Nanny Knows Best

Nanny Knows Best
Dedicated to exposing, and resisting, the all pervasive nanny state that is corroding the way of life and the freedom of the people of Britain.

Friday, September 25, 2009

The Joy of Dick

Dick WhittingtonYou will recall loyal readers that a wee while ago Nanny's chums in Flintshire Council banned Spotted Dick?

"It seems that the traditional British pudding "Spotted Dick" has been deemed "offensive" by the Thought Police.

As such the word "Dick" has been treated in an Orwellian manner and deemed "ungood". The new name for the pudding is "Spotted Richard

I understand that, following a veritable deluge of complaints from the public, the council have now reinstated Dick!

What a waste of time!


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  1. What a bunch of Richards local authorities are.

  2. microdave1:35 PM

    So complaining CAN work!

  3. Bucko2:40 PM

    Yeees!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha gulp ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

  4. Lady Mandelson of Rent de Bois3:31 PM

    As Prime Minister in waiting I ordered that dick be put back on the menu. It is on record that I am in favour of a large portion of dick whenever possible.

  5. I read something about this reinstatement the other day (can't remember where - am useless). What struck me as amusing was that they started off by saying it had originally been changed due to some people making immature type comments (or something like that). By the end of the article it said it was down to one individual making comments.

    No wonder we get confused these days...

  6. Disgusted, Tunbridge Wells9:52 PM

    Bearwitch said:

    "it had originally been changed due to some people making immature type comments (or something like that). By the end of the article it said it was down to one individual making comments."

    When I were a tadpole back in the 1960s and spotted dick was served up at school dinners there were always wisecracks mentioning the local VD clinic (as it was known back in those non-PC days). Never seemed to bother the dinner ladies - must have been made of sterner stuff.

  7. DTW, we didn't have spotted dick up north. I expect it would have caused the same merriment if we had. We made up for it with things like 'tossing the caber'.

    The only problem with the dinnerladies then was trying to stop them swipe your plates halfway through eating. You are right, they were made of sterner stuff - scared the hell out of me.

  8. Disgusted, Tunbridge Wells10:35 PM

    Bearwitch said:

    "DTW, we didn't have spotted dick up north. I expect it would have caused the same merriment if we had. We made up for it with things like 'tossing the caber'."

    Despite my username, I actually live in Cheshire, not far from Liverpool. ;-)

  9. DTW, see what I mean about confusion??? ;-)

    Am a bit south of you now but hadn't even heard of spotted dick when I was a kid in Scotland.

    O, the missed opportunities.....

  10. I have a theory. A woman made a complaint. Within days it was all over the national press and even getting a few lines in TV news. The compainant (a woman) was shitting herself. She was going to get found out as the compainant. Gutter press would be lurking outside her front door. TV would be contacting her. She withdrew her compalaint. Flint council, equally embarrassed by having the piss taken out of them nationally reinstated the Spotted Dick.
