Congratulations, and champers all round, to the good people of Torbay Council who have really excelled themselves and won my uber desired, and internationally acclaimed, "C*nts of The Year Award".
Well done lads!
How did they manage this rare feet (or is it feat;)?)
Just ask Craig Hodge, a father-of-three, who recently spent five weeks helping pupils at his own children's school cross the road; ie he stood in for the local lollipop man, who was off sick.
Needless to say Mr Hodge made sure that he had the full backing of the teachers and parents first!
Can you guess what happened next children?
Yes, that's right, the knobheads who run Torbay council decreed that he must stop this immediately. In fact, so incensed were the council that Mr Hodge had used his initiative and thought for himself, that they sent the police round to make sure that he was stopped.
What was Mr Hodge's crime?
Ah my loyal readers, surely you can guess that?
Yes, that's right, he is an adult male who has volunteered to work with children.
As we know, in Nanny's Britain all adult males who work with children are deemed to be paedophiles, unless they can prove otherwise.
Now here's the funny thing, Mr Hodge had actually already been vetted by the Criminal Records Bureau (as being "clean"). Yet Torbay council still insist that he cannot stand in as Lollipop man, because he has not been "checked, vetted and trained".
Quite what the issue is escapes me.
However, it seems that the reason that Torbay found out about this is that some other c*nt phoned them up and reported Mr Hodge.
As noted many times before on this site, the Nanny state loves to make use of interfering busybodies, with zero lives, who have far too much time on their hands.
I do hope that the person who reported Mr Hodge "sleeps well" at night; especially if there were to be a child injured by a car, because Mr Hodge was not allowed to be there to escort that child across the road.
Torbay Council don't give a fark for the welfare of the children. Their response was classic bureaucratic, brain dead BS:
Road safety is of paramount importance, but while we fully support all schools in their efforts to ensure the safety of pupils and to help us recruit relief patrols, we have a duty to follow all the procedures."
Ah yes, "
we were only following orders!"
Classic weasel words from a bunch of worthless pygmies.
Torbay Council well deserving "C*nts of The Year".
Where shall I send the award lads???
Here is their email address
fss@torbay.gov.ukTorbay is another one of the Tory Party's useless local councils.
Here is Cameron's email
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