You know how Nanny is so afraid of anything happening to children that she insists that all who come into contact with them on a professional level (eg teachers, volunteers, coaches etc) have CRB (Criminal Record Bureau) checks done first?
Well, she has thought about it and realised that there is a failure of logic.
Cue the dramatic roll on the drums!

For you see dear readers, teachers, volunteers etc are not the only adults to come into contact with children...are they?
Adults pursuing their ordinary day to day activities may come into contact with children as well.
Thus Nanny is tightening up her CRB rules and insisting that local swimming clubs (who wish to have Swim 21 accreditation) perform CRB checks on all those over 18 who join...lest they come into contact with those in the club who are under 18.
Errmmm...am I alone in thinking that this is not a tad paranoid?
Given that people in the clubs swim together, what precisely could happen in such a group scenario?
I would also note that adults are not placed in the same swim lanes as the under 18's.
Those who join clubs under the age of 18 do not have to have a CRB check. However, as and when they turn 18 they do. Additionally, coaches who wish to teach at more than one club have to have CRB's performed at each club they work at (even though the check is performed by the same police force and same call centre).
Has Nanny totally lost the plot here?
Now here is a little question for Nanny.
You know how much she loves her forthcoming great waste of resources, namely
The 2012 Olympics?
Will all British Olympic athletes (and indeed foreign ones too) need to be CRB checked before the London games, given that there are competitors who will be under 18?
This is but the thin end of the wedge, Nanny will soon insist that all adults have a CRB check performed.
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