Nanny Knows Best

Nanny Knows Best
Dedicated to exposing, and resisting, the all pervasive nanny state that is corroding the way of life and the freedom of the people of Britain.

Monday, July 30, 2018

ID Cards Back On The Table

In the irony of all ironies, despite being told we would be leaving the EU's bureaucracy post Brexit, Nanny now wants us to adopt ID cards (allegedly to avoid another Windrush-style scandal).

The proposal comes from the think tank Policy Exchange. It argues that Brexit marks a natural point at which to reform the UK’s immigration system.

Nanny knows full well the ID cards are not highly regarded by the Brits. Hence she has a "cunning" solution.

David Goodhart, Policy Exchange’s head of demography, immigration and integration, said he believed ID cards were necessary – but acknowledged that people would be wary and said ID cards should be phased in voluntarily.

That's how the state works, make something "voluntary" at first then make it a criminal offence when you don't volunteer!

Oh and here is a link to the list of 10 reasons why ID are bollocks (that I first published in 2004)

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  1. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Nothing wrong with ID cards. In other countries they are accepted and in countries were there are no ID cards it is mandatory to carry identification at all times. Like your passport.
    People are turning up all the time all over Europe. If not legally then in leaky boats or in the back of lorries.
    Times have changed and there has to be some way of monitoring people.

  2. Anonymous11:50 AM

    @anon - but we all know that if they find people with no ID ("Oops, I left it at home") nothing will be done. How are they going to check that someone has ID? Are the police going to stop everyone? Are shopkeepers expected to ask for it and report anyone who hasn't got it? Will only those who look as if they're illegal immigrants be asked? (heaven forbid - that would be discriminatory). ID cards will have no effect unless there's joined-up thinking and procedures in place and the will to act against those who have no ID. I reckon this is just a nice little earner for HMG.

    1. Anonymous12:00 PM

      Agreed, but they have to start somewhere.
      Denying access to the NHS for anyone who is not entitled would be a first step.
      If you carry around your house keys and credit cards then there can be little excuse for not carrying your ID card.

    2. Anonymous12:51 PM

      If you attend a hospital appointment now they ask if you've been resident for 6 months. Would anyone here illegally answer no? If you answer yes, as I did, you are taken at face value: they don't ask for your NI number to check you out. They don't need ID cards to check and if they became compulsory the crims would easily replicate them and get a nice black market going, while the law-abiding would be paying for their ID to the legal crims - HMG.

  3. Cannot trust politics of the state in its present form.
