Nanny Knows Best
Nanny Knows Best
Dedicated to exposing, and resisting, the all pervasive nanny state that is corroding the way of life and the freedom of the people of Britain.
Monday, October 31, 2016
Happy Halloween
Halloween is a perverse occasion (imported from the USA), as it is the one time of the year that parents encourage their kids to wander the streets at night in fancy dress, demanding sweets from strangers.
What could possibly go wrong?
Those of you wondering what to wear for your trick or treating Halloween sugar binge can breath a sigh of relief. The University of Texas-Austin has issued a helpful guide highlighting what costumes are non pc.
Remember folks be "respectful"!
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Friday, October 28, 2016
Something For The Weekend - Booze Matters
Spotted last night at the @SSMCAMRA Pub of the Month in the Blossoms, Stockport. Child Protection will be going mental!
— Pub Curmudgeon (@oldmudgie) October 27, 2016
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Thursday, October 27, 2016
Offended By Brussels
It'll soon be Halloween so time to prepare some yummy treats for the neighbourhood kids. Try dipping Brussels sprouts in chocolate for them.— Mark Sparrow (@MarkGSparrow) October 24, 2016
Commiserations to Mark Sparrow, who tweeted an amusing Halloween suggestion of dipping Brussels into chocolate and handing them to trick or treaters as a trick.
He hadn't bargained on how easily offended some people are, and ended up on the receiving end of abuse for all manner of imagined crimes eg allergy issues, "won't someone think of the children" and racism.
Here are some of the best #sproutgate replies but the entire thread is a goldmine of insanity.
— Mark Sparrow (@MarkGSparrow) October 27, 2016
The world is populated with some very oversensitive people who should be ignored for everyone's good!
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Wednesday, October 26, 2016
The Dangers of Putting The Clocks Back
The six monthly farce of time travel (one hour back, then one hour forward)!the clocks are about to change and the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents is ON IT— Katie Martin (@katie_martin_fx) October 26, 2016
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Tuesday, October 25, 2016
Nanny's 30 Second Obesity Intervention
The Guardian reports the following about a 30 second obesity intervention:
"GPs who raise the issue of their patients’ obesity in the surgery will not offend them and are likely to help them reach a healthy weight, a new study has shown.I wouldn't be offended either, if my doctor (who I visit once every 16 years or so, ie when I am very ill or when I need a medical) suggested that I needed to deal with my weight.
Doctors are notoriously nervous of telling people they are overweight and worry that initiating any discussion will lead to a long, fruitless conversation about failed diets and eating habits that will go on long beyond a 10-minute consultation.
But a trial of a 30-second intervention in which the GP suggests the patient’s weight may be affecting their health and offers them a place on a weigh-loss programme reveals advice can make a major difference, according to research published in the Lancet medical journal.
More than 130 GPs who took part in the trial, involving more than 1,800 patients, were asked to start a conversation that might go like this:
GP: While you’re here, I just wanted to talk about your weight. You know the best way to lose weight is to go to [a weigh-management programme such as Slimming World or Rosemary Conley] and that’s available free on the NHS?The patients were randomly assigned to be offered either an NHS-funded place on a 12-week weight-management programme or advice to lose weight. The researchers found that 77% of those offered a weight-management programme said yes, and 40% went to all the sessions. At the end of a year, those people had lost 2.43kg (0.38 stone) on average, while those given advice by the GP had also lost weight, but less, at an average of 1.04kg."
Patient: Oh?
GP: Yes, and I can refer you now if you are willing to give that a try?
However, nothing on the planet would force me into a "programme". You lose weight by cutting calories and exercising more, I don't need to state to monitor my activity level or calorie intake!
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Monday, October 24, 2016
Nanny Hates Pet Names
Dude says a nursery rhyme to say that feminists get offended easily.
— Lo-Ping 🌐 (@GamingAndPandas) October 24, 2016
Feminist panelist gets super offended as a result.
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Friday, October 21, 2016
Nanny Broke The Law
Happy Trafalgar Day everyone!
As we set our binoculars to the English Channel to watch the Ruskies sail by, may I direct you to an article on my HMRC site about how in 2012 the then Permanent Secretary for Tax at HMRC (Dave Hartnett) broke HMRC's prime directive on confidentiality and briefed journalists about the tax affairs of an individual and the company he ran.
For why?
To score a result in a tax claim and to try to get the journalists to tip him off about other tax avoidance schemes.
We have entered very dangerous waters indeed when Nanny's HMRC starts briefing against taxpayers to the media for its own ends!
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Thursday, October 20, 2016
Jungle Camouflage Is Racist
The British Army has apologised after posting an image of a soldier with a “blacked up” face on social media.
The Telegraph reports that the image, published on the Army’s official Twitter account, showed a soldier wearing black face-paint as part of his camouflage in a jungle.
As a point of fact, the face paint is actually a combination of dark green/black (see the soldier's arms), not black.
The tweet, which was swiftly deleted, was described as “stupid” and “racist” by outraged social media users, while anti-racism campaigners said the force should feel "embarrassed".
An Army spokesman later said they could see how the tweet "may have been misinterpreted" and apologised.
The image was captioned with the words: “Being a soldier in the jungle requires a robust sense of humour”.
Shall soldiers only wear politically correct camouflage then, even if it increases the risk that they will be shot?
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Tuesday, October 18, 2016
BBC Bias - Shurely Shome Mishtake?
BBC reporter suspended after calling Tories 'the new Nazis' on Facebook
— Sun Politics (@SunPolitics) October 18, 2016
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Friday, October 14, 2016
Pristine Snowflakes - The Rise of The Cry Bullies
Kudos to Howard Schwartz, professor emeritus of Oakland University, for completely nailing the modern scourge of people expecting never to be offended by anything.
He refers to such people as "snowflakes", who have been conditioned by schools, parents and universities to expect everyone to show them unconditional love. These people are offended by absolutely everything that does not conform with their self centred unchallenged view of the world.
As he says:
"No matter where you go in life, someone will be there to offend you. Maybe it’s a joke you overheard on vacation, a spat at the office, or a difference of opinion with someone in line at the grocery store. Inevitably, someone will offend you and your values. If you cannot handle that without losing control of your emotions and reverting back to your “safe space” away from the harmful words of others, then you’re best to just stay put at home."Adding:
"Remember, though: if people in the outside world scare you, people on the internet will downright terrify you. It’s probably best to just accept these harsh realities of life and go out into the world prepared to confront them wherever they may be waiting."Here is an article summarising his views and book (source ZeroHedge):
‘People now experience the entire world as a form of bullying’
The political correctness movement that has swept college campuses, corporate America and mainstream life can be traced back to a few psychological trends.
Howard Schwartz, professor emeritus of Oakland University, has for years studied the psychology underlying political correctness, and in his new book Political Correctness and the Destruction of Social Order: Chronicling the Rise of the Pristine Self, he offers some clarity on why the term “snowflakes” is now synonymous with college students today.
Schwartz, who taught classes in
social and behavioral science within its business school, said the term
stems from what he calls “the rise of the pristine self.”
He added in his interview that “the oversensitivity of individuals today, including political correctness and microaggressions, all stem from this idea that people operating under the notion of the pristine self view you as evil because you are showing them something other than love.”
Schwartz points to the rise of helicopter parents and capitulating campus administrations as contributing to this phenomenon.
“People now experience the entire world as a form of bullying. The helicopter parent protects the children from real dangers but also fantasy dangers. These precious snowflakes are the children of political correctness, their parents and schools lead them to believe that the world is perfectly moralistic — they don’t live in the real world, it is a fantasy,” he said.
Schwartz said the pristine self is a sort of narcissism – individuals who regard themselves as pristine selves cannot handle the unlovingness of the world, even if it manifests itself in indifference rather than malice.
To them, everything is an act of offense.
“The university is the setting in which this narcissism is nurtured and the university becomes a sort of protective figure. Universities have become maternal institutions in which the patriarchy, embodied within any authority, is hated,” he said. “This phenomenon is developing at corporations as well.”
Schwartz said political correctness issues will pose great difficulty for organizations in the future.
“Weber famously discussed the impersonality of organizations, and people have to know that organizations are places where they are not necessarily outwardly loved. Their jobs are where they are going to have a hard time,” he said.
“The one exception is certain social justice jobs, because they give you work that insists in hating the patriarchy and perpetuate political correctness as right and good,” he said, but added “we can’t have an economy based off of these, though.”
At the end of the book’s introduction, Schwartz sums up his project by noting “there is clearly an element of irrationality in political correctness. It is a form of censorship without a censor; we impose it on ourselves. Yet, it keeps us away from the reasoned discussion of social issues which everybody can see are important, consequential, and desperately in need of wide-ranging analysis. It does so through an emotional power that is rarely gainsaid and which anyone can see is ultimately against everyone’s interest.”
He told The Fix he does believe the tide is turning away from political correctness, however, and points to the presidential election campaigns as evidence.
“The fact that we have Trump campaigning as the ‘anti-political correctness’ candidate is really interesting,” Schwartz said. “It shows how far we have come and that this movement has lost control of itself.”
* * *
As we explained previously..
Your Feelings Are Largely Irrelevant
Seriously, nobody who has already graduated college cares about your feelings. That means that when you complain to your boss because your co-worker mis-gendered you, he’s probably not going to bend over backwards to bandage your wounds. Given feelings are entirely subjective in nature, it’s completely unreasonable to demand everyone tip-toe around you to prevent yours from being hurt. The reality is that people will offend you and hurt your feelings, and they won’t stop to mop up your tears because they shouldn’t have to. Learning to accept criticism, alternative viewpoints, and even outright insults will make you happier in the long run than routinely playing the victim card.
The Only Safe Space Is Your Home

No matter where you go in life, someone will be there to offend you. Maybe it’s a joke you overheard on vacation, a spat at the office, or a difference of opinion with someone in line at the grocery store. Inevitably, someone will offend you and your values. If you cannot handle that without losing control of your emotions and reverting back to your “safe space” away from the harmful words of others, then you’re best to just stay put at home. Remember, though: if people in the outside world scare you, people on the internet will downright terrify you. It’s probably best to just accept these harsh realities of life and go out into the world prepared to confront them wherever they may be waiting.
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Thursday, October 13, 2016
#MarmiteGate - Nanny Dancing In The Streets
As a result of some macho posturing between Unilever and Tesco, over who should bear the costs for the fall in Sterling, Marmite might be running low on the shelves of Tesco.
That will absolutely delight Nanny, who has for years been trying to ban it (it is already banned in Denmark) because of its alleged high salt content (note salt is not bad for you, if you are healthy and drink and exercise in a normal manner).
Oh one small factoid for Unilever, Marmite is made in the UK. As such the fall in Sterling is but a smokescreen, which you are using to try to increase your wholesale prices!
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Wednesday, October 12, 2016
Happy World Obesity Day - Belatedly!
New report from WHO calls for #sugartax to help curb #obesity.— Dr Alessandro Demaio (@SandroDemaio) October 12, 2016
We must build in the costs of sugar. #WorldObesityDay
Sorry folks I completely forgot that yesterday was World Obesity Day!
I am gemused to see that a geriatric pop group is calling for a tax on sugar.
A belated Happy World Obesity Day to you all!
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Tuesday, October 11, 2016
The CPS Is Coming For You!
'Internet trolls who create doctored images to humiliate others could face prosecution under new CPS guidelines.' That's me in trouble then.— Mark Sparrow (@MarkGSparrow) October 10, 2016
Make the most of the internet folks, and all those humorous images you share, whilst you can.
As per the FT:
"Internet abusers who formulate derogatory hashtags or post doctored images of their victims online could face prosecution under new legal guidelines.One day the CPS may come for you!
The rules, set out by the Crown Prosecution Service, aim to make online “trolls” more accountable for their actions while trying not to stifle freedom of speech. Those who breach the regulations by harassing others on social media would be liable for criminal charges."
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Monday, October 10, 2016
Nanny Tries To Ban The National Anthem
Oh dear I see some student Nanny from Kings College London has got his knickers in a twist over our 250 year old national anthem.
Mahamed Abdullahi, the vice president for welfare and community at King’s College London, has called for it to be immediately axed from official services at the university because it was “outdated” and “just a bit shit”.
Fellow students wrote to Abdullahi suggesting that he
“respect the traditions of the university and the country in which we
In a post on social media, Abdullahi quoted by the Telegraph said:
“Hey guys, I want to get rid of the national anthem at graduation because it’s outdated and not reflective of the ‘global’ values that the college espouses.
In the context of increasing far Right nationalism across Europe and the legacy of the British empire, it’s just a bit shit and it doesn’t even bang. Basically, fuck the nation state.”
James Findon, created an online petition in response to Abdullahi’s post.
“We, the undersigned, believe that the National Anthem should stay as an important tradition at our graduation ceremonies.”It was quickly backed by hundreds of signatures on Sunday afternoon.
Nice to see that not every student is infected with pcitis!
That said, I personally prefer Rule Britannia and Land of Hope and Glory. However, I suspect the university might find those songs a wee bit "dated".
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Friday, October 07, 2016
Those Whom The Gods Wish To Destroy...
Jobless father of three fined with €5,000 for selling donuts without license
— Keep Talking Greece (@keeptalkingGR) October 7, 2016
A very sad example of a state where Nanny (in this case Greek Nanny at the behest of the Quadriga) loses her mind completely in her lust for tithes!
The situation in Greece cannot continue like this, something will inevitably break.
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Thursday, October 06, 2016
Girls With Guns Deemed Sexist
Commiserations to Greater Manchester Police for drawing the ire of Twitter after posting a tweet (see image above) to highlight its girls with guns campaign (designed to remind people that women can also carry guns).
Twitter erupted, as Twitter often does, with certain people bemoaning that fact that the tweet was "sexist".
Follow the ongoing comments here:
What's she hiding?— G M Police (@gmpolice) October 5, 2016
I have to say I fail to see what the fuss is about?
Please feel free to enlighten me as to why this is "sexist"?
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Greater Manchester Police,
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Wednesday, October 05, 2016
Nanny Bans Aida
Oh dear, I see that student Nanny has got her knickers in a twist over Verdi's opera Aida.
A Bristol University student production of the opera was cancelled amid a row over suggestions of “cultural appropriation”. Seemingly there were protests amid fears that white students would be cast as leads, and expected to portray Ancient Egyptians and slaves.
All very noble and "aware" of the students maybe. However, how many ancient Egyptian opera singers are studying at Bristol?
Surely the absence of ancient Egyptian student opera singers means that the parts will have to be taken by non ancient Egyptians?
Unsurprisingly people think that this decision is laughable bollocks.
Rupert Christiansen, the Telegraph opera critic, said:
“Where will the mealy-mouthed nonsense peddled by ideologues in Bristol stop? If something doesn’t laugh it to extinction, Verdi’s entire oeuvre could fall under the axe.”Students can be remarkably intolerant and closed minded!
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Tuesday, October 04, 2016
#OctoberSurprise - Wikileaks/Assange Live Stream
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Monday, October 03, 2016
Nanny Bans Large Puddings
Seemingly Nanny, in the shape of Jeremy Hunt, has decreed that large puddings served in restaurants, pubs etc are to be banned. In the event the restaurants disobey Hunt, he will name and shame them!
As well as reducing the size of desserts, food chains including Pizza Hut, McDonald’s and Starbucks have also been told to reduce the amount of sugar and calorific content in their food.
As per The Times, Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt told a private meeting of more than 100 food companies that the performance of each individual food chain would be monitored and those that failed to take action would be named and shamed.
“Going out to eat is no longer a treat. It’s a regular habit for many families and is contributing significantly to the extra calories and sugar that we all consume on a daily basis.I thought that, as a consumer and adult, I had freedom of choice wrt what I eat and how much I eat (subject to me being able to afford to pay for it)?
We can't ignore the changing habits of consumers. This means we expect the whole of the out-of-home sector - coffee shops, pubs and family restaurants, quick service restaurants, takeaways, cafes, contract caterers and mass catering suppliers - to step up and deliver on sugar reduction.”
Evidently I was wrong!
Naming and shaming establishments that serve large portions will of course backfire, as it will give them excellent publicity!
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health and safety,
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