The 12 year old brat was taking the bus to school, last October, and misbehaving. She was clambering on the luggage rack whilst the bus was in motion. Despite being warned by her school mates and the driver that this was stupid, she continued to do it.
Can you guess what happened next loyal readers?
Yes, that's right, she and another brat who was arsing about with her fell through the window of the single decker bus.
No serious injuries were suffered.
End of story?
Not quite!
Can you guess what is happening now?
Yes, that's right, one of the brats has instructed a solicitor (really? Bit young to be "instructing" solicitors aren't they?) who specialises in personal injury cases to prepare a claim for damages.
Jim Houghton, owner of Ellie Rose Travel, is quoted in the Mail:
"I am not surprised someone is trying to sue us. It's the way things are these days, which upsets me.
The parents of the other girl who fell out said they didn't want to take the matter any further."
Ellie Rose Travel withdrew the school service shortly after the incident, so now all the kids have to find other means of getting to school.
Gosh, here's a thought, how about walking?
Cynics might suggest that the parents of the brat making the damages claim are hoping to make a nice little windfall here.
Visit The Orifice of Government Commerce and buy a collector's item.
Visit The Joy of Lard and indulge your lard fantasies.
Show your contempt for Nanny by buying a T shirt or thong from Nanny's Store. is brought to you by "The Living Brand"
Celebrate the joy of living with booze. Click and drink!
Why not really indulge yourself, by doing all the things that Nanny really hates? Click on the relevant link to indulge yourselves; Food, Bonking, Toys, Gifts and Flowers, Groceries
I hope the bus company keeps it together and sees the parents in court. And I hope it gets thrown straight back out again.
ReplyDeleteWhen will society realise that being shitty parents and bringing up a brat does not automatically qualify you for a big cash payout.
Spot on Bucko!!
ReplyDeleteI had the misfortune some years ago to travel on a bus full of school kids....How the driver was able to concentrate on the road was beyond me....The noise, the running around, throwing things and general horse play was enough to put off even the best driver.
What the "sue 'em" brigade don't accept as a fact, is that they are all costing us dear.....The so called victim may get a few hundred quid but the lawyer is likely to get several thousand.....The conditional fee legislation is a license for lawyers to print money...I and I suspect all of you, have seen insurance costs go through the roof because of a double whammy; Insurance premium tax and the increased payouts due to conditional fees lawyers......People seem unable to accept that sometimes, an accident is just that; an accident.
I am pleased the bus company has withdrawn the service and I hope neither they nor any other company takes the contract up unless the case is dropped and the school provides someone to ride shotgun in order to supervise the brats....
Enjoy buses responsibly.
Off topic; If Nanny stopped running her many ads on TV, would commercial television fold due to lack of advertising revenue?...Last night there was at least one Nanny ad every commercial break....The annoying "I'd do anything" ad, NHS quit line ad, Direct Gov ad, Join the navy ad, Pay your car tax or we'll have you ad, HMRC pay your tax or we'll have you ad, to name but a few....I wonder how much Nanny and her helpers spend each year on TV and radio adverts....It must be millions.
Look to the money/gravy train how many MPs are lawyers? Plenty even that most honourable of them all Mr Tony Blair and of course his most fragrant and beautiful wife Cherie.
ReplyDeleteTonk, nanny now has the biggest advertising spending in the UK, even bigger than giants like Unilever.
ReplyDeleteIf you look on thisishullandeastriding website, there are so far 245 comments from people slating the girl, her parents and the Lionel Hutz lawyer who has taken the case. Its funny reading.
My personal favourite is the "dont let the drink decide" advert. Its totally pointless and full of annoying brats.
ReplyDeleteIs Nanny using kids to get her political message over actually child exploitation?....I think it is...Plus it drives me up the wall.
I find the Nation's official website (direct gov) to be the most annoying especially the somewhat perverted image of the adult male as a baby!!!
Tonk - It probably is but nanny will unshamedly exploit anything or anyone to tell us adults how bad we all are and how much we need her guidance.
ReplyDeleteApparently we all should go mushy and do as we are told when a kid says fags/booze/co2/ect is bad. Like they have any idea wtf they are talking about. Bollocks.
As for Directgov.........Sorry, I've never used it.
(And i've always thought "The nations official website" was ebay?)
ReplyDeleteI've never used Direct Gov's wesite either, I was talking about how annoying the advert for it was....That alone has put me off looking at the site, plus of course, anything with dot gov in the address is going to be crap anyway;-)
If the bus driver had physically thrown this specimen out the window, they still would have my support.
ReplyDeleteThe fact that the parents are suing suggests the kind of mentality that breeds these little horrors...
It seems I have been lucky enough to miss that one Tonk.
ReplyDeleteDo they say search online for.... rather than just giving out the actual web address? (Cos were too sdoopid to remember web addresses)
You would support someone throwing a young girl out of a moving bus window? Well well despite the girls behaviour your comment speaks volumes about your own psyche.
ReplyDeleteWhen I went to school, anyone playing up on the bus would have been thrown off without a refund of their fare, and it's a great pity that bus drivers no longer have the powers to do that. How they cope, I do not know, because most buses with school kids on them are like war zones. I have no wish to be uncharitable, but in my opinion, it would have served the brat right if it HAD suffered a serious injury. NO WAY is the driver or the bus company to blame for this incident: he told the brat to stop climbing on the luggage rack so, since the brat decided to ignore the driver, the incident is down to the brat and nobody else. I hope the case not only gets thrown out of court, but that the brat's parents are billed for the costs of the case. Even if the brat had suffered a serious injury, this ought to be the judgement. Unfortunately, with this country's perverse legal system, thanks to the 'uman rights act' it would never surprise me if the opposite happens, and the brat gets a massive payout.
ReplyDeleteTonk. said...
ReplyDelete"Spot on Bucko!!
I had the misfortune some years ago to travel on a bus full of school kids....How the driver was able to concentrate on the road was beyond me....The noise, the running around, throwing things and general horse play was enough to put off even the best driver......
....I am pleased the bus company has withdrawn the service and I hope neither they nor any other company takes the contract up unless the case is dropped and the school provides someone to ride shotgun in order to supervise the brats...."
That should be the case, not only in this case, but in ALL circumstances when school children use public transport. There was a case in Coventry a few years ago in which a newish bus had the upper deck destroyed when a school kid set it on fire. I see no reason why any damage done by school children should be paid in full by the school or, better still by the parents of the little horrors: if their minds were to be focussed in this way, there would hardly be any trouble on school buses.
My Lord;
ReplyDeleteIn general terms I would concur with your view however, the school has no monsy of it's own, only money that it is given out of taxation...If the school pays, both you and I pick up the tab....That is why I prefer the idea of the parents, or more likely, parent paying and actually taking responsibility for their kids....Old fashioned I know but, still valid in my opinion!!!
I may have to report your system to Nanny; The word verification is "MUZZI"...Lol
by removing the bus service you now have the situation my town has now.
ReplyDeleteWe have one service that does not get funding for the kids to go to school so the route only qualifys for a 15 person bus.
There are about 9 regular adults and anywhere between 3-12 kids that get on the bus daily. They are as excitable as todays kids, twice as loud and have very little respect for the adults.
"Cynics might suggest that the parents of the brat making the damages claim are hoping to make a nice little windfall here."
ReplyDeleteCynics might also hope that the parents who now have to find other ways of getting their kids to school, will seek reimbursement from the brats parents....
Kids are a blank canvas they learn from the adults around them. Decades of socialism and the welfare state has created 'parents' who are not fit to bring up dogs let alone kids.
ReplyDeleteThe kids are monsters in many cases,but like the good Dr in Frankenstien the real monsters are their creators.