Nanny Knows Best

Nanny Knows Best
Dedicated to exposing, and resisting, the all pervasive nanny state that is corroding the way of life and the freedom of the people of Britain.

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Food Safety Hysteria Nonsense

Visit The Orifice of Government Commerce and buy a collector's item.

Visit The Joy of Lard and indulge your lard fantasies.

Show your contempt for Nanny by buying a T shirt or thong from Nanny's Store. is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

Visit Oh So Swedish Swedish arts and handicrafts

Why not really indulge yourself, by doing all the things that Nanny really hates? Click on the relevant link to indulge yourselves; Food, Bonking, Gifts and Flowers, Groceries

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Energy Performance Certificates - An Utter Waste of Money!

Nanny requires that when a house if built, sold or rented that the hapless owner obtain and pay for an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC). They are hangover from the much derided, and utterly useless, HIPs that Nanny abolished after everyone told her they were bollocks.

Anyhoo, re EPCs, as per The Home Owners Alliance:
"EPCs should not be taken too seriously – the assessment doesn’t take into account how many people live in the property and assessors don’t have access to energy bills.

How thorough is the energy assessment?

  • Assessors are not allowed to be invasive when carrying out a survey. That means, for example, that he or she can’t drill into the walls or ceilings to establish the condition of insulation or even whether the building is insulated at all.
  • Because of this, assessors often have to either assume the worst or go by whatever the property holder tells them."

As far as I can see they are of no use to man nor beast, but do generate a nice little earner for those selling them!

Please feel free to disabuse me of my view!

Visit The Orifice of Government Commerce and buy a collector's item.

Visit The Joy of Lard and indulge your lard fantasies.

Show your contempt for Nanny by buying a T shirt or thong from Nanny's Store. is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

Visit Oh So Swedish Swedish arts and handicrafts

Why not really indulge yourself, by doing all the things that Nanny really hates? Click on the relevant link to indulge yourselves; Food, Bonking, Gifts and Flowers, Groceries

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Bright Pupils Do Better Than Less Bright Pupils!

Academics at Durham University have conducted a study that concludes that grammar schools perform no better than non-selective state schools, once their pupils' higher ability and wealth is taken into account.

I will let you ponder that for a minute or so, before I say what I think.

Seemingly the "apparent success" of these wholly selective schools was down to their brighter and more advantaged pupils.

Well, think about that, of course those pupils who are brighter and more motivated will do better!

The BBC reports that the research, based on the detailed results of nearly 550,000 pupils, suggests once the ability and social background of pupils is taken into account, grammar schools are no more or less effective than other schools.

The research not only looked at the social backgrounds of grammar pupils, but also:
  • rates of chronic poverty
  • ethnicity
  • home language
  • special educational needs
  • age in the year group
The findings suggest England's grammars take only a tiny proportion of pupils who are, or have been, eligible for free school meals.

Let me make a small, but important point, no one human being is identical to another in terms of ability, intellect, skills etc etc. Streaming of pupils (whether in public, grammar or state schools) is necessary in order to ensure that all can achieve their best.

Classes of mixed ability pupils fail, because if the teachers focus on the brightest then the slower pupils will be left behind, and if the teachers focus on the slowest then the brighter pupils will become bored and disruptive.

Streaming is necessary to give all pupils a chance to achieve their best!

Visit The Orifice of Government Commerce and buy a collector's item.

Visit The Joy of Lard and indulge your lard fantasies.

Show your contempt for Nanny by buying a T shirt or thong from Nanny's Store. is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

Visit Oh So Swedish Swedish arts and handicrafts

Why not really indulge yourself, by doing all the things that Nanny really hates? Click on the relevant link to indulge yourselves; Food, Bonking, Gifts and Flowers, Groceries

Friday, March 23, 2018

BBC Repeats Cancer UK's Lie That Obesity Causes Cancer

The BBC is now repeating Cancer UK's lie that obesity causes cancer.
"Being overweight or obese is a growing cause of cancer in the UK while cases caused by smoking are falling, according to a large study."
Obesity does NOT cause cancer, it is a risk factor.

There is a difference between a CAUSE and a RISK.

It would be nice if the PR department of Cancer UK, and the BBC journalists could grasp that difference!

Visit The Orifice of Government Commerce and buy a collector's item.

Visit The Joy of Lard and indulge your lard fantasies.

Show your contempt for Nanny by buying a T shirt or thong from Nanny's Store. is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

Visit Oh So Swedish Swedish arts and handicrafts

Why not really indulge yourself, by doing all the things that Nanny really hates? Click on the relevant link to indulge yourselves; Food, Bonking, Gifts and Flowers, Groceries

Britain Develops Miracle Nerve Agent Cure

Visit The Orifice of Government Commerce and buy a collector's item.

Visit The Joy of Lard and indulge your lard fantasies.

Show your contempt for Nanny by buying a T shirt or thong from Nanny's Store. is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

Visit Oh So Swedish Swedish arts and handicrafts

Why not really indulge yourself, by doing all the things that Nanny really hates? Click on the relevant link to indulge yourselves; Food, Bonking, Gifts and Flowers, Groceries

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Elderly Man Threatens Another Elderly Man With Violence On Twitter

Call me a cynic, but if it was anyone else wouldn't Nanny have sent the police around by now and told him Nanny doesn't like people threatening violence on Twitter?

Visit The Orifice of Government Commerce and buy a collector's item.

Visit The Joy of Lard and indulge your lard fantasies.

Show your contempt for Nanny by buying a T shirt or thong from Nanny's Store. is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

Visit Oh So Swedish Swedish arts and handicrafts

Why not really indulge yourself, by doing all the things that Nanny really hates? Click on the relevant link to indulge yourselves; Food, Bonking, Gifts and Flowers, Groceries

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Photobox - The Clue Is In The Name

Adverts for the photo printing site Photobox have been cleared by the Advertising Standards Authority after it received 212 complaints.

Viewers had expressed concern that the three ads, featuring scenes of a family barbeque with parents photographing a boy sitting on a Great Dane, could be harmful to the pet and the child.

One complaint came from the RSPCA.

At no stage did anyone stop to consider that Photobox, being a professional online photo printing company would have doubtless played with the images.

Photobox said the boy and dog were filmed separately and "at no point did the boy actually sit on the dog".

It added that a qualified vet had been present during filming, and provided a certificate to the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) as proof.

Case dismissed!

Visit The Orifice of Government Commerce and buy a collector's item.

Visit The Joy of Lard and indulge your lard fantasies.

Show your contempt for Nanny by buying a T shirt or thong from Nanny's Store. is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

Visit Oh So Swedish Swedish arts and handicrafts

Why not really indulge yourself, by doing all the things that Nanny really hates? Click on the relevant link to indulge yourselves; Food, Bonking, Gifts and Flowers, Groceries

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

See It. Say It. Sorted. - The Dangers of Big Coats

I am old enough to remember the IRA bombing campaigns of the 70's, and the correct advice from the government and police to report suspicious packages etc.

I concur that similar advice should be given now wrt our current situation. However, I wonder if getting people to focus on big coats may not be the best use of people's observational skills.

Visit The Orifice of Government Commerce and buy a collector's item.

Visit The Joy of Lard and indulge your lard fantasies.

Show your contempt for Nanny by buying a T shirt or thong from Nanny's Store. is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

Visit Oh So Swedish Swedish arts and handicrafts

Why not really indulge yourself, by doing all the things that Nanny really hates? Click on the relevant link to indulge yourselves; Food, Bonking, Gifts and Flowers, Groceries

Monday, March 19, 2018

Smoking Ban Causing Loneliness

Nanny has never grasped the fundamental law of the universe, namely that if you tamper with one part of a complex system it will have effects on other parts of that system.

Visit The Orifice of Government Commerce and buy a collector's item.

Visit The Joy of Lard and indulge your lard fantasies.

Show your contempt for Nanny by buying a T shirt or thong from Nanny's Store. is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

Visit Oh So Swedish Swedish arts and handicrafts

Why not really indulge yourself, by doing all the things that Nanny really hates? Click on the relevant link to indulge yourselves; Food, Bonking, Gifts and Flowers, Groceries

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Nanny Hates Chinese Takeaways

Our old friends from Consensus Action on Salt and Health (who now refer to themselves as Action on Salt) have taken umbrage against Chinese takeaways.

Action on Salt analysed more than 150 dishes and found some contained half an adult's recommended 6g (0.2oz) daily allowance of salt.

Main courses, such as beef in black bean sauce, topped the salty list.

Adding a serving of egg fried rice could deliver anything between an extra 5.3g and 2.3g of salt.

My answer to this is so fucking what?

Healthy people who drink liquids and move around will excrete any excess salt via urine and sweat.

Why does AoS take it upon themselves to interfere with people's lives, why do these people hate salt so much?

Visit The Orifice of Government Commerce and buy a collector's item.

Visit The Joy of Lard and indulge your lard fantasies.

Show your contempt for Nanny by buying a T shirt or thong from Nanny's Store. is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

Visit Oh So Swedish Swedish arts and handicrafts

Why not really indulge yourself, by doing all the things that Nanny really hates? Click on the relevant link to indulge yourselves; Food, Bonking, Gifts and Flowers, Groceries

Monday, March 12, 2018

Health and Safety Rules Well and Truly Ignored!

Visit The Orifice of Government Commerce and buy a collector's item.

Visit The Joy of Lard and indulge your lard fantasies.

Show your contempt for Nanny by buying a T shirt or thong from Nanny's Store. is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

Visit Oh So Swedish Swedish arts and handicrafts

Why not really indulge yourself, by doing all the things that Nanny really hates? Click on the relevant link to indulge yourselves; Food, Bonking, Gifts and Flowers, Groceries

Friday, March 09, 2018

Cancer UK Trolled By McDonald's

Visit The Orifice of Government Commerce and buy a collector's item.

Visit The Joy of Lard and indulge your lard fantasies.

Show your contempt for Nanny by buying a T shirt or thong from Nanny's Store. is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

Visit Oh So Swedish Swedish arts and handicrafts

Why not really indulge yourself, by doing all the things that Nanny really hates? Click on the relevant link to indulge yourselves; Food, Bonking, Gifts and Flowers, Groceries

Jamie Oliver Doesn't Get Irony

The man who campaigns against sugar wants your mum to have a load of the stuff this Sunday!

Visit The Orifice of Government Commerce and buy a collector's item.

Visit The Joy of Lard and indulge your lard fantasies.

Show your contempt for Nanny by buying a T shirt or thong from Nanny's Store. is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

Visit Oh So Swedish Swedish arts and handicrafts

Why not really indulge yourself, by doing all the things that Nanny really hates? Click on the relevant link to indulge yourselves; Food, Bonking, Gifts and Flowers, Groceries

Thursday, March 08, 2018

Nanny Bans Work Birthday Cakes

Our old chums PHE have yet again stuck their haggard noses in to where they are not wanted. This time the object of their ire is the office birthday cake.

In new guidance, Public Health England said those who wanted to buy or make a colleague a cake on their birthday should look for ‘healthier alternatives’.

The advice includes a ‘toolkit for employers’, which provides managers with tips on how to help their staff eat more healthily.
The guidance said
Begin a conversation about how special events (birthdays, holidays, anniversaries, promotions) are marked at work. Can “cake days” be shared, or healthier alternatives be provided?
PHE can fuck right off!

Visit The Orifice of Government Commerce and buy a collector's item.

Visit The Joy of Lard and indulge your lard fantasies.

Show your contempt for Nanny by buying a T shirt or thong from Nanny's Store. is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

Visit Oh So Swedish Swedish arts and handicrafts

Why not really indulge yourself, by doing all the things that Nanny really hates? Click on the relevant link to indulge yourselves; Food, Bonking, Gifts and Flowers, Groceries

Wednesday, March 07, 2018

Meanwhile, In Beijing

Visit The Orifice of Government Commerce and buy a collector's item.

Visit The Joy of Lard and indulge your lard fantasies.

Show your contempt for Nanny by buying a T shirt or thong from Nanny's Store. is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

Visit Oh So Swedish Swedish arts and handicrafts

Why not really indulge yourself, by doing all the things that Nanny really hates? Click on the relevant link to indulge yourselves; Food, Bonking, Gifts and Flowers, Groceries

Tuesday, March 06, 2018

Public Health England Tells England To Go On a Diet

Our old friends from Public Health England (PHE) have donned their jackboots again, and issued a diktat that English people are fat bastards and that we all need to go on a diet.

PHE are calling on food sellers and manufacturers to cut calories in their products by 20% by 2024, with big businesses that fail to make progress set to be named and shamed.

PHE claim that this would slash costs to the NHS by £4.5bn over 25 years and prevent more than 35,000 premature deaths, with another £4.48bn saved in social care costs.

Dr Alison Tedstone, chief nutritionist at PHE, is quoted by the Guardian:
“We have more obese children in England than ever before – we have one in five children arriving in primary school already obese or overweight and one in three leaving primary school obese or overweight."
PHE then go on to say that we should only eat around 1,600 calories a day.

Now, as we all know, Nanny has been telling us that the calories intake should be 2,000 for women and 2,500 for men. So why the 1,600, has something changed?

Nothing has changed, PHE are deliberately lying to you because they think you are morons and can't judge your true calorie intake; as such, if they set the bar lower you might achieve their target.

As you can see, Nanny now openly admits that she is lying in order to get you to do what she wants.

By the way, if we did suddenly become a nation of super slim people that lived to a ripe old age all those costs savings from treating the obese would be more than swallowed up and exceeded by the cost of geriatric care.

Don't worry though, Nanny will doubtless enforce euthanasia in order to save costs!

In short, PHE can go an fuck itself! 

Visit The Orifice of Government Commerce and buy a collector's item.

Visit The Joy of Lard and indulge your lard fantasies.

Show your contempt for Nanny by buying a T shirt or thong from Nanny's Store. is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

Visit Oh So Swedish Swedish arts and handicrafts

Why not really indulge yourself, by doing all the things that Nanny really hates? Click on the relevant link to indulge yourselves; Food, Bonking, Gifts and Flowers, Groceries

Toilet Rules of Engagement

Visit The Orifice of Government Commerce and buy a collector's item.

Visit The Joy of Lard and indulge your lard fantasies.

Show your contempt for Nanny by buying a T shirt or thong from Nanny's Store. is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

Visit Oh So Swedish Swedish arts and handicrafts

Why not really indulge yourself, by doing all the things that Nanny really hates? Click on the relevant link to indulge yourselves; Food, Bonking, Gifts and Flowers, Groceries

Monday, March 05, 2018

Council Rich List

As council tax bills are going up again, as councils claim they are broke, the list of high paying councils is worth reading.

Visit The Orifice of Government Commerce and buy a collector's item.

Visit The Joy of Lard and indulge your lard fantasies.

Show your contempt for Nanny by buying a T shirt or thong from Nanny's Store. is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

Visit Oh So Swedish Swedish arts and handicrafts

Why not really indulge yourself, by doing all the things that Nanny really hates? Click on the relevant link to indulge yourselves; Food, Bonking, Gifts and Flowers, Groceries

Friday, March 02, 2018

Japanese Nanny's Toilet Training Pictures

Six pictograms, including one illustrating a stylised bottom, have been accepted as the global standard for the use of electric toilets.

Japan's Kyodo News Service says that the six illustrations have been accepted by ISO, the International Organization for Standardization, to show users which buttons to press when operating high-tech Japanese toilets and bidets.

All clear everyone?

Visit The Orifice of Government Commerce and buy a collector's item.

Visit The Joy of Lard and indulge your lard fantasies.

Show your contempt for Nanny by buying a T shirt or thong from Nanny's Store. is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

Visit Oh So Swedish Swedish arts and handicrafts

Why not really indulge yourself, by doing all the things that Nanny really hates? Click on the relevant link to indulge yourselves; Food, Bonking, Gifts and Flowers, Groceries

The Sun Is Shining, But The Ice Is Slippery

Visit The Orifice of Government Commerce and buy a collector's item.

Visit The Joy of Lard and indulge your lard fantasies.

Show your contempt for Nanny by buying a T shirt or thong from Nanny's Store. is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

Visit Oh So Swedish Swedish arts and handicrafts

Why not really indulge yourself, by doing all the things that Nanny really hates? Click on the relevant link to indulge yourselves; Food, Bonking, Gifts and Flowers, Groceries

Thursday, March 01, 2018

Cancer Research UK Weighs In On Obesity

Cancer Research UK has weighed in on obesity.

According to Cancer Research "obesity is the UK's biggest cause of cancer after smoking".

Cancer Research then go on to define a "healthy weight" by invoking BMI.

Well here are a few wee points:

1 Obesity might well be a "risk factor" (as indeed are all other things in our food, drink, exercise, lifestyle, cleaning products, genes etc), but it it NOT a CAUSE of cancer!

2 BMI as a means of identifying a healthy weight is bollocks, as everyone apart from Nanny knows.

3 Cancer Research, I thought, is meant to use its funds to research cures for cancer rather than preach against the obese.

Visit The Orifice of Government Commerce and buy a collector's item.

Visit The Joy of Lard and indulge your lard fantasies.

Show your contempt for Nanny by buying a T shirt or thong from Nanny's Store. is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

Visit Oh So Swedish Swedish arts and handicrafts

Why not really indulge yourself, by doing all the things that Nanny really hates? Click on the relevant link to indulge yourselves; Food, Bonking, Gifts and Flowers, Groceries