In the "good old days", when the police knocked at your door it could be assumed that:
1 Someone had died or
2 Someone you knew had committed a serious crime
In Nanny's Britain things have changed somewhat, the knock at the door now signals a visit from her thought police; seeking to impose Nanny's vision of "correct" behaviour on the hapless citizens of Britain, whether they like it or not.
Alan Rawlinson discovered what it is like to receive a knock from the Gestapo the other day, when two of Nanny's finest called asking to speak to his 11 year old son George.
Needless to say, Mr Rawlinson being a responsible parent feared that George had been involved in something really unpleasant.
However, he was wrong.
George's crime?
He had called one of his school friends 'gay'.
Yes folks, that's all it takes these days to find Nanny's thought police at your door; needless to say, should you be involved in drug dealing, assault or theft you can rest easy.
Because Nanny's police are too busy investigating thought crimes.
Anyhoo, Nanny's police said that George was being investigated for a "very serious" homophobic crime. George had used the comment in an e-mail to a 10-year-old classmate.
Clearly drug dealing, assault and theft are no longer thought of as being "serious"!
Needless to say Mr Rawlinson is pretty pissed off. He lambasted Nanny's thought police, saying:
It is completely ridiculous.
I thought the officers were joking at first,
but they told me they considered it a very serious offence.
The politically correct brigade are taking over.
This seemed like a huge waste of resources for
something so trivial as a playground spat."
Nanny's Cheshire police launched the investigation last month, after a complaint from the parents of the 10-year-old younger boy who received George's e-mail.
One wonders what sad individuals these must be, to waste their time and the police's time on this load of bollocks.
These sad people said that their son had been called a 'gay boy', and were concerned that there was more to the comment than playground banter and that their child was being bullied.
My father taught me two very important lessons (amongst many things)
1 Never ever "tell on your friends or classmates". You will end up being despised and shunned (remember folks, mankind has survived these past 150,000 years by co-operating; not by stabbing each other in the back).
2 Stand up for yourself, and don't ask others to fight your battles for you. The world is a harsh place, if you don't learn to fight your own battles, when you are young, what chance do you have when you are an adult?
Nanny is not only eroding the human genetic trait of co-operation, but she is also turning the "adult" population of this country into spoilt immature weaklings, incapable of standing up for themselves. This of course means that they are forced to rely on Nanny, thus enhancing Nanny's position and power.
Now back to the story, two officers were sent to the boys' school, Farnworth Primary, in Widnes, Cheshire, to speak to the headteacher; he then sent them to the Rawlinsons' home in St Helens, Merseyside.
George explained that he used the "gay" term not in a homophobic sense, but in the modern vernacular of meaning "stupid" (Bart Simpson uses it regularly in this context)...how words change over the years!
Needless to say George was terrified when the police turned up...well done Nanny for damaging this kid...doesn't that count as child abuse????
I guess Nanny will offer "counselling" for the lad, in one of her "thought correction" facilities?
Mr Rawlinson is well pissed off, quite rightly so. He has lodged a formal complaint against the police.
I've constantly contacted police about break-ins
at my business and never get a suitable response."
That's because they don't give a fark!
Inspector Nick Bailey, of Cheshire police, very "graciously" said that no further action would be taken against George. However, he said the force had been obliged to record the incident as a crime and that they had dealt with it in a 'proportionate' manner.
Seriously, does anyone out there in cyberspace now really trust the police, or have any faith that when a real crime is reported that it will be addressed?