My commiserations to the good people of Liverpool wrt the numpties they seem to be saddled with in their local council.
Liverpool city council have decreed that smoking is evil, and the members of the council are so keen to suck up to their mistress Nanny that they have decided that all films with smoking scenes should be classified as 18 (adults only).
In order for them to get away with this "1984" style sanitising of history (Winston Smith spent his days destroying anything that may have contaminated the state's version of history), Nanny's lickspittles in the council are conducting a "consultation exercise" whereby "stakeholder" organisations, community groups, businesses, members of the public aged 18 and above, and under-age "stakeholders" will have the opportunity to give their views.
Needless to say, the council will then rig the "consultation" in order to ensure that the results will validate their desired outcome.
I would point out that by making smoking "adult and illicit" merely makes it seem all the more attractive to the young. Let's face it, porn, drugs and drink are all pretty popular with the yoof of today; no small measure due to the fact that they are classified as "adult" or illegal.
The other point is that the council will be cordoning off some film classics from youthful eyes, eg Casablanca, The Marx Brothers etc.
Sanitising history, in order to comply with a modern day fad, is as odious as rewriting history.
I trust and assume that the members of Liverpool Council who support this odious idea are expunged from the council at the next election.
Not coming soon, not to a cinema near you:
- films with fat people in,
- films with men doing heroic things,
- films that mention Christianity,
- films with people drinking.
Drop the numpties a note and tell them what you think of them via this Have Your Say form.
Visit The Orifice of Government Commerce and buy a collector's item.
Visit The Joy of Lard and indulge your lard fantasies.
Show your contempt for Nanny by buying a T shirt or thong from Nanny's Store. is brought to you by "The Living Brand"
Celebrate the joy of living with booze. Click and drink!
Why not really indulge yourself, by doing all the things that Nanny really hates? Click on the relevant link to indulge yourselves; Food, Bonking, Toys, Gifts and Flowers, Groceries
Shouldn't we be more worried about children being exposed to graphic violence and sex scenes? I suggest that Liverpool Council focus on the bigger problem of parents taking their children into adult movies with the ticket sellers who pay scant attention to it.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if the "officials" at Liverpool Council are merely feeling guilty as their city was built on the back of the the slave trade which of course is another stick Nanny loves to beat British people with.
ReplyDeleteI hate so many of our PC modern council speak phrases; Stakeholder being one of them.
Ken, you make a good point; By banning something or making something adult only, it increases its attractiveness to youngsters......The best way to get a kid to do something is to tell them not to do it!!
I really fear for future generations in this country.....Boys are becoming girls, girls are becoming boys in their attitudes and all are becoming neurotic and unable to take any form of authority nor critism....Few can handle being told "no" well neither.
This is stupid. They should just make it a rule that an anti-smoking trailer should be shown before the film alongside the Piracy warnings.
ReplyDeleteThe only stake I want to be a holder of is the one that gets driven through the heart of the idiots who make these decisions. Foe once I don't blame Esther Rantzen.
ReplyDeleteAs an AMerican Im a big fan of British Mysteries. I was recently watching the first season (circa 1992) of A Touch of Frost, and Frost and all the other cops were smoking up a storm. By season 3, everyone had miraculouly quit :)
ReplyDeleteIt does still jar me to see Frost, Morse etc running after armed bad guys with no gun for themselves. :)
There could be an "up" side to this - maybe they will airbrush Cilla Black out of history?
ReplyDeleteThe pace of "our" Light Brigade Charge towards Oblivion seems to be increasing. Soon the only history available to study will be the row upon row of archived cctv footage.
Of course, there remains the sticky problem of "living memory" but, when you think about it, all that needs is a swift purge of the Age Over-Enabled and all that will be left to rule over are the mindless unquestioning sheep-chavs who have never known freedom...
Not long now until the sirens start to wail and the lamp-post mounted PA system crackles into life and summons anyone over about forty to report to Hairy Morlock Central for Hmm-tasty-tasty processing.
ReplyDelete- films with fat people in,
- films with men doing heroic things,
- films that mention Christianity,
- films with people drinking.
How about films that are liberally sprinkled with the 'N' word Ken?
Probably not as most of those doing the sprinkling are n.... erm 'people of colour' themselves and it could easily be viewed as racist not to allow them to display their cultural mores by calling each other by that soubriquet which they profess to intensely dislike.
So that's OK then.
ReplyDelete'Shouldn't we be more worried about children being exposed to graphic violence and sex scenes? I suggest that Liverpool Council focus on the bigger problem of parents taking their children into adult movies with the ticket sellers who pay scant attention to it.'
Perhaps they should be more worried about kids being exposed to Liverpool.
Would you want your kids to grow up there and become a nasal, whining Scally chav?
No, me neither. ;o)
Scally Hatemail, usual address please.
ReplyDelete''I really fear for future generations in this country.....Boys are becoming girls, girls are becoming boys''
It's much worse than that Tonk. One of my hens has decided to 'Take a walk on the wildside' in true Lou Reed fashion. If it doesn't buck it's ideas up and get back to laying I'll be inviting it to my next BBQ. ;o)
''Archroy (ex-scouser)''
ReplyDeleteThey've perfected a cure? There's hope for humanity then.
They should immediately begin looking for a vaccine to cure Geordyism. ;o)
And fackin' Cockneyitis too.
ReplyDeleteWatch your mouf son. Know wot I mean.
ReplyDeleteSmoking should be banned everywhere for the carbon footprint it leaves which is helping to kill all the dolphins around the North Pole.
ReplyDeleteGlobal warming is the biggest threat to us all you know, I read it in the Grandiaud.
ReplyDeleteBut surely politicians must be amongst the most amoral subjects that could be presented in public and as such should be banned from public view.
No interviews, no photos, no self promotion at the public expense.
Al heads to be covered in blankets if it is absolutely necessary for them to be out and about.
Come on people, you know it makes sense.
Bucko - surely you have seen the playgrounds full of small girls with streaked black and white hair waving cigarette holders.
ReplyDeleteTonk - my family never got rich on the backs of slaves. They were too busy in the coal mines and acid kilns of the north-east. Actually I don't have any friends or relations whose family did not get what they have by their own efforts.
Skydog - they've taken the name of Guy Gibson's dog out of the Dam Busters.
Has no-one told Nanny's goblins you can get a nice warm feeling by pissing your pants, so much less offensive to the rest of us.
The Dad in Mary Poppins had a rack of pipes that he was very fond of. Is that classified as glorifying smoking and deserving of an 18 certificate.
ReplyDeleteKes would be 18 too as a guy smokes in a shop which sells ... cigarettes. Remember those days?
Skydog said:
ReplyDelete"Perhaps they should be more worried about kids being exposed to Liverpool.
Would you want your kids to grow up there and become a nasal, whining Scally chav?"
Aww, we're not all like that - OK I admit it, I was brought up in the posh bit: Wirral. ;-)
Grant said:
"But surely politicians must be amongst the most amoral subjects that could be presented in public and as such should be banned from public view.
No interviews, no photos, no self promotion at the public expense.
All heads to be covered in blankets if it is absolutely necessary for them to be out and about." fact ideal candidates for the Soylent Green plant. However the result would only be fit for feeding to pigs.
Reggie:''Watch your mouf son. Know wot I mean.''
ReplyDeleteLeave it out Reggie for Gawd's sake or I'll send my old dutch round to give you a right good spankin boy. ;o)
Disgusted:Aww, we're not all like that - OK I admit it, I was brought up in the posh bit: Wirral. ;-)
Named after the popular hit of the 70's (?) by Slade
''Mama Wirral Crayzee Now''
John B:''Skydog - they've taken the name of Guy Gibson's dog out of the Dam Busters.''
ReplyDeleteThey've also edited it to be more 'inclusive' of alternative relationships.
Coming soon to a silver screen near you: 'TheBumbusters' ... Hi jinx with the gay pilots and aircrew of the RAF as they 'Slot one in Hitler's backyard'
Not that I'm homophobic or islamophobic come to that. Just generally phobic about everything.
I nearly forgot Mancs.
ReplyDeleteSomething should be done about them.
Soylent Green springs to mind. ;o)