Nanny Knows Best

Nanny Knows Best
Dedicated to exposing, and resisting, the all pervasive nanny state that is corroding the way of life and the freedom of the people of Britain.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Nanny Bans Cheese

My thanks to several loyal readers who pointed me in the direction of a really absurd piece of Nanny nonsense, concerning cheese.

Britain has many traditions/events, some of which go back centuries. Sadly, in the age of Nanny, many of these are now frowned upon (lest they encourage individuality and freedom of expression). 

One such event that Nanny does not like is the annual cheese rolling event on Cooper's Hill Gloucester, which involves people chasing a 7lb wheel of Double Gloucester down the hill this bank holiday weekend.

For the last 25 years the cheese has been made by Diana Smart at Churcham Farm.

So far so good!

Step forward Nanny's chums from Gloucestershire Police, who have warned Mrs Smart that she may be regarded as "responsible" as "organiser" if anyone were to be injured during the cheese rolling.

She was quoted by the BBC:
"It made me feel pretty angry... there's not a lot we can do."
A Gloucestershire Police spokesman said:
"Advice has been given to all those who have participated in any planning of an unofficial cheese rolling event this coming bank holiday. 

This included the individuals who provide the cheese.

We feel it is important that those who, by law, could be constituted as organisers of the event that they are aware of the responsibilities that come with it so that they can make an informed decision about their participation."
Glad to see that in the midst of all the other national crime headlines, that the Gloucestershire Police have their priorities "right"!

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  1. I'm no lawyer but........ Surely it cannot be illegal to chase a 7lb cheese down a hillside !! If the hillside is in the public domain then no tresspass is committed certainly. In any case, if "Nanny" is so worried, surely the posting of a simple disclaimer or the signing of a waiver by participants should cover any injuries ?

  2. We are the state, do as you're told or we'll have you-Can't you see our hi-viz jackets? We're in charge.

    I wonder why the police are involved at all, let alone why they went in for such a heavy handed, over kill approach.

    If no CRIMINAL offence is taking place, it is of no concern to the police at all, is it? Will three officers turn up at my home home and say, if you're thinking of taking the bus to town don't, just in case as you get off the bus, it makes someone jump and they fall over and hurt themselves.....Is this scenario any less ridiculus than the one in the story? Is supplying a cheese a criminal offence; no. Is chasing that cheese down a hill a criminal offence; no......Where is the criminal offence that justifies the police involvement?

    It seems we have statute law, case law and now, made up by plod law......

    My advice to the lady cheesemaker.....Just laugh at hi-viz!

  3. Blessed be the cheesemakers, for they can tell Nanny to f%&k off

  4. I read that the organisers have made "An informed decision" and vowed to carry on regardless. Good for them!

  5. Archroy6:38 PM

    "We feel it is important that those who, by law, could be constituted as organisers of the event that they are aware of the responsibilities that come with it so that they can make an informed decision about their participation."

    "We're not threatening anyone, we're just giving them information so that they can make an informed decision about their participation."

    Isn't that how the Krays used to sell 'insurance'?

  6. Lord of Atlantis1:17 PM

    No, we are not threatening anybody, but if you don't do as you're told we'll nick you!

    Did it really need 3 officers to visit this elderly lady? It's a wonder they didn't scramble a helicopter and send in a SWAT squad!
