Nanny Knows Best

Nanny Knows Best
Dedicated to exposing, and resisting, the all pervasive nanny state that is corroding the way of life and the freedom of the people of Britain.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Educashun - Back To The Future

I am gemused to see that as from 2015 (the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo) GCSEs will move from coursework and continuous assessment to exams at the end of two years.

Pupils will face more rigorous content, with those studying English, for example, having to read a 19th-Century novel and a whole Shakespeare play; then having to write an essay.

Gosh, is that not what I had to do all those years ago when I took my O Levels?

Progress is marked by the realisation and admission that sometimes what was done in the past was better than what we are doing in the present.

Amant etc!

Caesar's De Bellum Gallico here we come!

Oh and by the way, with reference to the above clip, those who bemoan the fact that Faecesbook, Twatter et al have given bullies the chance to ply their evil ways really should remember that bullying has been around far longer the the internet and that kids can be right little gits to each other.

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  1. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Your Latin verb conjugation sucks!




  2. Lord of Atlantis12:02 PM

    I too was educated in the old days, and if the methods used then are to be introduced, I for one say "about time too!" The liberal, trendy, left-wing ideas that have permeated our 'educational' system since the 1960s have led to the present farcical situation, where most kids know their 'yuman rites' but little about the 3Rs being unable to spell, do basic maths or string a coherent sentence together. Like you, Ken, I remember 'amo, amas amat' etc very well, as Latin was one of my favourite subjects. Not only did I find it interesting for its own sake, but it is also a great help in understanding English grammar and a great number of other things.

    1. Anonymous1:32 PM

      "and a great number of other things...."

      like what?
      being stuck in your old age?

  3. Tonk.1:18 PM

    What? Do you mean A* will no longer be given away in jamboree bags?

    I too was educated under the old system, when teachers sought to be teachers, rather than the child's best friend or equal.

    I have both O and A levels and passed my eleven plus at school; when I left, I had a well rounded, general education and could count, read and write. I could string a sentence together without using the word "like" or the phrases "do you know what I mean" or "innit" and what's more, I could do it in English, French, Latin and Russian. I feel sorry for today's children because our indoctrination system, which is laughingly called our education system, has created a generation of people that actually believe they're bright and educated, whereas in reality, they are neither.
    Sadly, many of these same people will go on to be teachers, thus maintaining the status quo of delusion and under achievement.

  4. So we tried that er, the thing with making stuff easy, er, and it didn't er...

    ...oooh, a pigeon.

  5. You missed amatis

    1. by golly you are's been a long time!

  6. I give up, will take too long to type.
