As we know Nanny firmly believes that all adults are paedophiles, unless they prove otherwise.
It should therefore come as no surprise to learn that Nanny's minions are officially vetting parents who want to accompany their children to Christmas carol services and other festive activities.
Somersham primary school in Cambridgeshire is taking no chances that any of its pupils' parents may in fact be child predators. Therefore any parent who wishes to accompany their own child/children on the 10 minute (yes I said 10 minute) walk to a morning carol service must be vetted first.
At this point I would like to mention the obvious:
1 It is a 10 minute walk
2 It is in broad daylight
3 There will be several adults (parents, police and teachers there)
What the fark can seriously happen?
Somersham isn't the only school to be infected with the anti adult hysteria that has infected our "beloved" child centred government and tabloid driven political agenda (isn't it ironic that the shouty tabloids who are saying this vetting is stupid, are the same shouty tabloids who bleated for stronger child protection laws a few years ago and conducted a witch hunt for paedophiles?). Other primaries have instituted vetting for parents attending Christmas discos on school premises. Some schools require checks on parents who volunteer to walk with children from the school to post letters to Father Christmas.
Parents will have to provide schools with proof of their identity, such as a passport, as well as their address, so their records can be checked.
People with even a modicum of commonsense can see that not only is this absurd, it is dangerous (as it institutes fear and mistrust between adults and children, thus creating an even greater gap between them).
However, those who worship Nanny (eg bureaucrats, local government staff, politicians and seemingly a large number of teachers) have long since lost any commonsense that they may have once had. In fact it would seem that these professions now only attract people with zero commonsense, a fear of any form of risk and a rabid enthusiasm for state control.
This form of action is tantamount to child abuse, as it poisons the relationship between adult and child.
The people who institute this vetting should be removed from office and prosecuted for child abuse.
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