Nanny Knows Best

Nanny Knows Best
Dedicated to exposing, and resisting, the all pervasive nanny state that is corroding the way of life and the freedom of the people of Britain.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Nanny Wants To Ban Butter

I see that the food fascists have donned their size ten jackboots again.

This time they are going after butter.

Dr Shyam Kolvekar, at University College London Hospital, has told the media that he is "increasingly concerned" about the nation's eating habits.

OK, so far.

He then went into a monologue about the dangers of saturated fat etc etc. You know, the usual stuff trotted out.

Rounding off by saying:

"By banning butter and replacing it with a healthy spread the average daily sat fat intake would be reduced by 8g – that's 40 per cent of a women's GDA - Guideline Daily Amount. The GDA for a woman is 20g and for a man it's 30g."


Except didn't I read somewhere once, many moons ago, that these so called "health spreads" are not that good for you either (transfats and kidney problems, I think, spring to mind)?

Doctors are very nice people, who are very good at fixing broken legs etc. However, given that as a section of the community (along with politicians) they are more prone to alcohol, substance, fag, food abuse problems than other sections of the community should they really be the ones lecturing us?

I would note that a sensible balanced diet is the key to a healthy life. Is it not obvious that if you eat only shit, you will end up looking and feeling like shit?

I also note that the human body is much like a car engine, it seizes up if not properly lubricated; ie we need fat in our veins to help the blood flow;)

This luncheon I will be having a sarnie that is buttered, not spread with some artificial transfat gunk!

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  1. Recent studies have shown no evidence of what the respected surgeon advocates.
    Is there any truth in the story that says the respected surgeon has a connection with Unilever who just happens to be a major producer of vegetable based low fat spreads?

    I like butter, especially Kerrygold and what's more, I shall continue to eat it, in moderation just as I always have.....It should be noted that these days we actually eat less saturated fat than we did years ago.....As I understand it, trans fats are a problem and these appear in convenience foods in large quantities....I eat no convenience foods and my meals are prepared from scratch using fresh ingredients....My wife, who is sixty, has just had her annual MOT at the doctors and her BP is 120/70and her chlorestrol is 2.9 so we must be doing something right!!!

    Everything in moderation is the best policy and only put something into your mouth if you know exactly what it is and from whence it came.

    Enjoy Butter responsibly.

  2. Sounds like a puff for margarine.

  3. Anonymous7:21 PM

    I also noticed who FUNDED the research... a company that just "happens" to produce a well known brand of margerine.
    So no conflict of interest there then.
    Nothing to see, move along...

  4. Disgusted, Tunbridge Wells11:19 AM

    Tonk said:

    "As I understand it, trans fats are a problem and these appear in convenience foods in large quantities"

    Yes, trans fats are a problem, especially as they don't occur in natural foods so the body doesn't know what to do with them. Trans fats are a by-product of the hydrogenation process used to turn liquid oils into semi-solids. Trans fats are regarded to pose a far greater risk of atherosclerosis than natural saturated fats.

    Bear in mind that margarine was intended to be a wartime substitute for butter, made from fish oils and otherwise inedible vegetable oils.

    Nanny does seem to have a hate for anything natural. Same with my favourite sport: outdoor swimming. Nanny's minions are doing their best to stamp it out and confine us to chemical-laden indoor pools.

    Enjoy clogging up your arteries responsibly.

  5. Lord of Atlantis1:57 PM

    Disgusted, Tunbridge Wells said...
    Tonk said:

    "Nanny does seem to have a hate for anything natural. Same with my favourite sport: outdoor swimming. Nanny's minions are doing their best to stamp it out and confine us to chemical-laden indoor pools."

    With their links to asthma and
    other respiratory diseases! Lovely!

    You mentioned, Ken, that "Doctors are very nice people, who are very good at fixing broken legs etc. However, given that as a section of the community (along with politicians) they are more prone to alcohol, substance, fag, food abuse problems than other sections of the community should they really be the ones lecturing us?"

    No they should not!

    You further stated, Ken, "I would note that a sensible balanced diet is the key to a healthy life. Is it not obvious that if you eat only shit, you will end up looking and feeling like shit?transfat gunk!


  6. I can't vouch for the truth of this, but I read recently that margarine is disturbingly close in molecular structure to plastic. (It tastes like plastic to me anyway.) What I can vouch for is that it doesn't rot ... you can keep a tub of the stuff for months, even out of the fridge, and nothing will touch it, not even the bacteria. I wouldn't touch it with a bargepole and will continue to use butter until that choice is removed (as is happening with "energy efficient" light bulbs).
