What do you think of pink pussies?
Personally I am not a huge fan of them myself, but apparently some people are.
I ask because I was reading the story of "Oi! Kitty", a white cat dyed pink (using safe non toxic food colouring) by its owner.
Oi! Kitty was found by some bloke coming back from the pub recently, and handed into the RSPCA.
The owner, having seen the publicity, was relieved that her missing pink pussy had been spotted and asked for it to be returned.
The RSPCA have duly done so.
However, they could not resist being a tad "Nannying", they popped round to give some "advice" as to how to treat pussies (even though no crime, harm, or mistreatment had been done to Oi! Kitty).
Now I am a great lover of pussies and other wee beasties, and fully support the work that the RSPCA does (indeed our own little pussy "Rosie" was adopted from an RSPCA cat shelter). However, given that no harm was done to Oi! Kitty (aside from it being hugely embarrassed, when socialising with its cat chums, at being dyed pink), was a "Nannytype" lecture really needed?
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