Nanny Knows Best

Nanny Knows Best
Dedicated to exposing, and resisting, the all pervasive nanny state that is corroding the way of life and the freedom of the people of Britain.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Nanny Bans Tomato Ketchup

KetchupOh dear, Nanny really is keen to take the joy out of childhood.

The "little rascals" of Caister in Norfolk have been banned by police from buying ketchup (or is it catsup? What is the difference?)

It seems that some wee rascals have been spraying cars and houses with it. Nanny therefore has instructed shops not to sell squirty bottles to kids.

In the great scheme of things, is it such an evil act to squirt ketchup over things?

Wouldn't it be far worse if they were using spray paint, or shooting each other?

Sometimes a little bit of naughtiness needs to come out of the system.

Needless to say, Nanny has also banned egg sales in this town as well!

Let the kids behave like prats once in a while!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Dangers of Steps

Bin Brother
David Smith, an elderly disabled man of 78, has been left with rubbish piling up at his home in my home town of Croydon.


It seems that is just "too dangerous" for binmen to collect it?


Does he have a dangerous dog?


Does he threaten them with a shotgun?


The bin men have to climb the four steps to the house to collect it.

Mr Smith has lived at his current address for over 20 years, and has always put his rubbish at the top of the steps on a Monday morning ready for collection.

Herein lies the problem, the entrance to his house is four steps up from the street level and down a walkway.

The binmen and our local council don't seem to like that.

As much as Mr Smith would like to make their lives easier, he suffers from diabetes, heart disease and has difficultly walking. Therefore he has always left the bin bags at the top of the steps for the binmen.

However, the other week, his rubbish and many other residents' waste was not picked up for health and safety reasons.

Mr Smith said:

"I walk with two sticks and it is very difficult to get to the end of the walkway and now they are refusing to even come up the stairs.

What is frustrating is that they just haven't bothered telling anyone about the changes and we have all done this for years without having any problems.

But on Monday I saw that the dustman hadn't taken it so I asked him why and he said he had been told it was too dangerous for them to collect it from where they had been in the past. I couldn't believe it

There are more than 100 houses in the street, and Mr Smith believes a third of them have steps - none of which have had their rubbish collected.

A Croydon Council spokesman said:

"Several health and safety issues have been identified by the council's contractor with regard refuse collection in a number of roads.

The council is currently investigating alternative methods of collection and the affected residents will be notified

Pass the sick bag someone!

Could Croydon council tell us why we pay council tax?

Could Croydon council tell us why they think that the "health and safety" bullshit, that they follow, outweighs the very real threat of disease and vermin from rotting uncollected rubbish?

Health and safety will be the death of us all!

Email the leader of Croydon council here, and give him my love

Visit The Joy of Lard and indulge your lard fantasies.

Show your contempt for Nanny by buying a T shirt or thong from Nanny's Store. is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

Celebrate the joy of living with champagne. Click and drink!

Why not really indulge yourself, by doing all the things that Nanny really hates? Click on the relevant link to indulge yourselves; Food, Bonking, Toys, Gifts and Flowers, Groceries

Monday, April 28, 2008

The New "Superbug"

The New
I see that there is an alleged new "superbug" at large in the community. Seemingly it resides in school playgrounds, parks and other public areas.

Over the last year or so 10 kids have caught this "superbug" from cuts and grazes that they have incurred whilst playing, and regrettably died.

Cue stage left shrill calls for Nanny do to more to stop this.

Prepare yourselves for warnings about the dangers of letting children play in public, and some form of unworkable "deep clean" policy to be announced.

The reality is, we are surrounded by bugs; it is part of growing up to be exposed to them, and to fight them off.

The alleged rise of a "superbug" is most likely the result of:

1 Children not being given jabs and booster jabs for basic bugs, such as tetanus.

2 Children living in ultra clean environments that do not expose them to ordinary bugs, thus reducing the effectiveness of their immune systems.

3 Insufficient use of Dettol and TCP on cuts and grazes immediately after the accident.

The "superbug" is not a threat to children, it's the cotton wool that Nanny and some over protective parents wrap the kids in that is the danger.

Visit The Orifice of Government Commerce and buy a collector's item.

Visit The Joy of Lard and indulge your lard fantasies.

Show your contempt for Nanny by buying a T shirt or thong from Nanny's Store. is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

Celebrate the joy of living with champagne. Click and drink!

Why not really indulge yourself, by doing all the things that Nanny really hates? Click on the relevant link to indulge yourselves; Food, Bonking, Toys, Gifts and Flowers, Groceries

Saturday, April 26, 2008

The Orifice of Government Commerce

The Orifice of Government Commerce

Nanny attempted to design a logo the other day, for her Orifice of Government Commerce.

The cost?


The result?


Can you see what's wrong children?

Yes, that's right....

Nanny has now banned the use of the logo.

However, rest assured that you can now buy what will soon be a collector's item.

Please visit my store The Orifice of Government Commerce, where you can buy T shirts, stickers, cards and thongs etc.

The Orifice of Government Commerce Thong

Visit The Joy of Lard and indulge your lard fantasies.

Show your contempt for Nanny by buying a T shirt or thong from Nanny's Store. is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

Celebrate the joy of living with champagne. Click and drink!

Why not really indulge yourself, by doing all the things that Nanny really hates? Click on the relevant link to indulge yourselves; Food, Bonking, Toys, Gifts and Flowers, Groceries

Friday, April 25, 2008

The Dangers of Sausage Rolls

Sausage Rolls
Nanny has taken her automatic fines for "littering" to new and absurd levels, as Sarah Davies of Hull found to her cost recently.

Miss Davies was feeding her four year old daughter, Chloe, a sausage roll in public when a piece dropped on the pavement.

Can you guess what happened next?

Yes, that's right, Nanny's spies from Hull's "environment crime unit" (a big name for small minded people) spotted it and fined her £75 for "littering".

Nanny's spies even threatened her with arrest for refusing to give her name.

The real irony of this "littering" offence being that the pigeons had already eaten the piece of sausage roll that had fallen on the pavement.

Does this mean then that people who feed the birds will be fined for "littering" as well?

Needless to say, this is a very easy source of revenue for Nanny and her acolytes in her local councils. Could this be the real reason for their bone headed attitude?

Tell Hull City Council what you think of them via their email

Visit The Joy of Lard and indulge your lard fantasies.

Show your contempt for Nanny by buying a T shirt or thong from Nanny's Store. is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

Celebrate the joy of living with champagne. Click and drink!

Why not really indulge yourself, by doing all the things that Nanny really hates? Click on the relevant link to indulge yourselves; Food, Bonking, Toys, Gifts and Flowers, Groceries

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Nanny's Secret Army

Your Local Council
It should come as no surprise whatsoever to learn that Nanny likes to spy on us.

Knowledge is power, and Nanny gets high on power.

Such is her desire to poke her nose into the minutiae of our daily lives, that Nanny's chums in our "beloved" local councils have been recruiting a "secret army" of agents and informers to trap fly-tippers, tax cheats and other offenders.

Over 850 "covert human intelligence sources" (spies to you and I) have been recruited to spy on us over the past two years.

The informants, who can be paid, pass on information about associates and relatives.


Nanny's official papers say that the covert human intelligence sources have a handler to watch over their safety.

That doesn't surprise me, were they to be found out they would receive a well deserved "talking to".

Seemingly their remit is vast and they can be used for; detecting crime, protecting public health and for "any tax, duty or levy".

One council's code of conduct says:

"Examples include the covert use of an officer to establish whether a particular person has been fly-tipping/or committing another relevant offence."

The definition of fly-tipping ranges from dumping large items such as a sofa or fridge on public land, to placing bin bags on the pavement on the wrong day.

Councils also have the power to access telephone or mobile records, although not the content of calls.

Sir Christopher Rose, the Chief Surveillance Commissioner, said 429 covert human intelligence sources were "recruited" by local authorities and Government departments in 2007.

In 2006, they recruited 437 agents and informers.

The way to stop this is to "out" the informants. Publicise their names, photos and addresses. That will kill this off stone dead.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Nanny Bans St George Parade

Nanny Bans St George Parade
Happy St George's Day everyone!

In keeping with the spirit of the day, you will not be surprised to learn that Nanny has banned a parade of schoolchildren through Bradford to mark St George's Day.

Nanny cites "health and safety" as the reason for banning the parade through an area that saw race riots seven years ago.

Police and the local council told organisers a few days ago that the parade could not go ahead as planned, for "health and safety reasons".

They offered them a shorter route that avoided two streets at the centre of the race riots in 2001, and an alternative date for the event on July 1.

Is Nanny saying that there are areas in Britain where people cannot walk safely, and are denied free right of passage?

Are there "no go" areas in Britain now?

How ridiculous to offer 1st July as a date for a St George's Day parade!

A parade of Schoolchildren can hardly be equated to a parade of Mosley's blackshirts, how can that be deemed to be inflammatory?

The organisers were forced to call the event, at which 10,000 people had been expected, off.

The Rev Tony Tooby, the chairman of governors of St Philips Primary School, said:

"We wanted the route to include where some of the riots had taken place to educate young people.

The police and council just kept telling us the reason for their objection was 'health and safety'. They proposed another route which was ridiculously short. The march would have been over before it began

Kris Hopkins, the council's leader, claim they had not banned the parade:

"Given the involvement of 1,500 children, including six and seven-year-olds, we suggested a slightly safer route.

We've got a responsibility to look after our children

Isn't the responsibility to look after the children that of the parents and the school, where does the council get off thinking it needs to interfere?

The council are lying through their teeth.

Churchill wrote:

"There is a forgotten, nay almost forbidden word,which means more to me than any other.

That word is Engalnd

Happy St George's Day everyone, if you are allowed to celebrate it!

Visit The Joy of Lard and indulge your lard fantasies.

Show your contempt for Nanny by buying a T shirt or thong from Nanny's Store. is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

Celebrate the joy of living with champagne. Click and drink!

Why not really indulge yourself, by doing all the things that Nanny really hates? Click on the relevant link to indulge yourselves; Food, Bonking, Toys, Gifts and Flowers, Groceries

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

A Nice Little Earner - Bin Brother

A Nice Little Earner - Bin BrotherNanny's local councils, much like Nanny herself, are desperate to raise cash. Their bloated defined benefit pensions schemes and high payroll costs for their executive teams are bleeding the local taxpayers dry.

However, council tax alone is not enough to quench local councils' thirst for money, they need another source.

Enter stage left "Fines".

Fines are a brilliant way for local councils to raise extra cash, all they have to do is to make something illegal then watch as the money rolls in from the fines that their "enforcement" officers impose.

One of the latest new "illegal" activities invented by Nanny is that of overfilling your bin, as Gareth Corkhill of Copeland in Cumbria recently found to his cost.

Mr Corkhill has a wheelie bin which is only emptied once a fortnight by his local council, as such it gets rather full and the lid does not shut.

As we all know, in Nanny's Britain, a non shutting lid is a "no no" and exposes the offender to a fine.

Last summer two of Nanny's enforcement officers, wearing stab proof vests, arrived at his home. They issued him with a £110 on-the-spot fine for failure to close the lid of his wheelie bin.

Mr Corkhill did not pay that fine.

The result being that he has just been taken to court and ordered to pay £210 plus a £15 victim surcharge to help victims of violence (note there was no violence in this case), in addition to the fines he has also been given a criminal record.

His local council, Copeland in Cumbria, said that Mr Corkhill's family had caused problems for "the battle to reduce waste".

Nanny is using the criminal law to shore up her crumbling finances. Once the government/state goes down that path, you know the country's farked!

Visit The Joy of Lard and indulge your lard fantasies.

Show your contempt for Nanny by buying a T shirt or thong from Nanny's Store. is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

Celebrate the joy of living with champagne. Click and drink!

Why not really indulge yourself, by doing all the things that Nanny really hates? Click on the relevant link to indulge yourselves; Food, Bonking, Toys, Gifts and Flowers, Groceries

Monday, April 21, 2008

The Sex Inspectors

The Sex Inspectors

Given Nanny's propensity to intrude into the daily lives of people, she hates not knowing what we are up to, it should come as no surprise whatsoever to learn that Nanny will be conducting a sex survey.

Yes, that's right, Nanny's inspectors will ask us questions about our sex lives!

Nanny will target 500,000 people each year, and ask them questions about their past and present sexual partners, contraception and how long couples have lived together before marriage.

The 2,000 questions form part of the Integrated Household Survey, and the responses will be registered with respondents' names and addresses.

Nanny claims that the information will be made anonymous once the files arrive at the Office of National Statistics, where they will then be held on a secure server.


Given last year's debacle by HMRC, when it lost the data files of 25,000,000 people, does anyone seriously trust Nanny to store such data "securely"?

Nanny will spend £3.5M of our money each year to send inspectors to 200,000 random homes to conduct the survey.

In theory, answering the survey is voluntary. However, Nanny's inspectors will push respondents into revealing personal details with follow-up questions designed to draw out more information.

The largest fly in Nanny's ginormous jar of oinkment is this, who on earth ever gives an honest answer about their sex lives?

No one does!

Coming soon...the sex tax!

Visit The Joy of Lard and indulge your lard fantasies.

Show your contempt for Nanny by buying a T shirt or thong from Nanny's Store. is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

Celebrate the joy of living with champagne. Click and drink!

Why not really indulge yourself, by doing all the things that Nanny really hates? Click on the relevant link to indulge yourselves; Food, Bonking, Toys, Gifts and Flowers, Groceries

Friday, April 18, 2008

New Features

New Features
Dear All

Just to let you know that I have added a couple of wee extra features to this site.

Scroll down the right hand menu and you will be able to subscribe to the site via a number of feed readers, you can now also see snippets from some of the latest articles on

Happy browsing.


Visit The Joy of Lard and indulge your lard fantasies.

Show your contempt for Nanny by buying a T shirt or thong from Nanny's Store. is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

Celebrate the joy of living with champagne. Click and drink!

Why not really indulge yourself, by doing all the things that Nanny really hates? Click on the relevant link to indulge yourselves; Food, Bonking, Toys, Gifts and Flowers, Groceries

The Joy of Fry Ups

Fry Ups
Yesterday Giles Coren wrote a piece in The Times about the dangers of fry ups.


"I'll tell you what's holding us back from finally getting rid of the fried English breakfast for ever: lack of education. You never see a person with a degree eating a fry-up, do you? Certainly not someone with a 2:1 or better in a humanities subject from a university founded before the invention of the iPod. That's because they are smart enough to know better. "

Well, the "educated" team at Nanny Knows Best did not sit idly by and let that one pass!

Post haste the following email was sent to Coren and The Times:


Re today's article about fry ups, here is a photo of the contents of a typical fry up that I treat myself to on some Saturday evenings.

Please note:

1 I have a 2:1 from Edinburgh

2 I am 45, and in very good nick

3 It is washed down with lashings of Erdinger

4 You will be pleased to know that I fry the bread and eggs in olive oil, and grill the English sausages, bacon and tomatoes

Did you not write recently that your doctor warned you about your own diet?

Kind regards

Ken Frost

Should you wish to have your own fry up, here's a list of the basic ingredients (per person):

1 Spuds for the chips

2 4 large English sausages

3 4 rashers of back bacon (smoked)

4 2-3 large tomatoes

5 2 slices of white bread for frying

6 3-4 eggs

7 2 slices of buttered white bread

Additional ingredients, if you are peckish, can include; mushrooms, beans, lamb's kidneys and black pudding.

Accompany your fry up with a well chilled supply of Erdinger, and plenty of salt.


Visit The Joy of Lard and indulge your lard fantasies.

Show your contempt for Nanny by buying a T shirt or thong from Nanny's Store. is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

Celebrate the joy of living with champagne. Click and drink!

Why not really indulge yourself, by doing all the things that Nanny really hates? Click on the relevant link to indulge yourselves; Food, Bonking, Toys, Gifts and Flowers, Groceries

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Cotton Wool Kids

Cotton Wool Kids
Watch this and weep for the lost childhood of these children.

Cotton Wool Kids.

Visit The Joy of Lard and indulge your lard fantasies.

Show your contempt for Nanny by buying a T shirt or thong from Nanny's Store. is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

Celebrate the joy of living with champagne. Click and drink!

Why not really indulge yourself, by doing all the things that Nanny really hates? Click on the relevant link to indulge yourselves; Food, Bonking, Toys, Gifts and Flowers, Groceries

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Prats of The Week

Prats of The WeekGoodness me, it has been a wee while since I have awarded my prestigious and world renowned "Prats of The Week" Award.

Therefore, without any further ado, I am pleased to be able to award St Pancras Station (the bar to be precise) my "Prats of The Week" award.

For why?

They banned the use of one solitary birthday candle on a birthday cake, lest it pose a health and safety hazard!

Michael Leventhal wanted to celebrate his lady friend's birthday a couple of months ago at the bar, which is the longest champagne bar in Europe.

He therefore booked the bar, and e-mailed a request for help in arranging a birthday surprise.

Mr Leventhal asked whether he could bring a candle (a massive 4 incher!) and have it placed on a cake, brought to the bar and presented to his companion when she was not expecting it.

Guess what happened next?

Mr Leventhal was told that a full risk assessment of children's candle would have to be made, before it could be allowed on the premises.

Pass the sick bag someone!

Who allowed these petty minded twats to dictate to us in this manner?

I recall the Hitchhicker's Guide to The Galaxy, where Ford Prefect and Arthur Dent end up on spaceship carrying an assortment of risk assessment "experts" and their ilk, who had been thrwon off their own planet because they were a pain in the derriere.

Oh how I wish......

However, I digress, it seems that no one at St Pancrearse station was prepared to go out on limb for this "highly dangerous" request, until a senior official signed off on it.

An e-mail from Raymond Lay, the bar's events manager, said:

"I have asked the station operations if we would be allowed to have a lit candle at the champagne bar for a birthday cake and they have said that we will have to submit a risk assessment form stating what the risk will be to the bar and the station, and what we will put in place to combat any possible risks.

The risk assessment form will then be put to Mike Page (head of station operations).

Unfortunately Mike Page will not be back from holiday . . . so the champagne bar would not be able to let you light the candle for your friend's birthday cake

St Pancrearse station is standing by its guns, and have stated that there is a danger from naked flames so a risk assessment was required. If permission had been granted, a spokesman said, a fire extinguisher would have had to be on stand-by in case the candle burnt out of control.

I am very glad that these people were not around when man first invented fire, can you imagine the discussion that would have taken place then?

"What is it?"

"It's fire"

"What does it do?"

"It burns things"

"Sorry mate, that's a fire hazard; it's more than my job's worth."

etc etc...

St Pancrearse station was built at the time of steam, when fire was used to heat the water in the engines.

Yet it survived that!

It also survived the bombing during the last war.

Now it seems that one 4 inch candle threatens the entire infrastructure, what the hell have they built the new station with?


Would not a glass of water been enough to extinguish the conflagration of a 4 inch candle?

St Pancrearse station, well deserving Prats of The Week!

Let them know that they have won via this form St Pancrearse.

Visit The Joy of Lard and indulge your lard fantasies.

Show your contempt for Nanny by buying a T shirt or thong from Nanny's Store. is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

Celebrate the joy of living with champagne. Click and drink!

Why not really indulge yourself, by doing all the things that Nanny really hates? Click on the relevant link to indulge yourselves; Food, Bonking, Toys, Gifts and Flowers, Groceries

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Quoted In The Grauniad

Good heavens, I have been quoted on the Grauniad website!

"Ken Frost, on his blog Nanny Knows Best, says the government is misguided as children are 'instinctively drawn to anything naughty or illegal'. Besides, he suggests, all this health advice and prohibition is missing a crucial point.

'It's not the length of life that counts, but the quality. We are ignoring the fundamental problem that extending people's lifespans, without taking into account the quality of those extended lifespans, is storing up trouble for the future and wrong

Drinks all round!

Visit The Joy of Lard and indulge your lard fantasies.

Show your contempt for Nanny by buying a T shirt or thong from Nanny's Store. is brought to you by "The Living Brand"

Celebrate the joy of living with champagne. Click and drink!

Why not really indulge yourself, by doing all the things that Nanny really hates? Click on the relevant link to indulge yourselves; Food, , Bonking, Toys, Gifts and Flowers, Groceries

Monday, April 14, 2008

The Grim Ripa

The Grim Ripa
"The best way to take control over a people and control them utterly is to take a little of their freedom at a time, to erode rights by a thousand tiny and almost imperceptible reductions.

In this way the people will not see those rights and freedoms being removed until past the point at which these changes cannot be reversed

Adolf Hitler

Wise words indeed!

It is "reassuring" to see that our local councils (those organs of the Nanny state which, as you know, I have such a high "respect" for) are testing out Herr Shickelgruber's ideas at this very minute.

Following on from last week's story about Poole council using the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (Ripa) to spy on a family, over the non terrorist issue of school catchment areas, it transpires that other local councils have been invoking Ripa for spy missions too.

Were they invoking Ripa to counteract possible terrorist threats?


They invoked Ripa, and spied on their voters to investigate petty offences such as dog fouling, under-age smoking and breaches of planning regulations.

Councils and other public bodies are using Ripa (anti terrorist legislation) to spy on people, obtain their telephone records and find out who they are emailing.

Did you know they could do all of that?

In 2007 councils and government departments made 12,494 applications for "directed surveillance", according to figures released by the Office of the Surveillance Commissioner. This was almost double the number for the previous year.

Ironically, applications from police and other law enforcement agencies fell during the same period, to about 19,000. One local government body stated that councils and other public bodies would soon carry out more surveillance than the police.

That's reassuring isn't it?

Ripa is now being used by councils to spy on otherwise law-abiding people committing minor offences such as; fly-tipping, failing to pick up dog mess and to gather evidence that can be used to instigate fines.

Gosport borough council is currently using Ripa for an undercover investigation into dog fouling. Council officers equipped with digital cameras and binoculars are spying on dog walkers.

Chris Davis, the council's head of internal audit, said without irony:

"We have strategically placed members of our enforcement team to blend in with the natural environment and observe people walking dogs.

They are using digital cameras to get hard evidence. Dog fouling is a real issue and in this case it is happening close to a leisure facility where children play

Dog fouling may well be a nuisance, but why is anti terrorist legalisation being used to combat it?

Why are innocent people being spied on by the council?

What controls are in place wrt the data gathered? (None I would warrant!)

When Ripa was passed in 2000, only nine organisations, such as the police and security services, were allowed to use it. That number has risen to 792, including 474 councils.

Whilst councillors can be held to account, and indeed can be voted out of office; Local Government Officers (LOG's), on defined pensions and very generous pay packages, cannot be held to account and are virtually impossible to remove from office.

Do we really want people like that spying on us?

When Ripa and other anti terrorist laws were introduced by our political "masters", we were assured that they would only be used against the "bad guys".

It transpires that we are all now "bad guys".

How did this happen?

1 The politicians lied

2 Politicians are incompetent headline grabbing fools, who don't think things through

3 Politicians ignore the fundamental principle of British law, ie innocent until proven guilty. The reason that we have limits on detention without charge etc is to protect the innocent from being held on false charges. Without that failsafe, we would all be held by the police on the slightest whim.

4 Brown and his ilk are control freaks, who do want to monitor what we do

5 Local councils are worse than worthless

6 It is the nature of councils et al to use all the tools at their disposal, to monitor and control their populations. The more we give them, the more they will use.

Brown and his mob even now are pressing for the police to have the wright to detain someone for 42 days without charge, if they suspect him/her of being a terrorist. How the hell do we know that one day we will not be held for 42 days, without charge, on suspicion of being a terrorist?

The solution?

-These festering sores on our democracy, LGO's et al, brought in en masse by "Nu Labour" should be removed from office in one massive culling operation.

-Ripa needs to be repealed and reworked.

-The 42 days detention rule must be stopped.

-Brown and Labour must be kicked out.

Nu labour and the local councils have marked out a path (by misuse of Ripa) that others, even more repellent people, will follow.

You have been warned!

"The best way to take control over a people and control them utterly is to take a little of their freedom at a time, to erode rights by a thousand tiny and almost imperceptible reductions.

In this way the people will not see those rights and freedoms being removed until past the point at which these changes cannot be reversed

Adolf Hitler

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Nanny Bans Jerusalem

Nanny Bans Jerusalem
Nanny's chums in the Church of Engerlund have banned Jerusalem, or rather they have banned the hymn Jerusalem by William Blake.


It is too patriotic!

The Very Reverend Colin Slee, the Dean of Southwark, has banned the hymn Jerusalem from his cathedral (South Bank) because it is "not in the glory of God" and is too nationalistic.

The ban was revealed after the dean advised guests at a recent memorial service that it could not be sung, due to its lack of religious content.

The service was a private memorial service and therefore the choice of music, one would have thought, would be up to the organisers.

Silly Dean Slee!

Doesn't he know that if God existed, he would be English?

This site has no such qualms about playing Jerusalem.

Please sing along, at full volume!

"Bring me my bow of burning gold!
Bring me my arrows of desire!
Bring me my spear! O clouds, unfold!
Bring me my chariot of fire!
I will not cease from mental fight,
nor shall my sword sleep in my hand,
till we have built Jerusalem
In England's green and pleasant Land.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Big Brother - Local Council's Licence To Spy

Big Brother - Local Council's Licence To Spy
I have often questioned on this site the use/value of local councils. More often than not they seem intent on screwing the local residents for as much money as possible (in order to pay for their defined benefit pension schemes - long since abandoned by much of the private sector) and imposing a veritable smorgasbord of petty rules and regulations to make our lives more unpleasant and difficult.

The question often posed:

"What use are they, and what value do they add?"

Now, dear readers, I am happy to tell you that the answer has been provided (like manna from heaven) by Poole Council.

It would seem that the role of local councils, as they see it, is to spy on their own citizens; in the same manner as one would find in a dictatorship.

Poole council decided to spy on a couple and their three young children. The family were followed, watched at home, and had their movements scrutinised and timed without their knowledge.

Indeed, Nanny's chums in the Borough of Poole has admitted to using such "physical surveillance" on residents on six separate occasions over the past year.

Now, the question naturally arises, why did the council spy on this family?

Were they benefit cheats, defrauding fellow taxpayers of their hard earned taxes?


Were they criminals/terrorists posing a threat to the citizens of Poole?


Were they trying to jump the housing queue?


The council justified its decisions to spy on the family, by stating that it needed to know if they lived in the correct catchment area for their three-year-old daughter to be accepted at a local school.

Hang on a minute...since when was the possibility of lying about one's catchment area a potential crime or threat to society?

The mother has now been shown a detailed surveillance record, listing her movements on an almost daily basis from February 13 to March 3, including school runs with her children and the exact routes they drove.

They were followed more than once, and someone regularly parked outside their home, taking detailed notes such as "female and three children enter target vehicle and drive off" and "curtains open and all lights on in premises".

The report was signed off by a Borough of Poole education officer, and it also names the couple and their children aged three, six and 10 as subjects for surveillance.

The authority, or shall we say the right, for councils to supervise its own citizens comes from the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act. This allows councils to carry out surveillance, but only for the investigation of crimes.

Again, catchment area issues are surely not crimes?

The mother said:

"I have had nothing to say how long the information will be kept for, who holds it and what the implications of having a RIPA order executed against you are. I'm absolutely incensed.

To be following us around for nearly three weeks, apart from being very creepy, is a huge infringement of my liberty."

My daughter is still having trouble sleeping. She's asking if there is a man outside watching us.

They could have contacted us, or come and knocked on the door rather than opting for surveillance which is completely underhand.

They could have treated us like human beings and come back for more information

The council have also used the act to gain access to telephone subscription and billing information.

The family have lived in their Parkstone home for the last ten years, and their two eldest children went to the local first school.

Their property, which is in the correct catchment area, was put up for sale, but the couple made sure they remained living there until the end of January to ensure their youngest daughter qualified under Poole's school admission rules. After that, they moved to a property near Westbourne.

They explained the situation to the council, and provided bills and documents as requested. At a meeting with a schools admissions manager in mid March they were told they had been under surveillance.

However it was carried out after the council's admissions deadline, so, under the council's own rules, appears to be irrelevant.

Their daughter was accepted at the school.

Tim Martin, head of legal and democratic services, Borough of Poole, said:

"On a small number of occasions, RIPA procedures have been used to investigate potentially fraudulent applications for school places. In such circumstances, we have considered it appropriate to treat the matter as a potential criminal matter.

An investigation may actually satisfy the council that the application is valid, as happened in this case

Catchment areas are not criminal issues!

The council has carried out physical surveillance on six occasions over the last financial year using RIPA procedures.

So there you have it ladies and gentlemen, we now know what local councils are put on this earth for; they are here to spy on us!

It is now official, Nanny and her lackeys in the councils routinely carry out surveillance of her citizens.

Are you happy with that?

I'm not!

FYI, here is Poole council's email feel free to have a chat with them.

BTW, Poole is a Tory council. I suggest that you have a few words with Cameron too about this matter. Here is his contact page David Cameron.

We have sleepwalked into a dictatorship!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Behaviour Management

Behaviour ManagementIn Nanny's world she doesn't speak English, she uses a mangled mix of bullshit "management speak" and political/socialist double speak when communicating.



1 She is stupid.

2 She doesn't want people to understand what she is talking about, so she tries to be clever.

3 Her arguments wouldn't stand up to rigorous intellectual scrutiny if they were presented in English.

Such is the case for her stand wrt "behaviour management".

What pray tell is "behaviour management"?

In English, it is called smacking/chastising children when they behave like little shits.

David and Heather Bowen from Taunton have found to their cost that Nanny does not approve of "behaviour management".

The Bowens are foster parents who have been banned by Nanny from fostering, after they refused to stop smacking their natural child.

Nanny's adoption panel asked the Bowens to reconsider using physical discipline towards their daughter Emma, aged nine.

They refused, and have been blacklisted (that's a non word too these days isn't it?) over their "behaviour management".

Mr Bowen said:

"I am a parent governor at a local school, my wife works for the school parent teacher association, has been a special needs careers advisor and now works in the school. We both assist with children's work at our local church.

Based on the evidence presented to the council, we cannot understand why we are unsuitable and it seems that we have been excluded on the basis that we physically chastise our birth child, in accordance with our beliefs and UK law

Linda Barnett, head of children's services at Somerset County Council, said:

"In assessing parents' suitability for fostering we take into account a range of factors which we gather from extensive assessment and discussion with the potential carers.

In common with most other local authorities, Somerset has a foster carer's agreement which describes our belief about parenting.

Where carers have a very strong personal belief that differs from the foster carer agreement, it is potentially unfair to expect them to operate to a set of guidelines which conflicts with this.

Mr and Mrs Bowen have lodged an appeal and we are in discussion with them about the hearing of that appeal

It's not for the state to dictate to people what beliefs they may hold.

Little wonder that there is a shortage of good foster homes, if Nanny is so fussy about only hiring those with socio political beliefs that match her own.

Little wonder that "yoof" is so disaffected these days, as it needs boundaries. Nanny keeps removing the boundaries, what are kids and parents meant to do?

Could Nanny answer that please?

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Nanny Bans Replica Guns

Nanny Bans Replica Guns
In this age of fear and panic, whipped up by Nanny and a careless/slipshod media, it should come as no surprise to learn that there are elements of society who cower behind their curtains fearful of deranged gunmen and terrorists wandering the streets ready to slaughter thousands.

Common sense, and the concept of looking at the statistical probability of being shot/blown up have been thrown out of the window.

This point is amply demonstrated by the recent problems arising in Pickering, in Ryedale Yorkshire, over their regular war weekend where people dress in wartime uniform, complete with replica Second World War firearms.

Needless to say, one resident has got herself worked up by Nanny's scare stories and complained about the replica guns.

Margaret Devonshire wrote to both the town council and Ryedale's police commander, Inspector Helen Taylor, asking for the weapons to be banned.

She said:

"Why does the council allow people to roam the streets of Pickering during the war weekend, holding guns?

In this day and age when you can't tell the difference between a real and a replica gun, it should not be allowed and the council should ban them

Miss Devonshire made the same complaint last year too, something of a hobby for her by the sound of it.

She went on:

"With all the shootings and killings in this country, we should be thinking of our own youngsters and trying to protect them. I am not a fanatic, but someone who totally dislikes guns and the danger they bring, and I object to them on the streets of Pickering for any reason.

I want Pickering to be a safe town to live in and not one where people can carry guns.

Can you imagine how easy it would be for a 'nutter' to wander around our streets with a gun and end up shooting someone because he was able to carry a real gun, everyone thinking it was a replica

Former mayor Coun Margaret Lowe joined in:

"We take such a lot on trust. We have thousands of visitors come into Pickering for the weekend. Such an incident could happen."

Indeed it could, maybe, but then again it could happen if the maniac concealed his weapon too.

The banning of the prominent display of guns will not alter the risk of a nutter wandering down the street with a concealed weapon, and shooting the place up.

The ban only assuages the fears in the minds of a few paranoid people, by taking away the public display of an object that they dislike.

The risk factor of being slaughtered has not changed one iota!

The mayor, Coun Julie Hepworth, caught the paranoia too:

"We should probably stop and think about this.

We are seeing young people dying on our streets

Yes we are seeing young people dying on the streets (not thousands though), but these young people are usually involved in gang violence and are invariably being killed by knives.

Guns or knives used in these gang killings are concealed, therefore again the risk factor will not change simply because you have banned the public display of replica weapons at a special event.

Why are other events around the country allowed to proceed?

Cutlasses are used during a seafaring festival in Whitby, and the Sealed Knot battle re-enactment group used muskets and pikes.

Using Miss Devonshire's "logic", all films that are shot in public places would have to ban replica guns and weapons too.

The police check the replicas for use at the war weekend first.

Sgt Gary Ridler, of Ryedale police, said:

"The issue of the de-activated weapons has been broached on numerous occasions and we are normally given due notice that the relevant people will be carrying them.

There are no offences being committed

Therefore in order for someone to bring in a real gun, he would have to conceal it; which is exactly what he would do on a non war weekend.

Again, to repeat myself, the risk factor for being slaughtered by a nutter does not change by banning replica weapons at this one off event.

As ever in the Nanny state, one person with an axe to grind over "risk" seems to have a disproportionate amount of influence over the majority.

That is not a healthy state of affairs.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Nanny Bans Delia

Nanny Bans DeliaI see poor old Delia Smith is in trouble again over her latest cookery series "How To Cheat at Cooking".

In this she shows simple recipes using ready made ingredients, such as frozen mash and tinned mince. Personally speaking, as a self peeler/masher of spuds and eater of fresh flesh, I wouldn't often touch ready made stuff with a barge pole.

However, in emergencies I can see the logic of using tinned mince etc.

That being said, the use of ready made stuff was not Delia's crime in the eyes of Nanny. She is guilty of something far worse than that...

Cue a role on the drums...

Roll on The Drums

She uses salt in her cooking!

Worse than that, according to Consensus Action on Salt and Health (Cash) she uses far too much salt.

Cash claim that a single serving of one of the recipes, carbonara real quick, contained more than a whole day's recommended salt intake (7 metric tonnes, or something like that I believe...I was never very good with ounces and metrics).

Maybe so, but an indulgence once in a while won't kill you.

As ever with Nanny's anti salt obsession she ignores the facts:

1 We are all different shapes and sizes, therefore one person's daily limit is not another's

2 Sweat exudes salt, if you sweat a lot you need more salt

3 Drink water (although Nanny says that is not much use for you now) and you flush yourself out

4 Once in a blue moon won't kill you

5 I ate salt in little chunks as child, as I have told you before, and no harm ever came to me

6 Salt in less affluent times was a prized commodity, like bread, a necessary staple

Ignore Nanny and enjoy that extra salty carbonara!

Monday, April 07, 2008

Nanny Bans Drinking Games

Nanny Bans Drinking Games
Drinking games have been part and parcel of youthful exuberance since mankind first learnt how to ferment alcohol. Indeed, the yard of ale has ben a fixture in pubs for centuries.

However, Nanny's chums in Exeter university recently decided that as a result of the death of a student from excess booze, these games are to be banned.

Gavin Britton, an 18 year old student at Exeter University, died after drinking a Jackson Five (12 shots of alcohol) during an evening of pub golf, where drinks are sunk in a 'par' number of swigs.

Exeter University have now banned drinking games and initiation ceremonies.

A spokesman said:

"There has been an effort to get other universities to follow suit."

Here's why this is not going to work:

1 Young people do stupid things, that's part of growing up

2 Banning these games will have no effect, they will simply continue "behind closed doors"

3 Many young people take part in these games without dying

4 Banning them will simply make them more attractive and appealing

5 Parents should teach their children to treat alcohol with respect, before they release them to university/society (ie take them down the pub etc)

Nanny's ban is, for once, well intentioned. However, it is not the answer and will not work.

Saturday, April 05, 2008

So Shaken As We Are, So Wan With Care II

Following on from yesterday's soju fallout, I am back to my normal perky self:)

I followed the tried and tested formula of drinking gallons of water, as I have always done after such issues.

Now imagine my shock and dismay to read that Nanny (or some Nanny type "expert") claims that drinking water is not as health giving as previously thought.

How many times has Nanny trumpeted a product as being healthy, only to come back later and say it isn't?

- Smoking used to be considered good for the lungs, children were taught how to draw it in deep.

- Carrots, were once great for the eyes; now, apparently, not.

- Cocaine was sold over the counter at Harrods, in "Welcome" packs; Sherlock Holmes did his best thinking whilst unbder its influence.

- Eggs were once good, then they became bad, now they are good again.

- Milk, once good is now bad for you.

- Ditto cheese.

- Fish and chips an excellent source of protein, is now lumped in with all "evil" fast food.

- A glass of wine a day used to be alright, but Nanny now says pregnant women shouldn't drink.

It would seem that Nanny makes "medical" pronouncements on the basis of some very dodgy "evidence" and bends and twist in the wind of media opinion, changing her mind at the drop of a hat.

Is it any wonder that people don't listen to her?

Friday, April 04, 2008

So Shaken As We Are, So Wan With Care

Why...tell me this....does Nanny not put warning labels on Soju!

Thursday, April 03, 2008

A Question of Sex

Big Brother
There are no corners of our private lives that Nanny does not want to stick her wizened old features into.

Our eating habits, smoking habits, drug taking habits, drinking habits and ethnic origins have all been looked into by Nanny. Now comes, not unsurprisingly, our sexual orientation.

What the fark has that got to do with her?

Well, absolutely nothing at all. However, Nanny (or rather Nanny's chums) sees it differently.

Organisations applying for grants from the new Arts Council will now have to state how many of their board members are bisexual, gay, lesbian or "not known".

The council has said it needs to know about the sexuality of applicants, in order to understand who its audience are and where the funding is going.

No it doesn't!

Whatever someone's particular sexual tastes does not affect what they like/dislike wrt art...even if you are CEO of Formula One.

Audrey Roy, the director of grants said:

"We see diversity as broader than race, ethnicity, faith and disability."


Taking that to its logical conclusion means that Nanny will also be asking us about our height, weight, hair colour, ties we wear etc.

All of these add to the individual.

Were Nanny to really want to see/understand the true diversity of those under her charge, she would have to know all of the above and more.

Ms Roy said that it is not compulsory for applicants to fill in the new section.

Yet, rather ironically, the form advises people to do so.

What is the use of this?

The council claims that all details concerning sexuality will be for Government purposes only, and will not affect decisions in allocating funding.

Will they apply the same high quality data security procedures that HMRC did to the 25 million personal data records that it lost last year?

Now here is where it becomes rather interesting, the Department of Culture Media and Sport claims that Nanny actually doesn't want this data:

"We appreciate that as a responsible public body they need to monitor their overall grant-making programmes.

But it is absolutely not the case that sexual orientation monitoring is a government requirement

Someone is lying!

This best way to screw this up is to fill the form in with gibberish, such as revealing a taste for pandas.

The way to resist a bureaucratic dictatorship is to overload it with garbage.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Nanny Always Rings Twice

Nanny Always Rings TwiceOne of the great "joys" of life is receiving a call from a stranger who asks me if I want life insurance, loans, to swap phone provider etc.


Cold calling is one of the banes of life in the digital age (those of you who have been called by Contact4 may appreciate these articles here and here).

Therefore it should come as no surprise whatsoever to learn that Nanny intends to get in on the act.

Matt Tee, director of NHS Direct, recently postulated (can I say postulated here?) at a "stakeholder consultation" (why can't Nanny speak English like wot you and I speak?) that NHS Direct could in future "cold-call" specific people in deprived areas or hard-to-reach groups to offer them health services.

Tee said, rather threateningly to my view:

"We have got a good idea of where the most unhealthy people are living and, rather than waiting for them to come to us, should we not be going to them and offering them a free life check over the phone?

And if we think that they might have an issue with their diet or weight, we might refer them to a personal trainer

Nanny, it would seem, has a little list of fat people!

I don't care much for her keeping lists like this.

I most certainly don't care for the idea that Nanny will be cold calling me!