Oh dear, there has been a veritable slurry of stories this week about eco fascist councils and Nanny's "jobsworths" imposing high handed draconian rules and regulations on the time honoured art of waste disposal.
I mean, Nanny is sticking her nose into our rubbish bins!
Plymouth council (a Tory one, that should know better) is the latest in a line of councils to don their jackboots, and stomp over people's rubbish bins. The council will be issuing an edict informing the good citizens of Plymouth that families will be forced to name somebody to be in charge of their rubbish, under the council's "zero tolerance" approach to bin collections.
How about a zero tolerance approach to robbery, muggings and scum on the streets?
The hapless individual who "volunteers" to be "Bin Master" faces £100 fines and a criminal record (yes, a criminal record!) if their household puts the wrong rubbish in its wheelie bins, puts them out too soon, or puts them in the wrong place.
Just to remind you...
This is a Tory council!
Plymouth Council is living up to my oft stated belief that local councils are fit for nothing, aside from raising tax and imposing petty unpleasant rules on their local populations, and should be abolished.
The "Bin Master" (or "Mistress") will also be expected to give council officials a breakdown of everyone who lives in their home, together with intimate information including details of medical conditions.
They will even be asked to number babies and toddlers who use disposable nappies.
Think you can avoid this?
The council are threatening to fine people who do not comply with orders from the council.
The "Bin Master/Mistress" must submit their name, their age, and their signature.
"If you fail without reasonable excuse to comply with any requirement specified in this notice you will be liable on summary conviction to a fine."
One question in the forms is particularly "amusing":
"reasons why a member of your household generates more rubbish than average (eg a medical condition)."
So what happens if people from other families throw their excess rubbish into your bin?
Should we be locking our bins now?
The only way to stop this absurd nonsense is for everyone who receives one of these forms to refuse to fill it in. Only a 100% boycott will show the idiots in the council who really hold the whip hand.
Feel free to tell Plymouth Council what you think of them:
I would also recommend that you tell David Cameron too, it's absurd ideas like this that will stop him kicking Nu Labour out of orifice.
Roll back the frontiers of the state, and reclaim your lives and freedom!
-Contact Cameron
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