Seemingly Harperson and ZaNuLabour don't want to go to war with "holy mother church", most especially when the Pope is coming to Britain during an election year.
I realise that Blair believes that the Pope is inflammable etc but, given that he has gone and was responsible for a disastrous fanatical holy war in the Middle East, I would have thought that ZaNuLabour would have shaken free of the shackles of religious fundamentalism by now.
Evidently not!
Politics and religion should be kept separate at all times.
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Even watered down, its still a big pile of poo.
ReplyDeleteIts watered down poo.
Its a wet sloppy shit.
Favouring females or ethnic minorities over equally qualified white males is supposed to be equality? What a big steaming pile of wet sloppy shit with bits of sweetcorn in it!
As a middle class white male, I'm fully expecting to be rounded up and taken away to the camps soon.
ReplyDeleteI guess I'll get a white triangle tattooed if that's possible?
Firstly I must declare an interest; I am a practicing Roman Catholic.
ReplyDeleteIn order for Mr Blair to have joined our club, he would have had to have confessed his sins and accepted he was wrong to impose various things on the catholic church in relation to adoption and abortion....I doubt he did that, so I can't understand why he was let in. Perhaps he wants to establish himself as Holy Father and form Nu RC....I don't know.
My church has excluded women from the priesthood for about 2000 years, it is wrong for a government to force a religious group to do things that are contary to its beliefs......We should not mix politics with religion but Labour do......It is part of their desire to interfere in every aspect of our lives.....All Marxists hate religion.
I would like to see a secular society similar to that of France where the state operates outside of religious influence but allows people to fully follow their religion at the same time.
People that are religious are accused of pushing their beliefs on others however, from Ken's comments, he is trying to do the same....Religion is a belief system and therefore, atheism is too a kind of religion.
The UK has turned away from Christianity and, it seems to me, that since we have so our society has gone down hill....Look at the moral attitudes of our young....Look at the number of single mothers with no means to support their off-spring.....
Man appears to need something to believe in and as I see it, the new religion is climate change....However, unlike my religion, climate change is a false religion;-)
ReplyDeleteI am merely stating an opinion, not pushing it:)
As all are welcome to do.
Aside from the rights or wrongs of the equality legislation, the article surely highlights the point that Nanny has zero principles and kowtows to pressure groups when it suits her?
FYI, I had 3 "eye opening" years in a catholic school (7-10) I do have some vague knowledge of the church.
ReplyDelete"Aside from the rights or wrongs of the equality legislation, the article surely highlights the point that Nanny has zero principles and kowtows to pressure groups when it suits her?
FYI, I had 3 "eye opening" years in a catholic school (7-10) I do have some vague knowledge of the church."
I know you went to Catholic school as we have talked about this in private Emails in the past.....There are many militant atheists "a la Dwakins" that constantly attack religious beliefs....My own opinion, like yours I suspect, is live and let live....Religion is a private matter and people should be able to have their own beliefs and indeed comment on others but, they should not be allowed to force their beliefs onto others which, in my opinion, Labour and the PC brigade are doing.....At the end of the day, it is far better to live ones life believing there is a God only to find out after death that there isn't, than to live ones life believing there isn't a God only to find out after death there is;-)
We do give far too much weight to the opinions of single issue lobby groups in this country.....The greens, the pinks, the muslims, the animal rights, the anti drink industry, the anti smoking lobby, kid groups etc etc.
Oh dear, Tonk - you are right off-beam on this one! There is no such thing as "non-political religion". All religious people - quite rightly, from their standpoint - strive to increase their influence on politics and society.
ReplyDeleteAnd atheism is NOT a religion - it is lack of belief in a supernatural being in the absence of convincing evidence that such an entity actually exists.
As for Ken's thinking that "ZaNuLabour would have shaken free of the shackles of religious fundamentalism by now", no such luck: there are far too many sheeplike religious votes up for grabs, so Popish bishops and mad mullahs have to be placated….
Oh dear, Tonk - you are right off-beam on this one! There is no such thing as "non-political religion". All religious people - quite rightly, from their standpoint - strive to increase their influence on politics and society.
ReplyDeleteAnd atheism is NOT a religion - it is lack of belief in a supernatural being in the absence of convincing evidence that such a entity actually exists.
As for Ken's thinking that "ZaNuLabour would have shaken free of the shackles of religious fundamentalism by now", no such luck: there are far too many sheeplike religious votes up for grabs.
ReplyDeleteI said atheism is a KIND of religion in so far as it IS a belief system.
I accept your point regarding religion being, to some extent, political.....One needs to assertain what the role of the government and political system actually is.....If you believe, as I do, that government should be small and only takes responsibility for some matters such as health care, justice, policing and foreign policy, then it is possible to separate religion from politics.....I agree to some extent we all seek to influence government policy to our own standpoint be that, Conservative, Socialist, Nationalist, Islamic, Christian etc etc but the latter only matter if the state is big and believes nothing is outside its remit.
I am Catholic first, English second, Conservative third and thus, if this or a future government interferes in my right to practice my religion or effectively prevents my church from following its centuries old teaching, then I would have to consider leaving my country.....Some might say good riddance to religious people but, if I don't interfere in other people's lives then I too should be left alone to live my life in peace.....If I want to go to mass most days and worship my God it does no one any harm, if I want to live my life according to a clear set of moral principles it harms no one......There seems to be a "ban it" culture at large in our society and I honestly believe they will not be happy until we all dress the same, look the same, believe in nothing other than humanity or their version of it and worship the state.
OK here is my opinion. When Blair got the 'God' thing, that is when he changed and began the damage. As for the new religion Tonk, it is 'health', smoking, drinking, good food etc is being suppressed by the new religion. The Pope is the Vicar of Christ. We now have the Vicar of Health and his/her priesthood.
ReplyDeleteWell, Tonk, it is your being "Catholic first and English second" which makes you a problem. If this is true, your religion cannot be non-political - you will follow the Pope's rulings in preference to the law of the land. And Popes, as you well know, have always been big players in the political game. If you had lived under Elizabeth I instead of Elizabeth II, you would (rightly) have been regarded as a recusant and (wrongly) persecuted.
ReplyDeleteIf all Catholics count themselves as Catholic first and foremost, and all Muslims count themselves as Muslim first and foremost, there certainly is an unresolved and growing religious/political problem which needs to be settled firmly in favour of a secular state if we are to preserve our hard-won traditions of live-and-let-live British tolerance.
ReplyDeleteThe word of the Holy Father is only infallable regarding matters of theology, not anything else.....For example, if he got up on the morning of the day the earthquake hit Haiti, looked out and said, "Oh what a perfect day." this would not prove anything other than he didn't know about the earthquake....He is, like me and thee, only human....He is the vicar of Christ and, God's rep here on Earth....That is my faith, I don't expect you to accept it.
Yes, under past Kings and Queens I would have been in trouble....England was a Catholic country but the King of the day (Henry VIII) didn't like the Pope's ruling in relation to "re-marriage" and decided to break away from the club and form his own one where he, and then later monarchs, took over the role of Pope and could decide what suited them.
Christ, according to the gospel, always told his followers to accept and comply with the law of the land, but the state is much larger these days and sees as its remit to interfere in everyone's life at every level....I will not break the law but, as a former nurse, I would not have taken part in an abortion for example, and in my opinion, it would be wrong to have forced me to have done so in the name of equality.....If legislation had forced me to have taken part in such an act, I would have been forced to have left the profession......As stated previously, religion and the state/politics, only come into conflict when the state goes beyond what one would consider to be its purpose....Freedom of both speech and religion must be retained or we end up with the type of nation and society we are starting to see emerging now.
I have lived in this country, as a catholic, all my life and never have I felt that my faith and freedom to practice it has been threatened until now.....I will always follow the laws of the land, I am merely saying that if the laws of this land changed in such a way that made it impossible for me to practice my faith, I would need to consider leaving the land of my birth.....I always enjoy reading your comments and thoughts and feel that because you are going to blog less in 2010 the web will be the looser however, I refer you to your own philosophy of life and quote it for you to consider if your messages to me go against it;
"anticant is the blogname of a lifelong free speech and civil rights campaigner. A lot of his life since WW2 has been taken up with battling against cruel and over-bossy laws, censorship, censoriousness, and Nanny Knows Best types."
I may not agree with everything you have ever said and, even if I were offended by something you have said, I would still stick up for your right to say it.
Kind regards.
The aspiration to reduce prejudice and discrimination and to create a more level playing field for those who are disadvantaged is a worthy one, but the way this government (in particular) has set about it is totally back-to-front. As readers of this blog know only too well, Nanny and her minions suffer from the delusion that they really do know best about everything for everybody. When they find out their mistake, it may well be too late....
ReplyDeleteToleration has to be about drawing boundaries. There must come a point when truly tolerant people will resist intolerance. Otherwise, Hitler would have won without firing a shot.
As for organised religion (as opposed to personal faith), it is unfortunately the case that where they have the power, religions will invariably persecute. Indeed, they must - because, like Nanny, they believe that they are the custodians of "truth" and heresy must be expunged.
I can see the point you are making in the last paragraph, anticant, but cannot wholly agree with it. I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and one of our 'Articles of Faith' states, "We claim the privilege of worshipping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and believe all other men (edit: and women) are entitled to the same privilege: let them worship how, where and what they will."
ReplyDelete"Atheism is NOT a religion - it is lack of belief in a supernatural being in the absence of convincing evidence that such an entity actually exists."
ReplyDeleteSo somebody like Dawkins is not really an atheist, but the promoter of an alternative religion?
(Most atheists I have known have seemed to me quite religious people.)