Nanny Knows Best

Nanny Knows Best
Dedicated to exposing, and resisting, the all pervasive nanny state that is corroding the way of life and the freedom of the people of Britain.

Friday, August 12, 2011

The Response To Social Unrest

I cannot say that I am entirely in agreement with David Cameron's suggestions that it might be a good idea to shut down social networking sites during times of "unrest".

1 It may not actually be technically possible to totally shut them down.

2 It is the technique used by dictators that we are pro-actively encouraging people in other countries to overthrow.

3 It will turn an issue that is in effect "criminality" into one that is a "political cause".

In short, it would be a very dangerous step to take.

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  1. "It may not actually be technically possible to totally shut them down."

    Even if he does manage it, the little shits will just go and steal walkie talkies and use them to co-ordinate their activities instead.

  2. Sadly, Mr Cameron is far too influenced by the shouty media rather than independent political thought. He appears far too interested in image and presentation rather than substance.

    A few weeks back, our government(sic) were saying how great a tool facebook, twitter and the BBM systems were for democracy and how only a savage, oppressive regime would try to turn off the systems. Mr Cameron do have one advantage over the Arab regimes though, he doesn't have foreign governments supporting the criminals/looters/anarchists etc.
    Once a government has established the right to shut down social networks and messaging services, the next step will be the internet in general. I fear that this kind of power could be a dangerous power to give any state. It should be noted that St Barrack of O'Barmey has already sought such powers and the EUSSR have already expressed an interest in gaining such powers.

    I have heard supposedly educated people say that benefits and housing should be removed from those convicted of rioting and criminal behaviour; although this sounds great to DM readers, it is crass for this reason; if you remove housing and all income from those that have already demonstrated a propensity to crime by rioting, how do the intelligentsia think these people will get money, food etc to live? ...Could it be through more criminal action? Those that have suggested any criminal activity should allow for the removal of benefits and social housing, might like to remember that driving without an MOT or watching TV without a license are indeed criminal offences so, where will the line be drawn?

    I watched Question Time last night and for me, that illustrated perfectly what is wrong with our political system.
    Good to see Lord(sic) Prescott still fighting the class war and declaring; "It wasn't me Guv" when so many of our problems can be traced back directly to his party's crazy, liberal, woolly, free for all and everything goes policies which have tied the hands of teachers, parents and our police force.

  3. Best way to shut them down is to put a 7.62 through the head of the ringleaders using them to organize a mob.

  4. Disgusted, Tunbridge Wells11:07 AM

    microdave said

    "Even if he does manage it, the little shits will just go and steal walkie talkies and use them to co-ordinate their activities instead."

    What couldn't be better? The little shits are so used to using mobile phones they won't realise that CB and those little 433MHz radios use analogue technology meaning that every dulcet word can be overheard by the world and his wife - including the police.

  5. Anonymous8:09 AM

    You could rehouse the rioters on ther more obscure island that exist round the UK. as for their food why should we worry.

  6. Disgusted, Tunbridge Wells12:26 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "You could rehouse the rioters on ther more obscure island that exist round the UK. as for their food why should we worry."

    I knew we could find a use for Rockall.

  7. skydog1:17 PM

    I propose we send them to Svalbard. ;o)
