What has Nanny banned?
Mr Singh has, for the last 10 years, been adding jokes to his promotional leaflets at his Landmark store in Port Talbot, south Wales.
Now Nanny's police officers have stomped in and warned that he could face prosecution for breaching public order if he does not stop.
South Wales Police sergeant Simon Merrick said:
"The content of promotional material which has been distributed in the area has been brought to our attention as being potentially inflammatory and offensive.
The distributor has been appropriately advised and instructed to withdraw the leaflets from circulation."
Here are some of Mr Singh's jokes:
:: What is the technical name for three days of horrendous weather followed by bright sunshine? A Welsh Bank Holiday!
:: What do you call a sheep with no legs? A Cloud!
:: What do you get when you cross an elephant with a rhino? El-if-i-no!
:: What do you call a deer with no eyes? I have No-I-Dear.
Please, can anyone tell me why Nanny dislikes these jokes (aside from the fact they are very bad!)?
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""The content of promotional material which has been distributed in the area has been brought to our attention as being potentially inflammatory and offensive."
ReplyDeleteYeah, all those promotional police leaflets saying they're concerned with tackling serious crimes rather than being nanny's organ (can I say organ?), killjoys and morons, I find them inflammatory and offensive!
I read this story, and the police responded to a complaint from a member of the public who was offended. You know the type. the perpetually outraged crowd, who get offended by what the rest of us would consider normal conversation, normal humor.Nanny loves these people. They point out the error of others ways so Nanny can rush in and clip there wings. They can never just let something roll off their backs. An altoether tiresome crowd.
ReplyDeleteI find it hard to believe that the police would get involved in something as petty and harmless as this.....If the police put the same effort into catching real criminals, such as robbers and thieves, as they have in going after this gentleman, then our nation would be safer.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if the Police have stopped going after the really dangerous criminals on 'Elf'n'Safety grounds as it may be a little dangerous to confront a real criminal rather than a man with his harmless jokes.
"The police responded to a complaint from a member of the public who was offended."
ReplyDeleteHmmm, here's a thought, if nanny is so concerned by people getting offended then I wish they'd listen to me- I'm offended by nanny and people like the idiot who complained about these jokes, maybe if nanny were to ban these people and then herself since I am so offended by them...
Well, it seems pretty clear that the joke about a sheep with no legs makes fun of the crippled, ermmm disabled . . . ermm, differently abled. Ermmmm . . . nevermind.
ReplyDeleteThe deer with no eyes joke: see above, that is, if you're able to see.
The one about crossing an elephant with a rhino might not go over well with mixed-race couples or persons of mixed-race ancestry.
And obviously, you can't make fun of the Welsh!
It's astonishing, ain't it? Why the hell didn't Plod just tell Nanny to eff off? As a matter of fact, why don't WE just tell Nanny to eff off, just like the French do? I'm sure it wouldn't take much, but imagine the fun we could have! "Ewwwwwwwww! I'm offended by you smoking/drinking/having sex/having fun! So STOP IT! Immediately!!" "Yeah, right, ok Nanny, p*ss off!" Oh, come the Revolution!!
ReplyDeleteSomebody complained. Not unusual.
ReplyDeletePolice reaction is immdiate and overwhelming.
Mugger Ram raider? Break-and-enter Even public urination
No, all those require actual work and at least some thought. And might involve actual wossname, er, police below sergeant rank. Much better to have an office-bound paper filer handle the whole thing, preferably without recourse to any actual investigation that might be expected in one of those mythical places that have whatchamaycallums, laws. Or that hard exercise, thinking.
The society we are now living in is akin to Velvet Fascism.
ReplyDeleteThis item reminds me of the ancient story of the little old lady who called the police because, she said, she could see a man masturbating on the end of the pier.
"But madam", said the old-style Dixon of Dock Green copper, "the pier isn't visible from your window."
"Yes it is", she retorted, "when I stand on a chair and use these binoculars."
The jokes you have reproduced here are harmless; some of the jokes in Bob's promotional leaflet were not. They were sexist and crude, and some quite offensive.
ReplyDeleteIf you're going to get all high-and-mighty, feeding the political-correctness-gone-mad brigade, then you should at least be honest about the matter and give all the facts.
Which jokes Mike?
ReplyDeleteI have read a few of the articles and apart from not being very good i have yet to find any offensive jokes (and i am a welsh man who can laugh at himself)
Mmmmm, Perhaps Ken only put a few "innocent" jokes in his editorial just in case any one got offended.....Since political correctness came in, the British have lost their sense of humour as they are all fearful of offending someone or other.....Free speech includes the right to be offensive sometime.....I always remember the old saying about sticks and stones etc.
ReplyDeleteOkay, as I see it, here's the real chilling part of the statement...
ReplyDelete'The distributor has been appropriately advised and instructed to withdraw the leaflets from circulation.'
Instructed to withdraw the leaflets from circulation. Got that? That's police censorship... nothing less.
So when are they going to start on newspapers? The press is no more than a more-widely-distributed newsletter from Bob's shop. Any newspaper could therefore be silenced if the police feel that anything within it could cause public disorder. How about a newspaper telling the truth about the financial situation that Gordon Brown has brought about?
Wake up! This is serious fascism and the suffocation of free speech. How much more clearly do the police have to spell it out?
If the police think the leaflets are breaking the law, then surely they ought to arrest and charge him. If, on the other hand, they feel that the leaflets are getting close to being illegal then they would probably be within their rights to "advise" him. But I can't see how they can "instruct" him without taking further action.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous 1.22am - What I really meant to say was why couldn't they have just had a "friendly word" - you know, like they used to do years ago? Common sense, and all that....
ReplyDeleteTonk. said...
ReplyDelete"I find it hard to believe that the police would get involved in something as petty and harmless as this.....If the police put the same effort into catching real criminals, such as robbers and thieves, as they have in going after this gentleman, then our nation would be safer."
Well said!
Speenzman said
"I'm offended by nanny and people like the idiot who complained about these jokes, maybe if nanny were to ban these people and then herself since I am so offended by them."
Me too, but wouldn't the country be a better place if what you suggest were to happen!
Tonk also said,
"Since political correctness came in, the British have lost their sense of humour as they are all fearful of offending someone or other.....Free speech includes the right to be offensive sometime.....I always remember the old saying about sticks and stones."
I assure you, Tonk, I have not lost my sense of humour. I enjoy listening to and passing on many jokes that are anything but politically correct. However, I must admit I have to be more careful about whom I repeat them to thn I used to be.
Mark said...
"'The distributor has been appropriately advised and instructed to withdraw the leaflets from circulation.'
Instructed to withdraw the leaflets from circulation. Got that? That's police censorship... nothing less.
So when are they going to start on newspapers? The press is no more than a more-widely-distributed newsletter from Bob's shop. Any newspaper could therefore be silenced if the police feel that anything within it could cause public disorder. How about a newspaper telling the truth about the financial situation that Gordon Brown has brought about?
Wake up! This is serious fascism and the suffocation of free speech. How much more clearly do the police have to spell it out?"
And this is happening or rather has happened in a (supposed)democracy, not a totalitarian society like Germany under Hitler, Russia under Stalin or Zimbabwe under Mugabe.
Heard on the radio that the French are doing what has often been suggested on this site: motorists who have been given a speeding fine have decided to clog the system to breaking point by appealing against the fines.
ReplyDeleteGood on them.