The Students' Union has frozen the assets of the Evangelical Christian Union, and banned the Christian Union from holding meetings at Birmingham University.
It seems that the Christian Union has refused membership to non Christians.
Seemingly, in the small world that the Students' Union inhabit, this is discrimination.
Wiser souls might point out that this is just common sense, after all why would a non Christian wish to join a Christian society?
What possible added value to either party would there be from such an occurrence?
Anyhoo, common sense never really plays a part in Nanny's thinking nor in the thinking of her trolls and goblins.
Birmingham University's Student Union Guild has demanded that the Evangelical Christian Union (ECU) amend its constitution to allow people of all faiths to become members and, this is the killer point, sit on its leadership body.
Needless to say the Christians think that this idea is bollocks, and have refused, although I am sure that they put it in a far more polite way!
In retaliation the Students' Union have frozen ECU's assets of £5,500, and blocked it from using student union facilities until it complies.
ECU has been around for 76 years, and has no intention of turning the other cheek (I'm on form today folks!), it has threatened legal action to gain access to its funds ahead of a major religious awareness drive.
Andy Weatherley, a staff worker for the ECU, said:
"Christian unions should be permitted to restrict membership to only those people who profess faith in Jesus Christ.
It is a fundamental right of any organisation to be able to include in its membership only those who abide by the ethos and focus of the organisation.
We believe this to be true for all organisations within the student union, not just religious or ethnic ones."
Pod Bhogal, communications director for the Universities and Colleges Christian Fellowship - an affiliation of Christian societies - said:
"In all our years of working with hundreds of higher education establishments, this action by Birmingham's guild is unique.
It is over-the-top and looks like political correctness gone mad.
We would not dream of telling a Muslim group or a political society how to elect their leaders or who could or could not become a member.
That's entirely a matter to them, based on their own faith principles. The same applies to a Christian Union."
The guild believes that ECU must open its executive positions to people of all faiths.
Another weighty problem that the guild is wrestling with, in respect of ECU, are references in the constitution of ECU to "men" and "women".
Seemingly these references discriminate against transsexuals.
Birmingham University's Student Guild claims that it is merely enforcing the 1994 Education Act, which states student societies have to be open to all.
So why has it taken them 12 years to get round to doing this then?
I suspect that there is more to this than meets the eye.
The good news folks is that one day some of these young men and women (sorry, "persons") will be in positions of power and authority in this country, something to look forward to eh?