Nanny gets some strange ideas into her head, when it comes to her so called "health and safety" agenda.
In her narrow view of the world, if we are not wrapped in cotton wool, then we are exposed to all manner of unacceptable threats and risks; needless to say, she believes that she is the only person on the planet capable of managing these risks.
Nanny is a control freak, and the most effective way for her to control us (and remain in power) is to make us dependent on her; ie she is trying to reduce us to a helpless infantile state.
Anyhoo, Nanny's latest obsession is glass; she has noticed that glass can, on occasions, cut people.
Therefore her chums in the Glasgow Licensing Board, funny how most of the really daft Nanny stuff seems to emanate from Scotland, have decided to ban glass in all bars and pubs in Glasgow from January.
Bloody hell!
Have you ever tried to drink beer, lager, wine or whisky from plastic?
It's farking awful!!!!
Needless to say, such a stooooopid idea has caused a wee rumpus.
Ken Storrie, the owner of the internationally-renowned Pot Still, said that he would rather lose his licence than serve his vast selection of malts, which cost up to £250 a nip, in plastic cups.
By the way, the ban will also prevent people from buying bottles of wine or champagne.
The Scottish Beer and Pub Association has asked the Court of Session for a judicial review of the Glasgow Licensing Board's decision to introduce the ban.
Councillor Gordon Macdiarmid, the board's convener, said:
It is astonishing that anyone in the 21st century should seek to place the protection of glass receptacles ahead of the safety of their patrons."
What a Twat!
It's astonishing to me that these people are allowed to go out in the street unsupervised, let alone hold office!
Seemingly Macdiarmid, who evidently has no social life at all, has campaigned for years to make Glasgow the first 'glass-free' city in the world.
You would be forgiven for thinking that I made the last bit up...but no, this man really is a sad little twat!
Macdiarmid claims that his campaign is based on "evidence", Nanny's manipulation of "evidence" to support her daft ideas is well known, as well as demands from parents of "glassing" victims, surgeons and the police.
Waht about the glass bottles that whisky and some beers are contained in then?
Storrie thinks that the whole idea is bollocks, his range of over 500 malts is served in specially-designed Glencairn crystal glasses.
His refusal to sign up to the scheme means that he will initially lose his regular extended opening hours. A continued refusal to comply or seek an exemption could cost him his licence.
A VisitScotland spokesperson said:
The ban could present a message to visitors that Glasgow is unsafe."
This is beyond belief, we have all seen Taggart and know that Glasgow is not the "softest" city in the world. However, the majority of the city's population manage to get on with their daily lives without having a glass stuffed in their face. I myself have been there many times, and in spite of the fact that I am English, managed to not get "glassed".
I would at this point tell you about the argument in a bar that took place one night, whereby one of the protagonists left for a few mintues to return wielding a Claymore.
Glasses were not needed that night.
Bloody stupid idea, from pathetic people who have nothing better to do with their lives.
It sets a very dangerous precedent; Nanny will be banning knives, sawn off shot guns and sarin next!