It is official, Nanny has decreed that all British adults are paedophiles unless they can prove otherwise.
That is the conclusion that we must draw from the absurd rules being imposed by Reigate and Banstead Council, which insists that all football players in the local park (Woodmansterne Recreation Grounds in Banstead) have a criminal records check.
Now why is this such an idiotic rule?
Just ask Darren Chapman, who was trying to play football with his children and their 7 year old friends.
Can you guess what happened children?
Yes, that's right, because Mr Chapman refused to have a CRB check he was arrested when trying to play football with his own family. He spent 5 hours in jail for his "crime" of not obeying the council.
The council demands that all players must undergo a criminal records check, pay for insurance (
aha...kerching!!!!) and apply for formal permission for the game.
Mr Chapman, who was eventually released without charge, said:
All we want to do is have a kickabout with the lads twice a week so they can keep sharp for when their league's training starts again, and we can't."
The troubles began when Mr Chapman began staging regular games for his children and their seven-year-old friends at Woodmansterne Recreation Grounds in Banstead, Surrey.
The local council, Reigate and Banstead Council, told him in February to stop the activity immediately and demanded proof of a Criminal Records Bureau check, insurance and that he make a formal request to use the park area for organised training activities.
Mr Chapman ignored the knobheads in the council, and continued the games regardless. On July 1 Mr Chapman organised a protest picnic, the police arrived at the grounds and arrested him.
Seemingly the police had it in their minds that Mr Chapman was threatening to cause "criminal damage".
A jobsworth from the local council said:
Unfortunately, although Mr Chapman has been advised on how he can work with the council to obtain the authorised use of the designated areas, to date he has failed to comply with the council's usual procedure."
There you are folks, if you don't obey your local council's rules and regulations you will be arrested!
The enemy of the people is the state and its local lickspittles the councils.
A Surrey Police spokesman gave a meaningless response, saying that their "
actions were proportionate throughout the arrest procedure" and subsequent enquiry.
Brain dead bureaucrats who choose not to think about what they are doing always trot out the line that "procedures were followed". They ignore the bleeding obvious point that the procedures may well be bollocks, and that people should use their brains and take the initiative when dealing with the "real world".
Sadly the wrong people are employed by Nanny in the wrong jobs, and the people of Britain are suffering as a result of this.
There will be a reckoning though, as those who live and work in the real world react against the increased taxes and demands being made upon them by Nanny to support her ever burgeoning public sector.
Nanny's child centric policies assume that all adults are paedophiles, unless they pay to prove otherwise. This creates a very nasty and unhealthy divide between children and adults, which is contributing to the feral nature of some of Britain's streets; as adults and children split off into their own little self contained worlds.
Nanny is the child abuser here, not the British public.BTW, it's a Tory council of course.
Here's David Cameron's email to tell him what you think:
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