Dear oh dear, I have read some half baked ideas presented by Nanny and her minions over the last few years but this one really takes the biscuit.
In fact, even though it is reported by the venereal (or is it venerable?) organ the BBC (Auntie), I am wondering if it is really true.
Anyhoo, according to Auntie, Nanny's chums from Stoke on Trent City Council have issued some guidance (11 pages no less) to schools over how to deal with Ramadan this year (expected to be around August/September).
One "major" issue appears to be what to do with swimming lessons for Muslim children during this period.
Nanny's dickheads in the council are of the view that because Muslims are meant to fast from dawn to dusk during Ramadan (note fasting also means no liquids), swimming lessons pose the risk of children ingesting water and thus breaking the fast.
OK...ermm...what happens if a Muslim is drowning during Ramadan?
Should they continue to drown, or do their best to save themselves even if it means swallowing some water?
It is sad and worrying to see how idiotic certain councils are when it comes to interpreting Islam from their narrow pc perspective.
Now at this point I would conjecture that were a Muslim family so concerned about their child swallowing water during Ramadan, then they would simply write a "please excuse" note during this period, and the school would use some commonsense and say "OK".
This of course is Nanny's Britain, Stoke on Trent City Council do not understand the concept of commonsense and have decreed that swimming lessons should be banned during the period of Ramadan.
The council guide states:
Schools with a significant number of Muslim pupils should try to avoid scheduling swimming lessons during Ramadan to remove unnecessary barriers to full participation."
Yes, that's right, because of their (non Muslim) extreme interpretation of Islam they (the council) will inflict their narrow beliefs on everyone. Thus ensuring that everyone loses out.
The council also wants sex education classes stopped during the holy lunar month, as Muslim followers who have reached puberty are required to avoid sexual thoughts during this period.
The council, by this ill informed and odious document, have done more to damage inter faith/ethnic relations in this country than any number of marches by the BNP or extreme Muslim groups.
How the hell do they think this helps Muslims integrate into society by singling them out for special treatment in this way?
Please write to Stoke on Trent City Council to tell them what you think via this link
enquiries@stoke.gov.ukor via this
formor call them 01782 234567.
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