Nanny's photo police have been up to their old tricks again, ever fearful that an innocent photo of a child may in fact be for nefarious purposes.
Nanny rigidly follows her mantra "Won't someone think of the children?"
Sheila Campbell, the 85 year old mother of Nicky Campbell (a TV personality), found this to her cost recently when she went with her 4 granddaughters (aged between 5 and 10) to the Royal Commonwealth Pool in Edinburgh.
Mrs Campbell was happily about to take a photo of them when, blinky blonky blimey, one of Nanny's pool attendants popped up from nowhere and forbade her from taking a picture.
There were no other children nearby, therefore it was clear that she was taking a picture of her own grandchildren.
Mrs Campbell was worried that the attendant, were she to take the picture, would have confiscated her camera.
She is old enough to have been in the last war, when we fought against this sort of thing. I wonder if she now feels that the sacrifices that she and her contemporaries made were worth it? My late father (who was in the Atlantic convoys) used to look at how the state (and its minions) behaves, and would muse that the effort and sacrifice had been for nothing.
Nicky Campbell said:
"I am sorry.... I don't think my mother looks like a paedophile or a terrorist."
A spokesman for Edinburgh Leisure, that runs the swimming pool, claims that there is no ban on photography. Therefore why did the lickspittle of an attendant ban Mrs Campbell from taking the photo?
Were the attendant to seriously believe that Mrs Campbell was taking a photo for evil purposes then surely he should have reported her to the police, and had her camera searched for evil pictures. The fact that he didn't shows that he had not the slightest thought in his head about this, other than the power rush a little man gets when he is given a tiny amount of power over another human being.
These "little man" jobsworths need to be expunged from any position of control/power they may have.
Write to Edinburgh Leisure to tell them what you think: Edinburgh Leisure
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I blame Esther Rantzen
ReplyDeleteAgain, another example of giving power to those that are neither intelligent nor sophisticated enough to exercise its proper use......This case appears to be a worse example of the phenomonom compared to others recently discussed on here because, from the council's reply, it appears they had not given this attendent the said power......It appears he created the power for himself, I don't know but, I suspect he was a young man that had been brought up under Nanny's current thinking and therefore, as a good drone, he remembers from his brain washing in school that there are threats everywhere to children and that he was taking pre-emptive action....What a paper hat!!
ReplyDeleteThis whole thing about child protection has got out of hand now, in much the same way as 'elf'n'safety......Each "officer" trying to up the ante to justify their position.....We need a return to common sense, even if that means ignoring everyone that has been a victim of Nanny's current brainwashing socialist education system......We need to take our country back, we need to remind these jobsworths that they work for us and we set the agenda.....I was thinking last night whilst laying in bed awake worrying about my insomnia: Local authorities work in much the same way as the EUSSR......The real power in Brussels lie with the unelected commissioners, in local authorities it lies with the unelected officers. Both the aforementioned groups work out policies that suit their own political goals and then put them forward for the elected people to nod them through....this gives the illusion of democracy......We need to hold to account those that we elect into office to block silly schemes, regulations and policies.. My own council, Conservative controlled are clients of Common Purpose, when I recently challenged my local councillor as to why a Conservative council would use such an organisation, he claimed he had never heard of common purpose.....I suggested he went away, did some research and then get back to me to explain what he was going to do about it, if he wanted my vote next year.
We need to stand up to these people that pull the strings behind the scenes.
ReplyDeleteAgreed that is why I do not trust any of the big three parties. Scratch the surface and they are all deeply involved in the EU project and common purpose. Anything to extend their control over us until it is total.
Adolph and Uncle Joe's evil spirits are smiling now in Hell.
Hard to believe that you are referring to this place:
ReplyDelete"Our friendly staff are waiting to meet you and show you around our fantastic new centre - so, what are you waiting for?"
That's from the council's site!!
Actually this pool has now closed for a major refit, so we can but hope the jobsworth will get buried under the floor...
No doubt the place did (or will have) several CCTV cameras watching over the "Cheeeldren"
Can someone please explain to me why it is that an 85 year old grandmother cannot take photographs of members of her family (nor anyone else film theirs, come to that) yet the state can do so with impunity? Indeed, it is probably no exaggeration to suggest that the British people are subjected to far greater surveillance than the citizens of any other country in the world, including the former Nazi Germany and Soviet bloc.
ReplyDelete"Mrs Campbell was worried that the attendant, were she to take the picture, would have confiscated her camera."
You'd better believe that he would, and gained immense pleasure from doing so!
"She is old enough to have been in the last war, when we fought against this sort of thing. I wonder if she now feels that the sacrifices that she and her contemporaries made were worth it? My late father (who was in the Atlantic convoys) used to look at how the state (and its minions) behaves, and would muse that the effort and sacrifice had been for nothing."
I imagine very many of those who fought for freedom in the last war feel this way, very sadly. What happened to Churchill's promise of '...a land fit for heroes'?
I have boxfuls of photos of me taken in the late 1920s and 1930s by my doting parents when I was still in my pram and then as a toddler on the beach, sometimes stark naked. I suppose if Nanny's grandparents had been active in those days my poor mother and father would at the very least have been placed on the "Child Protection Register" as undesirables, or quite possibly locked up as raving paedophiles.
ReplyDeleteThey would not have recognised the horrid filthy-minded place Britain has become today.
Why not just tell the jobsworth to poke it - not easy for an old lady I know. But if he attempts to take your private property (I know New Labia are working toward the socialist utopia where all property is theft, except when they take it from you) but as things stand now that is theft. If he uses any violence to remove it that is robbery with GBH etc etc. USE NANNY'S LAWS AGAINST NANNY FOLKS. THEY ONLY GET AWAY WITH IT BECAUSE WE LET THEM.
ReplyDeleteWhy not just tell the jobsworth to poke it - not easy for an old lady I know. But if he attempts to take your private property (I know New Labia are working toward the socialist utopia where all property is theft, except when they take it from you) but as things stand now that is theft. If he uses any violence to remove it that is robbery with GBH etc etc. USE NANNY'S LAWS AGAINST NANNY FOLKS. THEY ONLY GET AWAY WITH IT BECAUSE WE LET THEM.
ReplyDeleteI'm gonna start taking random photos of various jobsworths as I'm out and about, just to see what kind of reaction I get.
ReplyDeleteAll this has just brought into my mind a hilarious image, picture it- a dark alley in the dead of night, an old granny walks along it (somehow without getting mugged by a chav), furtively looking over her should she inches towards a sliver of light emenating from a barely-open door. A short, fat fifty year old man with sweaty palms and child-molester glasses inches up to her
ReplyDelete"Have you got the stuff"?
"Yes, taken at the pool today"
"Nobody saw you right"?
"No, no one at all"
"OK lady, here's your ton".
The cash changes hands and the lady slips away into the night, the man goes to his computer an inserts... the memory card... a thin crack of a smile spreads across his face as he sees... the children...
This must be how Nanny's mind imagines the real world to be. Funnily enough the way I see things is that any such pervert/voyeur would be just the sort of person to apply for one of Nanny's CCTV monitoring job actually.
That is the first thing I would have accused the jobsworth of. In as loud a voice as possible, I would have said "what are you doing here staring at my children? Why do you want my camera with pictures of my children on it? Then raising my voice what are you some kind of paedophile!
ReplyDeleteI will bet you would not see his hi vis vest (or is it trunks for swimming pool jobsworths) for dust.
this country is totally and utterly up the kiber.
ReplyDeleteif labour ever get back in i am moving.i just cant bear this.
to think of all these innocent soldiers that fought in the war to stop this sort of facism.
if anybody wants to ;
1 have a laugh
2 see what these morons think of themselves.
look on go4th.
prescotts web site.
they must all be on drugs
Uncle ernie has the right idea.
ReplyDeleteWhat gets jobsworths all heated up is the thought that they actually may have tobe held accountable for their actions. so what you do is carry a notebook and ask them questions, the old name rank and serial number stuff. hen very slowly write down everything they say and near the ned tell them they will need to sign it as proof )should it be needed) that the conversation took place. If they persist and call the Rozzers the same process will cause a crowd to gather and the whole thing gets out of control.
It is refreshing for the soul to watch a jobsworth being challenged in such a way.
do try it.
wow, you still have public pools?!?!
ReplyDelete(I am being sarcastic). Many of ours in the states have closed because of all the regs and new expensive 'safety' drains required, as well as lawsuit insurance. Of course if they are there i am sure photos would be banned. Its for the children you know...
Once I had occasion to remonstrate with my young son for doing something stupid in the local park. One of nanny's hi-vis jobsworth park attendents, who was leaning on his hoe at the time by the flower borders said to me "you should not talk to him like that." I politely told him to fuck off and mind his own business and get back to picking weeds for his minimum wage. Result face redder than his stupid organge vest and gales of laughter from his mates sitting in a a truck.
ReplyDeleteDon't treat nanny's little cretins with anything like respect.