Nanny Knows Best

Nanny Knows Best
Dedicated to exposing, and resisting, the all pervasive nanny state that is corroding the way of life and the freedom of the people of Britain.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Ming The Merciless is a Discriminatory Stereotype - Apparently


The British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) senior policy officer Matt Tindall said that Ming is a discriminatory stereotype because :

"Ming the Merciless is coded as an East Asian character due to his hair and make-up, but he's played by a Swedish actor in the film, he's played by Max Von Sydow, which I don't think is something that would happen if this were a modern production, and is something that we're also aware that viewers may find dubious if not outright offensive.

The character of Ming of course comes from the Flash Gordon comic strips from the 1930s and the serials, and let's just say attitudes towards the acceptability of discriminatory racial stereotypes have moved on considerably since then, and rightly so of course."


Ming is ruler of Mongo, he is not meant to be Asian! is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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Monday, December 21, 2020

Stand Down A Flight!


With the announcement of  "mutant" covid on Saturday, the French were sufficiently spooked to announce to what in effect amounted to a blockade of Britain.

The result?

Mass panic on Twitter about where people will be able to buy their lettuce!

However, the French are now instituting a series of measures and will lift the blockade. As such, people's supply of lettuce will remain secure.

Meanwhile, the rest of us may be pondering why the "mutant" covid has appeared out of nowhere, and has resulted in Tier 4. It transpires that a very very vocal minority on the NERVTAG group that advised the PM wanted immediate action (despite the report about the "mutant" only have "moderate" confidence in its findings at this stage).

Who would be so vocal in their calls for another lockdown/tier 4?

Well now, a brief scan of the membership reveals our old chum Fergie!

Who would have thought it?!! is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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Friday, December 18, 2020

Tin Hats Everyone! is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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Tuesday, December 15, 2020

London To Go To Tier 3


Handcock confirmed yesterday that London will go into Tier 3 on Wednesday.

It is worth remembering that other countries in Europe are under a stricter lockdown and some, eg Germany, closed their bars/restaurants some weeks ago. Yet they are seeing an increase in cases.

Here are a few points worth remembering:

- The people ordering lockdowns and pub closures will not be losing their jobs and, when this is over, will still be paid and entitled to a nice defined benefit pension when they retire.

- Bars and restaurants are not responsible for the increase in cases (especially in countries where they are already closed!).

- The more restrictions you place on people, and the less opportunity you give them to socialise in clean well ventilated places (eg pubs), the more inclined they are to break the rules.

- Where the pubs are shut, or placed under idiotic restrictions (eg the "substantial meal" rule) people socialise in each others' homes.

- It is clear, based on the petty minded nonsense of some of the restrictions, that SAGE does not understand human nature.

- Households are the prime drivers of infection; as they are not well ventilated, not clean and not socially distanced (unlike pubs and restaurants).

- SAGE will always recommend stricter lockdowns, it has become a scratched record that needs to be thrown away. is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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Monday, December 14, 2020

London Tier 3? - Cue Rush of People to London Pubs and Restaurants is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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Tuesday, December 08, 2020

Brighton's £154K Covid Cops - Money Well Wasted!


Brighton and Hove News reports that Brighton will be recruiting four Covid Cops (at an initial cost of £154K).

The four “covid cops” will police businesses across Brighton and Hove and have the power to shut down rule-breakers and fine them £4,000.

The officials – to be known as covid information officers – will be expected to provide advice and guidance in most cases before resorting to enforcement.

Those taken on in the temporary posts are to help ensure that businesses – including shops, cafés, pubs and bars – are covid safe.

The government has granted £154,000 to fund the posts from this month until the end of February. After three months, the service will be reviewed and adapted as required.

The officials will have the power to serve notices and fines ranging from “coronavirus improvement notices” and “coronavirus immediate restriction notices” to “coronavirus restriction notices” and fixed penalty notices.

As to whether they are really needed remains doubtful, given that every other official in Brighton appears to have powers to levy fines and poke their noses into other people's business!

The council’s Policy and Resources Committee was told that the covid cops would join other council officials in being granted enforcement powers under the coronavirus regulations.

They include field officers as well as environmental health, trading standards and licensing officers and the council’s seafront team. is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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Wednesday, December 02, 2020

The Welsh ID Card


Totally irrelevant as there is no requirement to prove that you have had a vaccine, and no lawful means to compel you to reveal your private medical records. is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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Tuesday, December 01, 2020

Cinemas and Theatres Can Serve Booze WITHOUT Food!

Another example of Nanny's ridiculous rules!

Maybe pubs should just show a film, that way they wouldn't have to serve food? is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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Monday, November 30, 2020

Wales Bans Pubs From Selling Booze! is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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Gather Ye Round Your Fire Pits - SAGE Stuffs Christmas


Nanny and her acolytes from SAGE are determined to add a bit of No! No! No! to the season of goodwill.

Not content with banning board games (lest we start licking the playing pieces and succumb to Covid), Nanny and SAGE have put together a wee list of rules for the festive season (see above).

I would venture to observe that not every home has a fire pit (or garden!), nor the space required for placing another table in the dining area (even if there is another table spare).

I wonder if the boffins who come up with these rules, have grasped the fact that not everyone in the UK is middle class and lives in Islington?

That aside, I note with a degree of astonishment that Nanny wants Granny placed near an open window. Now whilst this might lessen her chances of going down with Covid, it most assuredly guarantees that she will go down with pneumonia.

However, if she then dies from the pneumonia you can rest assured that her death certificate will cite Covid as being the cause of death!

I have said it before, and will say it again, SAGE can get stuffed! is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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Thursday, November 26, 2020

Isle of Wight, Cornwall and Sciliy Isles Are The ONLY Places in England in Tier 1!

Kudos to the Isle of Wight et al, for being the ONLY places in England to be in Tier 1! is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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Tiers Listed Here


Tiers listed here.

FYI the site has crashed! is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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IRONY KLAXON - Pubs are Safer Than Homes


As England awaits news from our lord and masters in the public health lobby as to which Tier we will be placed in (SPOILER ALERT: hardly any region, if at all, will be in Tier 1), and the economy and hospitality industry is destroyed, I draw your attention to the above information from SAGE.

Pubs are safer than homes!

Therefore Nanny, by shutting the pubs, has in fact increased the spread of Covid; as people have been socialising in their Covid infested sealed homes rather than in clean, socially distanced, well ventilated pubs! is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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Wednesday, November 25, 2020

No One Will Be In Tier 1


Rumour has it that no are of England will be placed in Tier 1 tomorrow.

Spiffing! is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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Tuesday, November 24, 2020

The Great Tier Lottery


Good luck to everyone participating in the Great Tier Lottery, the results of which will be announced on Thursday (and payouts made on Wednesday the 2nd).

Not only is it fun, novel and exciting; it's compulsory! is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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Monday, November 23, 2020

Define a "Substantial Meal"


Open thread, knock yourselves out folks :)

Oh and here's my two penn'orth...

For tier 2 one way round the absurd rules is for pubs to serve drinkers with a plate containing leftovers from genuine diners, in order to provide cover if a covid inspector turns up. 

Tier 3 is buggered:( is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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Friday, November 20, 2020

Christmas Gatherings in London - and Not a Sign of Dick!

 Metropolitan Police Commissioner Dame Cressida Dick has told LBC she has "no interest in interrupting family Christmas dinners" and said "the police have lots of other things to be doing" is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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Thursday, November 19, 2020

Auntie Censors Fairytale of New York

The BBC is shite! is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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Nanny Followed The Wikipedia - Stuff SAGE!

It transpires that the dodgy models used by SAGE back in Q1 were based on not only lousy assumptions, but also dodgy data sourced from Wikipedia!

Oh, and just to double down on the amateurishness of it all, not one member of SAGE was an expert in Corona type viruses!

Watch Lockdown 1.0 - Following the Science? on BBC 2 to see the inside story on how Nanny was in fact following The Wikipedia! is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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The Media Keeps Lying! is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Plant a Tree For Christmas and Sit Under It - Stuff SAGE!


Professor Gabriel Scally, of "Independent" Sage (aka Communist SAGE, a group set up to destabilise government Covid policy - not that it needs much destabilising!) has come up with a terrific wheeze for Christmas.

Can you guess what this is children?

Yes, that's right, he wants us to plant Christmas trees in our gardens; and sit under them on Christmas day in order to exchange gifts etc in a "Covid free" environment.

Two "wee" problems with this:

1 It's mid winter!

2 Many people don't have gardens.

Scally and "Independent" SAGE can stuff their advice exactly where you would expect to put SAGE at Christmas time! is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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Dido is Down

Naturally I wish her well.

However, I would ask why it took 5 days for her to be notified? is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Handcock et al Prisoners of The Health Zealots


As is all too obvious, Handock and the the others who claim to be making the decisions that affect us all wrt Covid, have been taken prisoner by the health zealots.

Not content with imposing arbitrary restrictions on people and businesses before the national lockdown, then imposing another national lockdown, these zealots are not only pushing for an extension of the lockdown but a further tightening of post lockdown restrictions (eg the ban of booze sales after 21:00).

Whether that has any effect on the alleged levels of infection is a moot point. However, what is assured is that it will further cripple the economy.

A dead economy will not be able to feed the open maw that is the NHS, these zealots might want to think about that!

There needs to be balance in this. is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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Wednesday, November 11, 2020

A Spoonful of Sugar Helps The Vaccine Go Down!

Aha, so Handock et al won't be taking it first! is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Lockdown Has Regressed Education

Unsurprisingly Ofsted has reported that the lockdown has caused a regression in children's' education, eg reading and writing has regressed as has attention spans etc.

None of this is surprising, as lockdowns cause immense harm.

However, what is shocking is that the lockdown has result in issues with children regressing to nappies and no longer being able to use a knife and fork.

There is something fundamentally wrong with a society where parents are incapable of teaching their own children how use a knife an fork! is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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Tuesday, November 03, 2020


People being told to lockdown have the right to know what the costs (economic, health, educational, mental etc) will be! is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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DHSC Claims Not To Know The False Positive Rate!

On the 18 of September I sent the following FOI to the DHSC:

Dear Department of Health and Social Care,

Please can you advise what the percentage of false positive rate is wrt the current Covid tests?

Thank you.

Yours faithfully,

Ken Frost

By law they should have provided me with an answer by 16 October.

Their answer finally arrived today, here it is:

Freedom of Information Team  
Department of Health and Social Care  
39 Victoria Street 
Mr Ken Frost 
Dear Mr Frost, 
Freedom of Information Request Reference FOI-1256671 
Thank you for your request dated 18 September 2020 in which you asked the Department of 
Health and Social Care (DHSC): 
“Please can you advise what the percentage of false positive rate is wrt the current Covid 
Your request has been handled under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). 
DHSC does not hold the information you requested. We do not hold percentage figures for the 
false positive rate regarding current COVID-19 tests. 
If you are not satisfied with the handling of your request, you have the right to appeal by asking for 
an internal review. This should be submitted within two months of the date of this letter and sent to, or to the address at the top of this letter. 
Please remember to quote the reference number above in any future communication. 
If you are not content with the outcome of your internal review, you may complain directly to the 
Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). Generally, the ICO cannot make a decision unless you 
have already appealed our original response and received our internal review decision. You should 
raise your concerns with the ICO within three months of your last meaningful contact with us. 
The ICO can be contacted at:  
The Information Commissioner's Office  
Wycliffe House 
Water Lane  

Yours sincerely, 
Hazel Percy 
Freedom of Information Officer 

I have requested an internal review:

Dear Department of Health and Social Care,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of Department of Health and Social Care's handling of my FOI request 'False Positive Percentage'.

I asked what the false positive rate was, when you finally answered you stated that you do not hold that information:

1 Why do you not hold that information?
2 Who does?

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:

Thank you

Yours faithfully,

Ken Frost is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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Monday, November 02, 2020

SAGE Appears To Be Running Amok - #StuffSAGE


The slides leaked to the BBC on estimated COVID-19 deaths, and presented at the government press conference on the 31st October, were based on different models from at least three weeks ago.

This allows us to check the projections for November the 1st. 

The PHE/Cambridge model on this date has an estimated projection of 1,000 deaths, yet deaths are averaging just over 200 deaths for this date on the government’s staging website.

We estimate the Imperial model to be projecting approximately 486 deaths on the 1st of November, LSHTM 266 deaths and Warwick 234.

Saturday’s Downing Street press conference had scientists present graphs suggesting England could see 4,000 daily deaths early next month. These figures appear to be grossly misleading, even the USA has not topped 2,000 deaths per day and its population is approximately six times larger than the UK's. 

Nanny has been scared witless before with the infamous Imperial model of 500K deaths, Nanny now appears to be falling for the same style of exaggerated projections again.

The models are only as good as the data and assumptions fed into them; it is apparent that both the data and assumptions used are not credible. As such, we need to ask why are SAGE allowed to take effective control of government decisions without rigorous analysis of their data and assumptions?

In the fog of war decisions have to be made on the basis of imperfect data. However, when that data is so wildly off the mark you have to question the motivation of those who present it!

It is clear that Covid should not just be allowed to rip willy nilly through the country. However, a more measured and targeted response (as the Tier system was trying to do) which is less brutal than the blunt mallet of a lockdown is surely appropriate?

At the very least, when people are being told to lockdown they deserve to be given the full facts of the costs of the lockdown (in terms of the economic, health, education and psychological damage that lockdowns cause). is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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Friday, October 30, 2020

Paris Has Fallen! is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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Blair Staged a Global Coup in May, Whilst We Were Preoccupied! is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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Thursday, October 29, 2020

The Madness of Emperor Macron - Wear Masks at Home


A few weeks ago President Macron stated that another lockdown would be ruinous.

Now, despite the fact that lockdowns don't work (as I noted yesterday), he imposing another one. Except with an added twist, he is requesting people to wear masks even in their own homes!

"Fewer family & social gatherings.....respecting social distancing including at home, systematic wearing of masks when indoors in the presence of another person, even a close family member or child. It is very important for you."

This is utter madness, and is unenforceable!

Sadly the lockdown zealots will use France's new lockdown as a means with which to push their agenda for another lockdown in the UK.

Lockdowns KILL people and businesses! is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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Wednesday, October 28, 2020

The Hypocrisy of The Lockdown Zealots


The media, certain politicians and the SAGE "boffins" are calling for another lockdown, because the first one "worked so well"!

Just step back a minute and consider these points:

1 Lockdowns don't get rid of the virus (otherwise the first lockdown would have been a great success)

2 Lockdowns cause immense harm (economic, psychological, health - eg cancers not checked, education etc).

3 The costs (economic, psychological health, education etc) of lockdowns will be with us for many years.

It is very easy for politicians, the media, academics and the middle class to call for lockdowns when they can sit at home without having their income disrupted, safe in the knowledge that they will still have:

- Heating

- Electricity

- TV

- Phone services

- Internet

- Food, drink, fags etc

delivered to their homes by others.

However, just bear in mind that during these lockdowns millions of people have to still go outside their homes to work including, but not limited to, the following:

- medical staff

- police

- armed forces

- firemen

- postal workers

- delivery staff

- shop workers

- small shopkeepers

- milkmen

- bus drivers, tube drivers, train drivers, taxi drivers etc etc

- people who provide electricity, gas, water, internet, TV phone services etc

Therefore, when people call for a lockdown it is more than likely those calling for it won't have their livelihoods wrecked or have to continue to go outside of their homes to provide goods and services to others!

Note this well, every single day in the UK between 400-500 people die from cancer. The media don't report those deaths every day as they do Covid. 

I would also note, that as a result of the lockdown those deaths (because people will have ignored symptoms or treatment has been delayed) will increase markedly in the years to come. The same will apply to other diseases.

Lockdowns KILL people and businesses! is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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Tuesday, October 27, 2020

What is The False Positive Percentage? - DHSC Have Not Answered My FOI


On the 18 of September I sent the following FOI to the DHSC:

Dear Department of Health and Social Care,

Please can you advise what the percentage of false positive rate is wrt the current Covid tests?

Thank you.

Yours faithfully,

Ken Frost

By law they should have provided me with an answer by 16 October.

As at 27 October, they have still NOT answered my question! is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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Monday, October 26, 2020

Failed In Wales - Drakeford To Order Another Lockdown in New Year


As the "non essential" items ban continues to unravel in Wales, Drakeford has come up with another wheeze.

Even though the current lockdown hasn't yet come to an end, Drakeford and his Labour henchment are planning another one in the New Year.

I am not a scientist, but doesn't this indicate that if they are already planning another lockdown that lockdowns don't work; and that even Drakeford (deluded as he is) knows this? is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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Friday, October 23, 2020

Twat Bans "Non Essential" Items


Who decides what a "non essential" item is?

Has Drakeford never heard of Amazon? is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Scotland Yard Breaking The Law is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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Friday, October 16, 2020

Nanny Wants Covid Students To Burn To Death


The York University has now changed its advice, following the outcry! is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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Thursday, October 15, 2020

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

SAGE Has Lost The Plot is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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Friday, October 09, 2020

Nanny's National Careers Service Skills Assessment


Nanny's National Careers Service Skills Assessment is completely bonkers, within the array of careers Nanny told me I could put my talents to were:

- Boxer

- Judge

- Aromatherapist

- Actor

- Barber

- Bingo Caller is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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Thursday, October 08, 2020

Lockdowns Kill More Than Covid


Defined paths (this is how things have been done before) and copycat policies are not always the best way to handle situations such as Covid, especially when they make things worse. 

The trouble is, no country or leader will admit that they have got it wrong.

Hence many countries are now doubling down on restrictions that will make things worse. is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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Wednesday, October 07, 2020

Tuesday, October 06, 2020

Sturgeon's Circuit is Broken

My thoughts and prayers are with the good people of Scotland, as their "leader" reimposes a policy that didn't rid the country of the virus last time and most certainly won't do it this time.

Repeating the same self harming action time and time again, in the hope that something will come along that will negate you having to repeat those actions, is not a strategy, it is an admission of failure! is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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Monday, October 05, 2020

PHE Really Is Utter Shite!

The bottom line here is that the tests are unreliable and the figures reported each day are not to be trusted. 

As such, to base decisions on these statistics is crazy. Nanny ought to be looking at hospital admissions (those being admitted with Covid) to get a sense of what is actually happening. is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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Thursday, October 01, 2020

Adam Bates Nails It! is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Monday, September 28, 2020

Nanny U Turns on Parliament's Open Bars


Nice try Nanny, you almost got away with it! is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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Nanny's Hypocrisy - Parliament's Bars Don't Shut at 10PM


Well blinkey, blonky, blimey!

It appears that despite having ordered the rest of us to stop drinking at 10PM Nanny, in the shape of our "respected" MPs, is not applying the rule to her own private (taxpayer subsidised) bars in the Palarse of Westminster.

Quelle surprise! is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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Friday, September 25, 2020

Nanny Contradicts Herself

You cannot suppress a virus that has become endemic whilst, at the same time, return to normal! is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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Thursday, September 24, 2020

#JettyGate - The Monstrous Metallic Carbuncle in Queen's Park Brighton

Loyal readers may recall that I have written about the Queen's Park jetty in Brighton on a number of occasions, eg May 2020 I wrote the following:
"A jetty over Brighton Queen’s Park pond is set to open in March – almost a year late following health and safety delays.

The jetty was built in 2019 after park visitors were asked to choose how to spend money contributed by local developers – either to rework its quiet garden to open it up and deter drug users, or to create a dipping platform.

The platform project was chosen and the jetty was completed to the original designs by May – but a surprise inspection by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents meant it has remained fenced off ever since.
A few weeks later the barriers were then unceremoniously thrown into the pond, and access to the jetty was restored. Then a fortnight ago I saw that the barriers had been re-erected, and restored to their position in front of the jetty blocking access. Two days later they were moved allowing access.

Great, common sense prevailed!

Sadly not, for this morning I see that one of the "safety" barriers has again been re-erected, and placed in front of the jetty blocking access (before and after pictures above)."

Here we are now in the latter part of September, and the 'Elf of Safety has exacted a terrible revenge on those who chucked the "safety" barriers into the lake.

Ladies and Gentlemen I present to you the monstrous carbuncle, which is a metallic blight on what was an attractive wooden jetty.

I would draw your attention to the gate, which has potential for a padlock to be added!

All this so that councillors can moor their super-yachts on the pond.

Here is #JettyGate The Movie, for your pleasure. is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

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