It all began during a "Boredom Busters" session for children (why do children need to have every waking moment of their live's structured by Nanny? Why can't they be bored for a bit?) in a swimming pool at Stourfield Infants School in Bournemouth.
A six year old girl allegedly slipped into the pool. Thus it was emergency services were called.
She was taken to Poole Hospital for treatment, and later discharged.
Nanny then promptly banned swimming sessions for children.
Service director for children's learning and engagement ("engagement"??!!, where does Nanny get these ridiculous phrases from?), Di Mitchell, said:
"The safety and well being of children is our number one concern and the team on site worked swiftly to respond to this incident and immediately called in the ambulance and police services.
Following the incident we took the decision to cease the swimming sessions that were scheduled at the school this week and we are now undertaking a thorough investigation to determine how this incident occurred."
So let's get this straight, Nanny deems that it is too dangerous to teach children to swim lest they have an accident.
What happens then, given that Bournemouth is by the coast, were a child to fall into the sea and drown because Nanny had banned swimming lessons?
Isn't this ban rather stupid?
Won't someone think of the children?????
Visit The Orifice of Government Commerce and buy a collector's item.
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Why not really indulge yourself, by doing all the things that Nanny really hates? Click on the relevant link to indulge yourselves; Food, Bonking, Toys, Gifts and Flowers, Groceries
So let's get this straight; The kid slipped into the pool, OK so far, Then the ambulance and POLICE were called?....If the police were called everytime I slipped over as a child, I would have needed one assigned to me all day and everyday.......Perhaps the police were called in because the kid removed her bubblewrap suit and HiViz vest......How ridiculus!! And now, all in the name of child safety, all kids need to suffer from not being allowed to swim during their school holidays.....Swiming would have been a much more usful skill than say diversity and difference training....It is my opinion that, over protection of children, which leads to them being wrapped in cotton wool and never allowed out to run and play and take risks, is in itself, child abuse!!
ReplyDeleteIs this a sympton of the "Where there is blame there is a claim culture?" perhaps but, it needs to be knocked on the head now!!!
Tonk said...
ReplyDelete* Is this a sympton of the "Where there is blame there is a claim culture?" *
I would love to read one day of a judge saying "You tripped over a raised paver in the high street? Look where you are going in future you idiot. Case dismissed."
Reminds me of when they banned those wonderful banger fireworks because one kid blew his hand off. Look on the plus side- if a local kid dies in the sea because Nanny banned swimming practice then Nanny will have failed to instill a vital health and safety skill into one of her charges leading to his/her death and therefore will have to ban herself as a health and safety risk. Although we would naturally feel sorry for the martyred child and his/her family we can only hope...
ReplyDeleteIts ok. They dont need to learn to swim. They are banned from pools because of health and saftey and they are surely banned from the sea because of the possible high salt intake if they swallow some.
ReplyDeleteLittle darlings.
At least the recession is almost over:
@ Tonk - A friends son found himself at the centre of a "crime scene" a couple of years back. His misdemeanor? - he was concerned the engine of his microlight wasn't running properly, so in accordance with his training he identified a suitable field and carried out a successful landing. Just as he was arranging with the farmer to move the plane to a barn for the night, all 3 emergency services turned up sirens and lights blazing. Plod went completely over the top! (as usual)
ReplyDeleteBack to the story, the other night I was exploring the world of online webcams, and found one in the Czech town of Strakonice which was pointed at an outdoor pool. There, at 8.30 pm, was a lone swimmer enjoying a few lengths in the evening sun. NO life guards, or other jobsworths about. It also happens to be 50 metres long - I'm thinking back to the story on here last week regarding the pool that was too long for "safe" monitoring by a council lifeguard! Nice to know our EU "partners" play by the same rules...
As a side note I can't help noticing that there are very few such cams in the U.K. - the worlds capital for surveillance - yet the former Soviet countries seem to have loads of them, and presumably don't mind who looks at them. Probably because it shows this Island up for the depressing little s**thole it's become....
Where were the lifeguards???????
ReplyDelete'Service director for children's learning and engagement ("engagement"??!!, where does Nanny get these ridiculous phrases from?), Di Mitchell, said:
ReplyDelete"The safety and well being of children is our number one concern and the team on site worked swiftly to respond to this incident and immediately called in the ambulance and police services.
Following the incident we took the decision to cease the swimming sessions that were scheduled at the school this week and we are now undertaking a thorough investigation to determine how this incident occurred." '
If they are genuinely concerned for the safety and well-being of children, they would not have banned these swimming sessions, especially when one bears in mind that Bournemouth has 7 miles of 'safe, sandy beaches' according to their tourism brochures. Moreover, I trust they have not sold off any school playing fields or closed any swimming pools in recent years, and will not do so in the future? Accidents will happen, it is how one learns and calling in the police for an incident as trivial as this was a total over-reaction. Indeed, whoever called them should not only be sacked, but also prosecuted for wasting police time. In my view, the money wasted on this investigation would have been far better contributed towards ensuring that every child in their area was able to swim.
Tonk. said...
'Swiming would have been a much more usful skill than say diversity and difference training....It is my opinion that, over protection of children, which leads to them being wrapped in cotton wool and never allowed out to run and play and take risks, is in itself, child abuse!!'
I quite agree with this assessment, Tonk. However, you must realise that in Nanny nuLabour's brave new world, diversity awareness is of far greater importance than something "trivial" like saving lives or improving quality of life for all.
Yet another suitable nominee for the 'Prat of the Week' award?
ReplyDeleteAll swimming pools should be filled in immediately as an elf'n safety risk, so that the premises they occupy can be sold off by the council for peanuts to their friendly local 'development' cronies to build hugely expensive high-rise concrete blocks at unaffordable rents.
ReplyDeleteNanny will then doubtless forbid children from using the stairs in case they fall down, and also lifts in case they get trapped in the automatic doors. The children will then be obliged to stay at home 24 hours a day under continuous CCTV surveillance.
You couldn't make it up.
You have to wonder where Nanny finds all the people to take the jobs that always seem to be involved with 'Child Safety'.
ReplyDeleteHave they all had their brains and memory facilities removed?
Social services seem to be much the same. I was reading the account of the Baby P saga this morning.
Good grief, where do these people find each other?
I'm almost loathe to write this but had Baby P survived his childhood I wonder how he would have turned out? It seems he has several blood related siblings. I hope someone is studying them as they grow up in order to evaluate the lessons they have picked up in their formative years.
Maybe there is not hope for the future other than a Brave New World type shift into selective breeding in factory environments with only breeding professionals involved.
Without that we may drift into home grown barbarian hordes outnumbering the rest of the population in a short generation or two.
I don't suppose the child that slipped into the pool was from an alleged 'ethnic minority' by any chance?
"Won't someone think of the children?????"
ReplyDeleteHaha, you've been waiting to say that for ages...
I blame Esther Rantzen
ReplyDeleteWhy only were the ambulance and police called?
ReplyDeletewhy not a social worker, a councillor, a priest and a member of the armed forces in case of terror.
you must do all you can for the children.
anticant said...
ReplyDelete"All swimming pools should be filled in immediately as an elf'n safety risk, so that the premises they occupy can be sold off by the council for peanuts to their friendly local 'development' cronies to build hugely expensive high-rise concrete blocks at unaffordable rents."
Or yet another supermarket, charged very low rates, to force yet more independent retailers (paying sky high rates) to go bust: all for the public good, of course.
Grant said...
"You have to wonder where Nanny finds all the people to take the jobs that always seem to be involved with 'Child Safety'.
Have they all had their brains and memory facilities removed?...."
Back in the 1970s there was a science fiction series called 'Blakes 7' which I found most enjoyable. It featured a small band of freedom fighters taking on the establishment referred to as 'the Federation'. One of the weapons used by the Federation security to keep their citizens in line was to have known troublemakers i.e those who didn't follow the official line, 'brain wiped' ie similar to what you suggested. Some they took a stage further, using technology to introduce further changes. These were known as 'mutoids' and they were totally subservient to the authorities. A similar process, in this case being referred to as being 'modied' was used by the earth government in 25th century, in the Australian children's tv serial 'Tomorrow's End', shown in this country back in the 1990s.
Thes examples were, of course, science fiction, and even if it were possible to do so, such horrendous things could never ever happen here.....could they?