Ooh Err Missus!
Here's a saucy headline to start your week with....Nanny has banned heavy balls??? I hear you ejaculate (can I say "ejaculate" on a Monday morning?).
Surely not???
It is in fact true.
Just ask the hapless pupils at Malvern Primary School in Huyton, who have been banned from using synthetic/leather footballs in the playground.
For why?
Cos, my loyal readers, the balls are deemed by Nanny to be "too heavy" and the allegedly "feeble" and "weak" children of Huyton (in Liverpool) may injure themselves.
I assume then that cricket balls are most assuredly banned there as well?
Fear not though, the dim wits who came up with this daft ban have a solution.
Foam balls!
Yes, you did read that correctly, FOAM BALLS!
Is it any wonder kids sniff glue/fire extinguishers and get into bother, given that every aspect/freedom/joy of their lives is being regulated/monitored/destroyed by Nanny?
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