As we know, Nanny is dead keen to start wars in foreign countries on the pretext of introducing "democracy".
A "noble" thought I suppose, if it weren't for a few inconvenient issues eg:
- people get maimed and killed
- you cannot impose democracy with the barrel of a gun
- not every country in the world wants our version of "democracy"
- the financial cost of these wars is crippling
- these wars are suffering from mission creep, as a result of lousy/dishonest political "leadership" from Brown and his toadies
- wrt Afghanistan, if we really are to stand a chance of "democratising" this country (and by the way, I don't think we have a cat's chance in hell - we got our arses kicked in Victorian times there, and the Russians suffered a similar fate at the hands of the US funded Taliban in the 1980's), then we are going to be there for 40 years or more
- once maimed our soldiers don't even get decent treatment, viz Nanny's recent attempt to reduce compensation payments
- the loyalty of our troops is being severely tested, as an unthinking uncaring and thoroughly despicable government sends them on missions without adequate support/kit/equipment etc
In view of the above I heartily endorse the "Send In Your Uniform To Brown" Campaign as per ARRSE:
"This is a protest, driven by the constant betrayals of this government, including ignoring the pleas of Service chiefs for life-saving resources, sending personnel to battle with inadequate or unsafe equipment and vehicles, and this latest kick in the teeth for injured veterans."
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I wholeheartedly support our armed forces however, I support neither the reason for their current missions nor the shameful government that sent them there.
ReplyDeleteIt is all very well setting ourselves up as a world policeman but, we are nolonger the power we used to be and, the USA government will always do what a good government should do, namely look after their own country's interests first and foremost.
The real juxta position in our current role for me is this; As our egotistical politicians send our troops around the world to impose democracy on other countries, we are in fact having our own democracy taken away from us by the same egotistical Nanny knows best politicians.
- and the troops don't get to vote in the general election.
Let's hope Brown doesn't start a war with Iran before he's turfed out.
While I heartily agree with Ken's post, and in general with the comments, the reality is that we no longer have an independent foreign policy and have been a tame American lapdog since long before 9/11. The long established mutual security/intelligence links make it virtually impossible for us to break away, even if we wished to (which none of our supine politicians appear to do).
ReplyDeleteAnd while I agree with Tonk that good governments should look after their own country's interests first and foremost, neither we nor the Americans currently have governments with the wit to discern what their best interests really are.
I think the way in which our unfortunate troops are being ineptly sacrificed and under-resourced in fighting a futile and unnecessary war is a national disgrace, and if I belonged to a Service family I would feel very bitter.
A few thoughts, Ken.
ReplyDelete"As we know, Nanny is dead keen to start wars in foreign countries on the pretext of introducing
- you cannot impose democracy with the barrel of a gun."
No, Ken, I fully agree. If one imposese democracy by war and at gun point, I would argue that it is not democracy?
'- not every country in the world wants our version of "democracy"'
I was unaware that we still had democracy in this country? Anti-terrorism legislation, political correctness, the EU constitution, all imposed on us, for our own good, of course!
anticant said...
"While I heartily agree with Ken's post, and in general with the comments, the reality is that we no longer have an independent foreign policy and have been a tame American lapdog since long before 9/11. The long established mutual security/intelligence links make it virtually impossible for us to break away, even if we wished to (which none of our supine politicians appear to do).
I think the way in which our unfortunate troops are being ineptly sacrificed and under-resourced in fighting a futile and unnecessary war is a national disgrace, and if I belonged to a Service family I would feel very bitter."
Well said, Anticant. I am not anti-American although, in my opinion, their foreign policy leves much to be desired (don't forget, many of the weapons being used against us in Afghanistan were supplied by the U.S). This 'special relationship' between the US and this country seems to be very one-sided --- against us. What it actually translates as is, they tell us what to do, and our spineless 'leaders' obey without question or comment. Where was the American help in our fight against terrorism prior to 9/11? And what about the way the British government are planning to quietly hand over this victim of Aspergers Syndrome to the U.S authorities, where he faces the prospect of years in prison for hacking into their defence computers, not with malicious intent, but because he was looking for evidencve of UFOs?
At one time, the British government stood up for British citizens: not any more, it would seem.
One of the primary weapons used successfully and expensively against ground troops in Afghanistan is the IED.
ReplyDeleteApparently it's not too difficult to make an IED with things that are found around farms, for example.
In order to provide active and useful aid to Afghanistan and win over the hearts and minds (no comment) of the people the west pumps millions of dollars/pounds, whatever, into helping the farmer grow stuff. Probably poppies. Plenty of fertiliser is delivered at huge cost and great risk.
Can anyone think of other uses for fertiliser beyond the obvious one of helping heroin production?
I seem to recall a truck load of it causing a few problems in London a couple of decades ago.
Oh well, probably a different brand and marked as 'safe' these days.
I am not anti-American either - I've had, and still do, some wonderfully kind, honest and warm-hearted American friends who've given me much joy - but I fear there is a streak of paranoid need to dominate the world in order to feel "safe" on the part of powerful US governing circles which has led us (the West) into a terribly dangerous mess ever since 9/11 - which may well have been a 'false flag' operation in order to pave the way for the Iraq and Afghanistan invasions so ardently desired by the PNAC neocon crowd (many of whom served in the Bush Administration) since the 1990s.