Nanny Knows Best

Nanny Knows Best
Dedicated to exposing, and resisting, the all pervasive nanny state that is corroding the way of life and the freedom of the people of Britain.

Thursday, July 02, 2009

Dig For Victory - Flowers Banned

Dig For VictoryIn Brown's Bankrupt Britain things have hit a new low, and are clearly much worse than I had realised.

Nanny, in the shape of Rogerstone Community Council, has now decreed that only food should be grown on their allotments.

Edith Avery (89 years old) found this out to her cost as, despite having used her allotment for 30 years, the council have told her that they will take away her allotment.

For why?

Finding it now a bit of a struggle to grow vegetables, Mrs Avery has started to grow flowers instead. The council, deeming that we are now facing "war time conditions" (I guess), have forbidden this and want to allocate her allotment space to others who will grow only vegetables.

All well and good, given the enormous demand for allotments (maybe), except for one large fly in Nanny's oinkment. It seems that there are many plots that are completely neglected and untended.

Why not forcibly remove these first?

The council are (as expected) trying to duck out of discussing this, council chairman Andrew Cooksey said he did not want to comment directly, but would be discussing the matter with the clerk.

The clerk, of course, is on holiday!

As ever, Nanny's local councils act without thinking and pick the easiest targets on which to impose their arbitrary rules.

Why shouldn'y Mrs Avery be allowed to grow flowers?

We are not at war are we?

Or is there something Nanny has yet to tell us?

Visit The Orifice of Government Commerce and buy a collector's item.

Visit The Joy of Lard and indulge your lard fantasies.

Show your contempt for Nanny by buying a T shirt or thong from Nanny's Store. is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

Celebrate the joy of living with booze. Click and drink!

Why not really indulge yourself, by doing all the things that Nanny really hates? Click on the relevant link to indulge yourselves; Food, Bonking, Toys, Gifts and Flowers, Groceries


  1. I have come to the conclusion that the only reason Nanny uses her powers, is because she can and, as she takes more powers for herself, she will use those powers too.

    Perhaps Nanny can tell us what possible gain she gets from harrassing an elderly woman in her twilight years....Perhaps this is part of Nanny's new plan to harrass to death the elderly as, in Nanny's eyes, they are no longer productive drones.

    I am pleased to see the rise in the number of people growing their own veg, thanks, at least in part, must go to H F-W, an old Etonian turned celebrity chef and his landshare scheme. The additional good thing that may come out of the grow your own movement is this; People may just now remember what good fruit and veg tastes like before the supermarkets put it all through the flavour extractor. Hopefully, once people have grown veg and tasted it, they will not return to the tasteless offerings the supermarkets sell.

  2. Disgusted, Tunbridge Wells10:55 AM

    An allotment is effectively a tenancy, and as long as the rent is paid I don't see any council having either legal or moral authority to dictate what the allotment-holder grows there (as long as it's not pot or something else illegal). However there may be an ulterior motive: harass allotment-holders from their patches so the land can be sold for yet more unsaleable carbuncular blocks of "executive apartments".

  3. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Have you forgotten the War On Terror, which by its very nature can never be concluded?

    I await with baited breath the forced removal of iron railings and ornaments within the next few months. As an added bonus for Nanny, less iron railings will also mean less impailing injuries too.

  4. Lord of Atlantis2:14 PM

    You stated, Ken, 'the clerk, of course, is on holiday'.

    What a surprise! A friend of mine suggested, when my own local council used a similar excuse, albeit on a totally different issue, that this was 'Dodge No 376,(for fobbing off customers with awkward questions) "Rodger's Compendium of Dodgers and Wheezes" (3rd edition)' and I see no reason to disagree.
    I suggest we ARE at war, Ken, not against Nazi Germany, but against Nanny and the little Hitlers, mostly but not exclusively working in local authorities, the elf'n'safety industry and the political correctness lobby,
    cheerfully enforcing her rules.

  5. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Maybe the clerk in question has a friend who wants an allotment not requiring too much work?


  6. Julius Caesar2:27 PM

    Tonk. said...
    "Perhaps Nanny can tell us what possible gain she gets from harrassing an elderly woman in her twilight years...."

    Because these tossers are ****ing bullies. Like most bullies they only pick on those who are unable to defend themselves.

    Tonk also said: "People may just now remember what good fruit and veg tastes like before the supermarkets put it all through the flavour extractor. Hopefully, once people have grown veg and tasted it, they will not return to the tasteless offerings the supermarkets sell."

    I never by my fruit and veg from supermarkets.

    Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells said:'....However there may be an ulterior motive: harass allotment-holders from their patches so the land can be sold for yet more unsaleable carbuncular blocks of "executive apartments".'

    I hate to say this, and I hope you are wrong, but I wouldn't be at all surprised to learn that there was something of this nature going on 'behind closed doors': after all, to discuss this sort of thing openly 'would not be in the public interest' now, would it?

  7. Anonymous_22:29 PM

    What do they think this is? crap on the elderly month?

  8. Tonk.3:38 PM

    JC said
    "Because these tossers are ****ing bullies. Like most bullies they only pick on those who are unable to defend themselves."

    Ahhh, That explains it then:-))

  9. What you ommitted to mention is this is a CONSERVATIVE council. Nothing to do with Brown's Britain.

    How did the Daily Mail omit that little fact?
