
When the politicians (of whatever party) come a knocking on your door begging for you votes, ask them to show (in writing) exactly what they will do to cut off the tentacles of the state, that infest our daily lives, in the first 100 days in office.
Only a plan in writing, that shows exactly which legislation they will repeal will suffice.
Don't vote for the parties that won't produce such a document.
Nanny will not be content until she has taken every child away from its natural parent.
The Orifice of Government Commerce and buy a collector's item.
The Joy of Lard and indulge your lard fantasies.
Show your contempt for Nanny by buying a T shirt or thong from
Nanny's Store.
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Gifts and Flowers,