It never ceases to amaze me how on the one hand Nanny says that we must all get an educashun, yet on the other she dumbs it down.
Nanny's chums in De Montfort "university" Leicester have been so worried about upsetting their students, that they have lowered the passmark on the pharmacy exam to 26% to prevent widespread failure by the students.
It seems that 14% was arbitrarily added to the scores of trainee pharmacists, in order to save the university's reputation.
Nanny tried to keep this secret.
However, Richard Thomas, the Information Commissioner ruled that De Montfort was wrong to withhold documents because they might damage its reputation and commercial interests.
De Montfort, a former polytechnic, had denied claims that pass rates were manipulated.
This claim appears to be bollocks!
Marks were raised for five modules, one of which was maths, an essential component of the training of hospital and high street pharmacists.
Several lecturers actually had some backbone and integrity, and were opposed to tampering with the marks. They were of the belief that the "university" had recruited weak students who were "not up to the rigours of the programme".
Needless to say they have been overruled by Larry Goodyear, the head of the pharmacy school, who said he did not want to be
the head of a school that failed 50 per cent of students at the first assessment attempt".
In other words, he wanted to cover up his own failings!
Sack him!
He even tried to intimidate staff, their word not mine, by warning of redundancies if so many students were failed and forced to re-sit before the second year.
Marks for five modules were increased by 3%, 6%, 9%, 12% and 14%; depending on how badly the students had performed.
The lowering of the pass rate happened in 2004, the students are now in their final year of the qualification.
The university was also forced to disclose a letter from external examiners who said the upgrading was "deplorable" and "improper".
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain has put the pharmacy course on probation, and is monitoring the implementation of a five-point action plant.
A De Montfort spokesman bulshitted by saying:
every confidence in the quality and robustness of the pharmacy modules and course, in the staff that teach the modules and in our students".
What a load of crap!
We do ourselves no favours by awarding useless degrees to moronic students who will end up the rest of their lives in penury, with their hands held out waiting to be given a handout.
The world does not owe anyone a living.
Education is a privilege, not a right!