Nanny Knows Best

Nanny Knows Best
Dedicated to exposing, and resisting, the all pervasive nanny state that is corroding the way of life and the freedom of the people of Britain.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Nanny Bans Vaginas and Renames Them "Front Holes"

As per Healthline as quoted by The Cauldron Pool:
"For the purpose of this guide, we’ll refer to the vagina as the ‘front hole’ instead of solely using the medical term ‘vagina.’ This is gender-inclusive language."
Unsurprisingly Healthline have been ridiculed for this nonsense therefore, unsurprisingly, they have revised their article:
"For the purpose of this guide, we’ve chosen to include alternative words for readers to use for their genitals. For example, some trans men choose to use the words ‘front hole’ or ‘internal genital’ instead of ‘vagina.’

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  1. Anonymous4:18 PM

    I mentioned this to my wife who said that calling a vagina a "front hole" was insulting as a vagina is not a hole, any more than a penis is a "garden hose".

  2. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Personally I find this "obsessed, attention seeking nut jobs, who decide in their tiny minds that they are, in fact, women living in men's bodies." pretty offensive, mainly because there is a large body of evidence to suggest that people who think they are in a body of the wrong sex think about that owing to an imbalance of sex hormones in their mothers' wombs: so it is neither a conscious decision nor a case of being "mental".

    This in no way excuses people from being daft and calling vaginas "front holes." the 2 things are quite different.

    1. Anonymous4:30 PM

      Maybe in one case in 10 million.

      The vast majority, in my opinion, are being needlessly mutilated instead of being referred for psychiatric help.

  3. Anonymous9:10 PM

    ROTFLMAO (or should that be ROTFLMBHO?)
