In keeping with the Thiefrow (sorry I mean Heathrow) Terminal 5 theme, I would like to draw your attention to this little article from a Swedish site E24:
Pommes-fritt på nya Heathrow-terminalen
Londonflygplatsen Heathrow har öppnat en ny jätteterminal - där man förbjudit förekomsten av pommes frites och annan snabbmat.
Monsterflygplatsen Heathrow, med Europas största flöde av privatpassagerare tillika den flygplats som slussar vidare flest internationella passagerare i världen, har fått ett rejält tilltaget terminaltillskott.
Den nya terminalen är tidsenlig på många sätt. Framförallt är den befriad från transfetter och osund kost. I sann Jamie Oliver-anda har man bestämt sig för att förbjuda snabbmatsrestauranger till förmån för sunda och miljövänliga alternativ, rapporterar norska Aftonposten.
Den etablerade brittiska pubkedjan JD Wetherspoon har därför tvingats radera frityrstekarna och fish-and-chipsen från sitt utbud på Terminal 5.
Bygget av Terminal 5, som den nya terminalen heter, har tagit nästan åtta år. Men terminalen har varit i pipeline längre än så. Redan 1982 inleddes en debatt kring huruvida man skulle bygga ut Londonflygplatsen Stansted eller satsa på att bygga ut Heathrow.
Tio år senare bestämde man sig slutligen för att satsa på en femte terminal för Heathrow. Sammanlagt 80 000 personer har varit involverade i bygget.
Terminal 5 kommer att besökas av uppskattningsvis 30 miljoner passagerare årligen, vilket ökar Heathrows totala kapacitet till 90 miljoner passagerare per år, en ökning med 22 miljoner passagerare eller dryga 30 procent, från dagens 68 miljoner passagerare.
Den totala kostnaden beräknas till 4,3 miljarder pund, motsvarande 52 miljarder kronor i dagens penningvärde.
How very cosmopolitan of me!
The title says:
French fries-free new Heathrow terminal!
It goes on to say that that the established British pub JD Wetherspoon had to remove deep fried steak and fish-and-chips from the menu in Terminal 5.
Most assuredly, we should boycott Terminal 5!
Here endeth today's Swedish lesson.
That puts a new spin on events there ....
ReplyDeleteI assume that JD W were losing money on those item when clients presented their food vouchers handed out as compensation during delays?
Or are we seeing signs of the entire London area turning into something slightly less sane than the USA's Mad State of Insanity on its West coast?
Or was it simply that the cost of eating (or drinking) at almost any airport is now so prohibitive that only the truly rich can afford it and they would not eat the kind of stuff the JD W offers?
The joys of travel.
>article from a Swedish site E24
ReplyDeleteAlthough they do admit it came from the Norwegian paper Aftenposten (even if they cannot quite spell it right).
Happily I live barely 15 minutes from Manchester airport so I can usually avoid going anywhere near Heathrow. The last time was 3 years ago and was deeply unpleasant, chips or no chips. Better still, Manchester is not one of the BAA shopping centres so it does actually function as an airport.
Returning to the Swedish press, I see in Svenska Dagbladet yesterday, in the Swedes are being sensible and raising the speed limits again. I do sometimes wonder why I ever came back to this country.
ReplyDeleteI live 5 minutes form East Midlands Airport (or whatever they are calling it this week) when the traffic is moving - an hour if it isn't.
EMA is owned by Manchester Airports. One notable development is the price of car parking and that the 'security' arrangements mean that drop off and collection requires drivers to use the car park. The last time I was there the free time for meet, greet and exit was 10 minutes. Beyond that the minimum charge was something like £2.00+ for the first 30 minutes.
That was last summer. I guess I had better check what they plan for this year in case family members are using it again.
Nice Swedish item (I assume) about speed limits though - where is the Swedish to English Goggle translator when you need it ....?
Even before the attempted attack at Glasgow, Manchester were trying to force people into the car parks by preventing pickups, justifying it on the grounds that
ReplyDeletea) they wanted to encourage environmentally friendly travel to the airport (nice idea until Alistair Darling killed the tram extension) and
b) there was a safety issue (yes that old chestnut) because drivers kept doing laps of the pickup zone when the people they were collecting hadn't arrived and somehow this made them more likely to run someone over.
Of course, regulars simply bypassed this by arranging to be collected from the drop-off.
The maximum Swedish speed limit used to be 110kph, then last year, they increased it in some places, mainly in the far north. Yesterday's article is basically saying from this autumn, there will be more sections with the increased limit.
There is a downside in that speed cameras are spreading in Scandinavia and you cannot even escape them in the Arctic regions.
My Swedish car went so fast on the M5 last week that the air pressure caused it to shed a bumper reflector.
ReplyDeleteOch, captain, me poor bairns canne take it!
Meanwhile I have a theory(available in full on my little site), that the government wants BAA to go bust and take BA with it, so they can nationalise.
Socialism by stealth, as usual.
How typical of the idiots in this country that they can ban chips (no doubt on health grounds etc etc) but won't even profile people who avow to blow airliners out of the sky (surely a shade more risky to passenger health than a bag of chips) for extra security searches.