It would seem that collaboration between the police and local councils, when it comes to snooping, spying and reporting on private matters has now become ingrained in this country.
Mary Cooke, who by happenstance is pregnant, made the mistake of inviting a member of Nanny's police into her home in Newcastle-under-Lyme after dialling 999 to report a speeding car which nearly hit her.
However, the policewoman observed the fact that some of the wallpaper was missing in Mrs Cooke's home.
Can you guess what happened next loyal readers?
Yes, that's right, the police reported Mrs Cooke to Staffordshire County Council's children's services department.
Several days later a letter dropped on the mat from Staffordshire County Council, the council were fearful over the well being of Mrs Cooke's unborn child.
Now maybe this might be fair enough, if the house was falling apart and there were enormous damp patches on the walls etc.
However, may I inject a small factoid into this?
Mrs Cooke and her husband were in the process of redecorating, hence the lack of wallpaper in certain areas etc!
Staffordshire Police said:
"Our police officers aim to act in the best interests of everyone they come into contact with.
Their role involves liaising with colleagues from partner agencies on a regular basis and can include making sure people get any extra help and support they might need.
We would not comment on individual cases and would neither confirm or deny whether a referral to another agency has been made."
The police are not meant to act as spies for the local council.
How much other "information" held by the police on people is touted around state agencies in this manner?
By acting as spies and enforcers (see yesterday's article about the Gestapo dawn raid in Cambridge) for local councils the police undermine their credibility, political independence and tarnish their reputation.
Oh, and by the way, we are now living in a police state!
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This does not surprise me at all. There was a case highlighted in the news recently about a women who had her children taken from her simply because she has Asperger's Syndrome. No attempt was made to establish whether or not she could be a good mother, they simply whipped the kids away.
ReplyDeleteAs to the main point about the police interfering where they shouldn't, I think it's well known that people often join the police because they are interfering busy bodies. I suspect that at one time, such attitudes were frowned upon and such individuals weeded out at the recruitment stage.
These days they are so hung up on recruiting enough female and ethnic minority officers, they forget to check whether or not the individual is actually any good or not!
Mix in political interference, a slavish dedication to statistics over justice, and here we are today...
Yes, it's an EU state that's arrived unbidden through the back door. It pays lip service to democracy, and yet acts in a way which can be best described as unsettling.
ReplyDeleteHowever, our own politicians at both local and national level are really no better. EU interference often doesn't help matters, but these buggers don't need much encouragement to behave like this regardless.
It is a worry as Nanny sets up more and more databases. She allows "partner agencies" to access them and of course, they do so with glee.....It seems to me that, a certain type enters into public service; left wing, petty minded and of course, bloody nosey and interfering.
ReplyDeleteThe police used to weed out people that went in purely for the power the job gave, prospective candidates had various interviews and assessments and this kept the thug element out....Now it seems to be almost a requirement.
It seems the state, by having given the power to fine to too many oiks, has given these oiks a distorted opinion of their own importance, they are too thick and mechanical to use any commonsense in the use of such power....I also feel that many oiks get off by issuing fines and reporting other people.....We have become a nation of grasses......It divides the country but, as I have said before, a divided people are easier to control.
Enjoy using petty powers responsibly.
No wonder there is so much crime, when the police are poking their (unwanted) noses into petty matters like this. And as for social workers, the majority of those seem to be parasites, picking on the weak: where were they when Baby P needed them?
ReplyDeleteYou said, Ken, '... the council were fearful over the well being of Mrs Cooke's unborn child.' I am too, I fear the actions of the police state towards the child and its parents!
'Several days later a letter dropped on the mat from Staffordshire County Council, the council were fearful over the well being of Mrs Cooke's unborn child.
Staffordshire Police said:
"Our police officers aim to act in the best interests of everyone they come into contact with."'
No they don't, like most forces these days, they act like the gestapo, for reasons other subscribers to this blog have pointed out.
You also mentioned, Ken, 'By acting as spies and enforcers (see yesterday's article about the Gestapo dawn raid in Cambridge) for local councils the police undermine their credibility, political independence and tarnish their reputation.
Oh, and by the way, we are now living in a police state!'
Yes, today's police force is very different from the one I grew up with and respected, even when I was a bit 'naughty'. Unfortunately, it is all too apparent that we are living in a police state.
Number 6 said...
'I used to listen to the old bearded lefties in the pub, rolling their fags, supping their half pints (always half pints)of bitter and banging on about the police as 'facist tools of the establishment, man' giving my age away I know. I used to laugh at the hippy bastards now I agree with them. More to come with Europol when the EUSSR will allow its police to march into our streets and arrest any British citizen. Never happen, say the cretins who support the EU, just like they used to say a single currency will never happen, nor a president, nor a ...need I go on.'
Yes, I used to laugh at those who called the police 'fascists' but, sadly, there are far too many cases where the behaviour of the police seems to completely justify that description of them.
As for the EU, I totally agree with you, and thanks to Blair, Brown and co, the British people have had no say on the matter, whilst the Irish were made to vote again, because they made the
'wrong' choice. Now, to complete the circle, Cameron has welched on his promise to hold a referendum on the matter.
Thats stupid! *facepalm*.
ReplyDeleteAlmost as bad as this one:
Re EN's referenced article.
ReplyDeleteSee also about a man with the same name and about the same age who indirectly criticised the coucil earlier this year.
I haven't looked up all articles which may add some light to the situation. Plus there is bound to be a ton of detail not in the papers.
But, I am not picking on that council here, when will those who promote policies and laws which are unjust and totalitarian not realize that power tends to corrupt all people,, including and especially those with power. They also should remember that people are in favour/power with the powerful one day then out of power the next, so they are also cuasing harm to themselves.
I hope more people wisen up to what these injsutices and the schemes behind them are doing and will do before it gets worse the unintended and maliciously-intended consequences will hound people for years. And make the job of good policeman, councillors, etc harder. Corruption grows like mould and those with healthy-enough (noone is perfect)boundaries and healthy-enough morals for society to thrive will be further put off volunteering, joining security or law enforcement, civil service, politics including councils etc etc.
see also
ReplyDeletePaul Clarke seems to get around a bit doesn't he?
ReplyDeleteThanks for referencing those as well.
So now we all have to check that our wallpaper is up to scratch then do we? In case we get reported to some bastard gvt agency or other.
ReplyDeleteJeez. No wonder there's no money for doing REAL stuff when they waste so much time on total inconsequentials.
I've learnt that 'multi-agency working' means 'more efficient way to gang up against members of the public that we should be serving'.
Oh, and do you know just how much time gvt/quango staff spend online checking YOUR blog and trying to check up on those who make comments? I kept a middle-of-the-road, well-informed and referenced current affairs blog for a short while - I was staggered by the number of central and local gvt visits I received. Truly these jobsworths must spend more time snooping and interfering than actually DOING anything to actually HELP ordinary people. What the hell's the matter with them...?
Sam - in rant mode
And Englishman's Home...?