Yes, I mean oral exams in a foreign language!
Nanny is worried that the orals are way too stressful for little "Timmy" and "Jocasta", and as such they might have to be abolished.
I well remember at the tender age of 15 waiting nervously outside the interview room for my French oral (no sniggering please!). I had run through all the possible permutations re Q&A's wrt ordering a meal in a restaurant, and what I did on holiday.
Needless to say the best laid plans of mice and Ken went awry that day, the examiner chose to discuss what I liked to do in my free time.
Suffice to say I made a bold attempt to direct my limited conversational French towards my free time enjoyment of ordering food in restaurants and going on holiday.
I gained a "C" grade in French at O Level, as my Form master often remarked "Lads, don't have an orgasm if you get a 'C' in French O Level, it means you can't speak the language".
Wise words indeed!
Anyhoo, it has been reported that the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority might adopt a recommendation to rely on teacher assessments instead of orals in response to a review of language teaching by Lord Dearing.
The review said one-off oral tests were not a reliable guide to ability.
Lord Dearing's report warned that the stress of oral exams might deter young people from signing up to take languages.
"It is interesting that when people spoke about the oral test, that however long ago it may have been, it is often remembered as a stressful experience.
We therefore proposed that these parts of the examination should be over a period through moderated teacher assessment."
Yes, of course it's stressful, all interviews are stressful.
That is the reality of life!
We do not serve children well if we constantly seek to shield them from the harsh and unpleasant realities of life, and wrap them in cotton wool.
However, it seems that Nanny has not yet decided as to whether the orals will be banned; coming to a decision, it seems, is too stressful for her.