Nanny Knows Best

Nanny Knows Best
Dedicated to exposing, and resisting, the all pervasive nanny state that is corroding the way of life and the freedom of the people of Britain.

Friday, June 24, 2011

New Balls Please - Nanny Bans Wimbledon

New BallsTis Wimbledon again and, as sure as eggs are eggs, the rain pisseth down.

I was therefore gemused to read that the rain (not unexpected during Wimbledon) caused the organisers of Wimbledon to turn off the giant TV screen on Murray Mount on Monday.

The reason cited being "health and safety", lest someone slip on the wet grass.

Now at which point I hear you all say "health and safety gone mad" etc etc.

However, my compliments and respect to Judith Hackitt, the chair of the Health and Safety Executive, who gave the Lawn Tennis Association a well deserved public spanking for using "health and safety" as an excuse.

She robustly pointed out that "there is nothing in health and safety legislation which prohibits the continued broadcasting of Centre Court action to the crowds on the hill during the rain. Health and safety is concerned with the proportionate management of real risks caused by work, not attempting to eliminate every minor risk from every moment of people's lives".

She then drove the point home by noting that the LTA should show some balls:

"If the LTA was concerned about people slipping and suing for their injuries, the message should have made clear the decision was 'on insurance grounds'."

As has been noted many times on this site, "health and safety" is used as the catch all excuse by unprofessional, lazy, jobsworths who are fearful of ambulance chasing insurance claims which they cannot be bothered to stand up and fight.

Good for Ms Hackitt!

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  1. Ken;

    You say;
    "As has been noted many times on this site, "health and safety" is used as the catch all excuse by unprofessional, lazy, jobsworths who are fearful of ambulance chasing insurance claims which they cannot be bothered to stand up and fight."

    That is correct of course but, it is also the catch all that those that like power, often because they've never really had any in the past, love to use in order to boss people about.

    I also think that looney 'elf'n'safety officers see risk everywhere in order to justify their jobs.

    The problem with this country at the fundamental level; We treat adults like children and children like adults.

  2. Disgusted, Tunbridge Wells4:35 PM

    It looks as though the HSE are upping the ante when it comes to dealing with jobsworths' excuses. They used to ridicule 'Elf'n'safety in their "Myth of the Month" but it appears that Ms. Hackitt has put on her boxing gloves and intends to publicly inflict some bloody noses.

    Well done!
