Nanny Knows Best

Nanny Knows Best
Dedicated to exposing, and resisting, the all pervasive nanny state that is corroding the way of life and the freedom of the people of Britain.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Forces Fags

FagA wee story for you from the USA.

The Pentagon reassured troops on Wednesday that it won't ban tobacco products in war zones.

Meanwhile UK Nanny, and the members of the butchers' profession (doctors), continue to try to push for a ban on our troops smoking.

For why?

Nanny is under the impression that smoking presents a clear and present danger to health of our troops.

Errmmmm...maybe she could pop over to Afghanistan and explain her risk assessment re smoking in person?

Post Script

As "Disgusted Tunbridge Wells" has just commented, Nanny will soon be requiring all armed forces personnel to wear high vis vests!

Visit The Orifice of Government Commerce and buy a collector's item.

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Show your contempt for Nanny by buying a T shirt or thong from Nanny's Store. is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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Why not really indulge yourself, by doing all the things that Nanny really hates? Click on the relevant link to indulge yourselves; Food, Bonking, Toys, Gifts and Flowers, Groceries


  1. Nanny is sadly alive and well in America's first socialist/blackish president.....Look at the Labour style policies he is starting to push through....I would hate to be a small business owner in the USA at the moment, as more and more PC schemes are pushed through by Mr Obama.....Too many socialists have too much power in too much of the world at the moment....These are worrying times for everyone.

    Prisons are strssful places just as battlefields are, I have seen many landings in jails kick off over a lack of cigarettes; troops would not need the extra stress caused by nicotine withdrawl; BTW, I have never smoked.....I would suggest most troops, especially British ones, face more of a risk from the enemy than they do from smoking, mind you, in the case of the British troops, they are fighting two enemies; The Taliban and their own government's refusal to properly equip them.

    I support our troops but, I do not support the government that chose to put our troops in the position they have found themselves....Mr Brown states that we need to make the streets of Afghanistan safe so that the streets of Britain can be safe.....If they hadn't started interfering in other country's internal affairs like a world social worker, we would not be in such danger from these people now.....The ironical thing for me is this; As we send our troops here, there and everywhere to impose democracy on foreign nations, we are in fact loosing our own democracy.....What a shabby, dishonest, hypocritical government we have in this country.

  2. Julius Caesar11:30 AM

    I would have thought that being shot at, travelling over roads with booby trap bombs or land mines, or having bombs thrown at them by fanatics who hate everything we stand for presents a clear and present danger to our troops, not to mention a government that is too mean to supply them with the proper equipment.

    Tonk said: "I support our troops but, I do not support the government that chose to put our troops in the position they have found themselves....Mr Brown states that we need to make the streets of Afghanistan safe so that the streets of Britain can be safe.....If they hadn't started interfering in other country's internal affairs like a world social worker, we would not be in such danger from these people now.....The ironical thing for me is this; As we send our troops here, there and everywhere to impose democracy on foreign nations, we are in fact loosing our own democracy.....What a shabby, dishonest, hypocritical government we have in this country."

    Well said, I couldn't agree with you more.

  3. Disgusted, Tunbridge Wells3:54 PM

    Ken said
    "Nanny is under the impression that smoking presents a clear and present danger to health of our troops."

    I'm surprised she hasn't made them all wear her favourite fetish item: hi-vis vests.

  4. Anonymous4:52 PM

    In my day all a chap had was his pith helmet and revolver.

    Of course, in those days we hadn't sold the generic whomever fuzzie-wuzzies significantly better armaments than we give to our own army...

    Gobsmacking feat of mental and moral gymnastics that. Orf you go to war but watch the old salt intake, here's your vitamin pills and do get thirty minutes of aerobic exercise twenty-four times a day, won't you Corporal?

    Nanny might be better off banning lead.

    And politicians.

  5. General Sherman10:35 AM

    Disgusted you are right, how can nanny let soldiers run around in front of tanks and other heavy tracked vehicles without her favourite fetish oufit the hi-vis vest.

    I say we send some PSCOs out ahead of the boys to show them how it is done. When they are mowed down by members of the religion of peace we can send some environmental enforcement officers (similary garbed) to lift bin lids around taliban compounds and issue fines, when they are done with we can send - well you get the picture as a general I can commmit hordes of nanny's hi vis vested heroes to the fray and best of all no one will give a monkeys when they get shot.

  6. Surely lead poisoning is more of a risk on the battlefield ?

    My own personal feeling is that maybe Nanny should go and visit the Taliban and see if she can talk them into not using IEDs on our troops. They are such a health and safety hazard after all and I'm sure the Taliban would be awfully nice and understanding when Nanny turned up to give them a lecture.

  7. Grant2:03 AM

    Kaptain Von has a good point.

    Nanny could point out that if the 'insurgents' don't stop making homemade IEDs out of odd explosive materials they find lying around she will ask for her fertiliser supplies back. And if she does not get them back quickly she might also dismantle the wimmin's ferris wheel.
