Nanny Knows Best

Nanny Knows Best
Dedicated to exposing, and resisting, the all pervasive nanny state that is corroding the way of life and the freedom of the people of Britain.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Customer Satisfaction


Given that we are in the age of austerity and in a financial hole that, according to Vince Cable, we will take years to dig ourselves out of it is surprising to learn that the police are paying marketing companies approximately £1M a year to carry out "customer satisfaction" surveys.

It seems that, according to figures obtained under the Freedom of Information Act, two of the largest suppliers of market research analysis to the police are Bostock Marketing Group (BMG) and Swift research. In total they received approximately £700K from the police (ermm..taxpayer) last year.

The research consist of the companies cold calling members of the public who have had dealings with the police (eg reporting a crime etc).

How do the companies obtain the details?

The police hand over approximately 30,000 names each month to the companies.

Do the police ask permission first?

Ermmm...if media reports are accurate, the police do not ask permission first.

Oh dear!

All this on the day that Britain's credit rating has been downgraded by a Chinese rating agency, thus increasing the cost of debt repayments.

Maybe we wouldn't be in such a large hole if Nanny stopped wasting so much of our money?

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  1. Perhaps Nanny wants to do a "Good Jail" guide....Were you satisfied with the food during your stay? ...Were the beds to your liking?....How was the room service?...Did the custody officer respond to your call within the specified time? etc etc

    It is the silly waste of money like this story illustrates that gets people so angry....We, under the last government, became obcessed with statistics and targets....Just like in the film, 1984.....The most worrying thing for me as a traditional Conservative, is that there has been a seemless change to Cast Iron Dave's government with no perceivable difference between the two governments....We are still spending money like a drunken sailor on shore leave, we are still creating silly quangos and agencies whose main reason to be, appears to be collecting data and statistics.....There are far more important things affecting our country's well being than whether police service users are happy with the service they recieve or not......I feel that our country is going down the road of ruin fast so that, in the end, we will need to be bailed out by the EUSSR(using our own bloody money) and in return, we will have to accept even more powers being given to the unelected EUSSR's commissioners.....Of course, Nanny may only be able to tinker with such trivial things as customer satisfaction stats as she has already given so much real power to the EUSSR.....Bloody traitorous politicians.

    I am English first, British second but European, NEVER!!!!!!

  2. Marketing companies are not covered by the Telephone Preference Service, (and presumably the Mailing Preference Service ?), so it's no good complaining to them...

    How very convenient!

  3. Lord of Atlantis2:50 PM

    As someone who was burgled a couple of years ago, I would much rather the police used their resources to cartch the pond life responsible for such actions instead of wasting it on this nonsense.
    Tonk: I quite agree with your remarks about the direction the conservative party seems to have taken under David Cameron. I do not consider myself ungenerous, or unsympathetic to world poverty but, bearing in mind the financial mess we are in, why has the overseas aid budget not only been ringfenced, but given an increase of, I believe, around 37% and been increased too to 7% of our gdp?

  4. Lord of Atlantis2:50 PM

    As someone who was burgled a couple of years ago, I would much rather the police used their resources to cartch the pond life responsible for such actions instead of wasting it on this nonsense.
    Tonk: I quite agree with your remarks about the direction the conservative party seems to have taken under David Cameron. I do not consider myself ungenerous, or unsympathetic to world poverty but, bearing in mind the financial mess we are in, why has the overseas aid budget not only been ringfenced, but given an increase of, I believe, around 37% and been increased too to 7% of our gdp?

  5. Tonk.3:14 PM

    My Lord,

    The oversea's aid budget is truly crazy....We are giving aid to states that have a nuclear capability; surely a foreign government should look after their own people before going after nuclear weapons.

    The really bonkers thing is that we are giving aid to China which we have had to borrow; guess where from....China; you really couldn't make it up could you?

    I am sympathetic to suffering overseas but, we must take care of our own first. The problems that many nations have now are the same as they had fifty years ago....Just giving them handouts doesn't really help them, it just makes them more reliant on handouts.
    It seems daft that we are cutting care for the elderly and disabled and our own school's budget but, we are funding education for people overseas; they will eventually take our jobs because they will be able to do the jobs cheaper because they're not constained by endless rules and regulations nor sky high taxes.

    I often ask this question on my MPs blog;-

    Q) What do you think the reaction would be of my bank manager, if I were to go into him and say that I'm completely skint, my credit cards are all maxed out, my out- goings far exceed my in-comings and I've flogged off most of my assets, could I borrow a huge sum that I can't afford to repay, so that I can donate it to charity?
    I am sure he would speak Russian to me; well it would end in ov anyway;-)

  6. Lord of Atlantis11:47 AM

    I couldn't agree with you more, Tonk. You have summed up exactly what is wrong with this country. I don't know whether you saw last week's 'Question Time'? Melanie Phillips was the only one on the panel to speak sense on the subject, in my opinion, and predictably, many of those with left wing views in the audience, who appeared to be in the majority, booed her.
