Nanny, seemingly, never stops telling us what particular food stuffs are bad for us.
I don't know, maybe she gets some form of sexual thrill out of trying to scare and worry people about what they eat.
Anyhoo, yesterday red meat took centre stage; as Dr Elio Riboli, from the little known European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition, said that their study found that those people who eat 3kg of red meat every day are likely to suffer from indigestion and flatulence.
Dr Elio pointed out that they had to issue a fatuous report every few years, in order to justify their existence.
Well, I can tell you, Nanny is outraged she is really mad now!
There seems not to be a day go by, when another horror story about food does not appear on her desk.
Remember these scare stories folks?
-Eggs are dangerous because you can get salmonella, and they raise your cholesterol
-White bread is bad because it is white
-Brown bread is bad because it prevents you from absorbing calcium
-Beans make you fart
-Beef on the bone turns you into a mad cow
-Sugar...don't get me onto the subject of sugar
-Salt, well Sid the slug can tell you all about the dangers of salt
-Salmon contains mercury
-Chicken can infect you with SARS
-Ham contain nitrates and other nasties
-Chili powder is a definite "no no"
-School meals turn you into the working classes
-Milk, butter and cheese contains fat; and we all know what that does to you
-Carrots turn you into an Antique Roadshow Presenter
-Vegetables and fruits contain pesticides
-Genetically engineered foods are dangerous, because Prince Charles says so
Oh dear! The list simply goes on and on.
Well Nanny is fed up, and bored, with constantly telling us about the danger of what we eat.
Therefore she is going to ban eating altogether.

She believes that not eating at all is the safest way forward for her "charges". Not eating is perfectly safe; after all, it hasn't done Michael Jackson any harm has it children?
OK, maybe I am making a little bit of this up (not the list though). However, there really was a report issued yesterday about the dangers of red meat. Seemingly if you eat too much, you increase the chances of getting cancer by 30%.
Now think about that for a minute.
Increase the chances by 30%, what does that actually tell you?
Bugger all!The study doesn't tell you what your chances of getting cancer are, if you don't eat red meat; eg they may be zero, in which case a 30% increase is still zero.
The report is useless.
Here is another useless report. In 2003 the WHO World Cancer report said that tobacco and diet accounted for 43% of all cancer deaths.
Well think about that fatuous statement for a minute.
We all die of something, be it cancer or heart failure; doctors like to have a reason to put on the death certificate.
Following that reasoning of causality, doctors need a rationale for the cause of cancer. Since they don't know, they use food and fags as a convenient excuse.
All people eat, drink and some smoke; yet we don't all have cancer. However, WHO are stating that because we eat and smoke that this is the cause of cancer.
Their reasoning is unsound.

The human race has been in existence for around 150000 years, and has eaten its way through all manner of noxious substances.
Yet it has flourished.
Nanny, despite being around for only a few years, seems to think that she knows better than 150000 years of evolution.
Nanny and her food fadists should be ignored, and should be treated with the contempt that they deserve.
Enjoy your life; after all, you only have one.