Nanny Knows Best

Nanny Knows Best
Dedicated to exposing, and resisting, the all pervasive nanny state that is corroding the way of life and the freedom of the people of Britain.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Preset Agenda of Myth Busters

Yesterday I wrote about the Myth Busters:
"a panel set up by Employment Minister Chris Grayling, to fight Nanny and her evil plans. The 13-strong committee includes an ex-police officer, a magistrate and an insurance boss and is led by Health and Safety Executive chair Judith Hackitt."
I noted that it was "odd that they have never made contact with this site wrt Nanny issues", and decided to drop them (via their contact form) a wee note reminding them of this site's existence:
"Are you aware of established in 2004, dedicated to exposing, and resisting, the all pervasive nanny state that is corroding the way of life and the freedom of the people of Britain?"
Here is their reply:
"Dear Ken 

Thank-you for your email to the Myth Busters Challenge Panel. 

Unfortunately your issue does not meet the Terms of Reference of the panel and therefore we are unable to look into it. 

Many thanks. 

Sue Bartley 
Myth Busters Challenge Panel"
A remarkably unimpressive reply, it indicates that they didn't read what I wrote and that the panel intends to work to its own preset agenda and is not receptive to input or suggestions from the real world.

Feel free to drop them a note via their email address or drop Chris Grayling a note via his email address

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  1. Tonk.2:21 PM

    I don't think they're alone; as far as I can see, many of Nanny's little helpers have their own preset agendas and will turn into an ostrich if challenged or someone says something they don't want to hear.

    When I've attempted to talk to the state's broadcaster last year about a biased programme in relation to the new false religion of climate change, they basically put their corporate fingers in their ears, sung la dee la dee da and said we can't hear you.

    We only have free speech and freedom of expression as long as we agree with Nanny.

  2. I don't think they are, but we are for putting up with it!

  3. Lord of Atlantis12:19 PM

    "Unfortunately your issue does not meet the Terms of Reference of the panel and therefore we are unable to look into it."

    Perhaps they or the minister might care to explain what exactly are their terms of reference?
