As we all know, Nanny's Britain has more CCTV cameras per square mile/per head of the population than any other country on earth.
The rationale being, according to Nanny, that CCTV cuts crime and helps us feel safer.
All very well and good, except for one small fly in Nanny's oinkment.
She is talking BOLLOCKS!
It would seem that, and why am I not surprised at this?, CCTV really doesn't work very well at all.
Detective Chief Inspector Mick Neville, who is in charge of closed-circuit television for the Metropolitan Police Force, recently said that a mere 3% of London's street robberies (who the fark steals streets, and where do they take/sell them?) are solved using security camera footage. He went on to say that criminals are not afraid of being caught on film.
Now why would that be?
Well, could it be that the images are crap and that more often than not the things don't have any film in them (in Orwell's 1984, at least the technology worked!)?
Yes, it might be that...but here is the real reason.
In order for CCTV to be an effective deterrent it has to "interact" with the criminal "real time", and stop him/her from doing the dirty deed.
Criminals will always chance a crime, if they think they can get away with it. However, if someone or something intervenes with enough "strength" they don't do the crime.
Did CCTV stop Rangers fans rioting????
It seems to me that the only way that CCTV will work as an effective crime deterrent will be if CCTV cameras were beefed up with stun guns etc, that would target the criminal in the very act of committing the crime.
Et Voila!
Problem solved.
However, we all know that Nanny's real reason for all of these unregulated out of control cameras is in fact to keep tabs on the honest law abiding population. Per chance if a criminal gets caught, then that is an added bonus.
FYI, there are 4.2 million CCTV cameras in Nanny's Britain!
Returning to what Mr Neville thinks about them, he told the Security Document World Conference in London:
"CCTV was originally seen as a preventative measure. Billions of pounds has been spent on kit, but no thought has gone into how the police are going to use the images and how they will be used in court.
It's been an utter fiasco."
Mr Neville also made a rather telling comment about training. Seemingly officers needed more training on using CCTV, yet many are being put off because "it's hard work".
Ah yes, if only we didn't have to work for a living!
Oh, wait a minute, in Nanny's Britain we don't!
Stupid me, I'll go back to bed then.
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I would rather see the CCTV cameras replaced with proper old fashioned police officers, perhaps like our friend Dixon (Evening All) that blogs on here. He seems full of commonsense, mind you, I suspect he didn't go through Nanny's current education system. How do you know that I hear you ask, well he can string a sentence together for one thing.
ReplyDeleteWe should have a campaign for proper Police Officers, not Plastic plods or, as is the case of the "top brass;" politicians in uniform.
Stop the PC agenda, stop the constant form filling, get the police back onto the streets on foot and issue each Police Officer with a "rolled up cape" and the necessary authority to clip a yob around the ear with it. Oh those were the days!!
Bring Dixon out of retirement to act as the Chairman of the Policing Committee on behalf of the Ministry of Commonsense:-)
Why thank you kindly Tonk. As it happens I am currently at a loose end and open to any offers! Perhaps Boris could offer me a job?
ReplyDelete"It seems to me that the only way that CCTV will work as an effective crime deterrent will be if CCTV cameras were beefed up with stun guns etc, that would target the criminal in the very act of committing the crime."
That would be called a Dalek.
I have the dubious pleasure of living near the first town to introduce talking CCTV. Commit a minor misdemeanour and a disembodied voice shouts at you.
ReplyDeleteIt was proudly reported in the local rag that a competition was to be held among local schoolchildren vying to be that disembodied voice. Nanny's little helpers, indeed...
Not wanting to be pedantic Ken but I'm fairly sure that CCTV cameras, as we know them, have never used film.
ReplyDeleteSpeed cameras yes, but CCTV no.
I'm also not sure about eh numbers quoted for cctv cameras - does that include security cameras for premises? In which case replace 'film' with 'tapes for the videos' and you may right.
Some years ago I worked for a company who had bungalow style offices in a rural environment. Insurance insisted on security cameras so a set complete with infra-red night lighting were installed.
A few months later they were stolen.
New cameras were installed complete with special security bolts and tamper alarms. The installation engineer had about 4 hours work left when he went home one night, including final fixing of the security bolts. The new cameras were nicked overnight. Watching the video of the event (in both cases) was educational.
The third set were installed in high security cases fixed to brackets in the roof space. As far as I know they lasted better, may even still be there though the business certainly is not.
Dear PC Dixon,
ReplyDeleteDaleks are remoresless, inhuman machines run by souless creatures intent on taking overy every aspect of the universe. They exist only to rule 'lesser beings' and are immune to pleas for common sense, justice, and genuine tolerance. Dr Who has been trying to tame them for 900 years with no success, once you think you have seen the last of the nasty little brutes, up they pop again with another evil plan. As such, the creatures from Skaro would certainly fit in well as Nanny's little helpers. The cybermen could be drafted in as community support officers.
If my missis wanted to buy a washing machine, or a TV, or any other relatively expensive bit of kit, I guarantee that she'd spend hours trawling the shops for catalogues and price lists, then a few more hours comparing performance and calculating which offered the best value for money in terms of the overall results. (Very likely she would then decide that she could probably get a couple more years out of the old one).
ReplyDeleteIf my wife can go to that amount of trouble just to spend (or avoid spending) a few quid, why is it that our lords and masters apparently don't ask themselves whether their idea will work, or even scribble numbers on a bit of paper; instead they go out and spend several billion of OUR quids first and then say "Whoops; it doesn;t work".
At least, when the missis makes a mistake she can take it back to the shop and ask for her money back.
Oh! and I'm with tonk on this, we should start a campaign to get Dixon elected as(independent) 'Justice' Minister, with special powers to sort the yobs out.
ReplyDeletegrumpy, for a moment there, after all the talk of electrical products (can we say 'white goods' these days?) I thought you were proposing that Dixons, the well known vendor of stuff electrical in the high streets and sales sheds of the land, should be proposed as arbiters of justice. Bu ton re-reading I recognised my mistake.
ReplyDeleteThe reason your manager feels obliged to weigh up the pros and cons a new wash machine or similar is that the option for simply going and getting one and the hell with the consequences - if it doesn't work out just get another one - is less available to her because Nanny has filched the wherewhithall required for her own amusement and self gratification.
The very rich can operate at a similar level. After all no matter how much you can eat or spend on food or, for some, having flunkies travel around the country preparing salads and the like, it is quite hard to dispose of excess income on essentials. Or so I am told.
Spending on non-essentials makes it easier to divest oneself of the excess cash.
Nanny, being rather clueless in these areas, responds similarly having observed the examples offered by the most admired celebrities who seem to fulfil Nanny's need to interact with the public at large.
Or, as she often thinks of them, the large public.
Mate, I have an example of the nonsense that is CCTV. A lorry reversed into the London Fire Brigade's RTA/USAR training area and was loaded with a great deal of expensive kit while the users were at lunch. When the stills were eventually gained by the old bill (it took a long time) they said no further action could be forthcoming!!!
ReplyDeleteWhjat's the point?
Ken, nanny is aware that people 'go to bed' more than they would like, which is why the police were stripped of any power to prevent noise nuisance recently.
ReplyDeleteThis is so that nanny's casual army of antisocial creeps can have free reign to drive us out of our beds, our houses and our minds.
That way we will never have the opportunity to think about revolt, and will spend all our time at 'work'.
ReplyDeleteYou are right. Under Nanny's Stalinist state, we should all be mindless drone workers. After all Nanny needs our constant cash input (Tax) to pay for all her crazy schemes. Doctors to work during out of hours period....Yes so the people need not take time off work to go to the doctor, dentist or hospital.
Many more people work weekends and bank holidays now, often with no extra pay.
All work and no play makes Nanny very very happy.
Nanny sayes; Get a job, any job just as long as you are in a job...Never mind your sanity....If you don't have a job you are a social outcast.