Nanny's council staff are upset about their final salary pension schemes not being treated in the same way as their "brothers" in Whitehall.
It is a fair point for Nanny's employees to ask for equal treatment between themselves. However, what Nanny's workers are conveniently ignoring is that many of us in the private sector, who do not work for Nanny, no longer have the luxury of final salary pension schemes; they have been deemed to be prohibitively expensive, and as such are being fazed out.
Nanny's staff should take note of the above!
As to the effects of this one day strike, well maybe I lead a very blinkered and sheltered life, I noticed not one iota of difference.
Food supplies, power, water, phones, TV were still all readily available; I could work unimpeded. The hospitals and police functioned, and people still went about their daily business.
Croydon functioned as normal!
Therefore I have to ask this, if we do not notice Nanny's council workers going on strike, what exactly do they do?
I can answer my own question, here is a fine example of the added value of Nanny and her lackeys (who are paid for out of our taxes).
Motorists in Sheepcote Street Birmingham were issued with parking tickets when yellow lines were painted around their cars, having parked on the street which had no yellow lines.
The £60 fines were put on windscreens of parked cars last week, after Nanny's council workmen painted the lines on either side of the wheels and occasionally on the vehicles themselves!
Eamu Begum, a victim of the Yellow Peril, said:
"I park here every day and have had no problems before.
The yellow line goes around some of the cars and they've even got paint on one of the vehicles."
Eventually Nanny's chums in Birmingham City Council, having received a number of complaints, agreed to waive the fines.
Jobsworth wankers!

The high level of public sector employment, paid for by the private sector, is unsustainable.
I am highly displeased with the situation!